City of Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns | City of Geneva
City of Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns | City of Geneva
City of Geneva City Council met Feb. 18
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Geneva City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Kevin Burns at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Elected Officials present:
Alderpersons: Anaïs Bowring, Mike Bruno, Dean Kilburg, Brad Kosirog, William Malecki, Amy Mayer, Martha Paschke, Robert Swanson.
Mayor Kevin Burns, City Clerk Vicki Kellick.
Elected Officials attending by video or teleconference: None.
Elected Officials absent: Becky Hruby, Richard Marks.
Others Present: Assistant City Administrator Ben McCready, City Attorney Ron Sandack, Water Division Superintendent Bob Van Gyseghem, Public Works Director Rich Babica, Director of Community Development David DeGroot, Fire Chief Michael Antenore.
Others attending by video or teleconference: None.
Mayor Burns invited Piper and Ashley Nuzzo-Ericksen to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consider Mayor’s Appointments of Mark Kloet and Ashley Nuzzo-Ericksen to the Strategic Plan Advisory Committee.
Moved by Ald. Bowring, Seconded by Ald. Mayer.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote of those present.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MS4) Stormwater Quality Program Update by Dan Bounds with Baxter and Woodman Consulting Engineers.
Supt. Van Gyseghem stated that this is the annual report to the City Council as specified the permit. He introduced Dan Bounds who assists the City with compliance in regards to the permit. Mr. Bounds explained that this concerns the quality, not the quantity, of stormwater runoff that gets into the separate storm sewer system. The City must comply with many requirements of the Illinois EPA such as stormwater pollution prevention, water quality monitoring, municipal staff training, and documentation requirements. The City’s stormwater management plan and past few annual reports are on the City’s website. Additionally, he noted that six minimum control measures have been established. He also noted that water quality monitoring is required and that the City participates within the Fox River Study Group and its efforts. The data and information is available for public review and he asked that questions be directed to the Public Works Department.
On a question by Ald. Bowring, Mr. Bounds noted that permits have a five-year duration. The permit expired in 2021 and the City is still waiting for re-issuance of the permit from the Illinois EPA.
On a question by Ald. Kilburg, Mr. Bounds explained that salting the roads keeps them safe but that it is also important to consider water quality after salting. As salt dissolves, it elevates the chloride levels in the water. He noted that this is more of a concern towards the City of Chicago and that the Fox River is not impaired with chlorides as are waterways in large communities.
All Items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member so requests in which event the item will be removed from the Omnibus (Consent) Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. All items on the Omnibus Agenda require a simple majority vote unless otherwise indicated.
*February Revenue Report
*November and December Financial Reports
Moved by Ald. Paschke, Seconded by Ald. Kosirog.
AYES: 8 (Bowring, Bruno, Kilburg, Kosirog, Malecki, Mayer, Paschke, Swanson)
ABSENT: 2 (Hruby, Marks)
Third Quarter FY25 Goals Update
Moved by Ald. Bowring, Seconded by Ald. Paschke.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote of those present.
Moved by Ald. Bruno, Seconded by Ald. Bowring.
AYES: 8 (Bowring, Bruno, Kilburg, Kosirog, Malecki, Mayer, Paschke, Swanson)
ABSENT: 2 (Hruby, Marks)
Consider Resolution No. 2025-13 Declaring Public Works Vehicles and Equipment as Surplus Property.
Moved by Ald. Bowring, Seconded by Ald. Paschke.
On a question by Ald. Kosirog, Admin. McCready explained that the City coordinates with the fleet division to get the vehicles listed through a competitive auction service.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote of those present.
Consider Resolution No. 2025-14 Authorizing Publication of the Updated 2025 City of Geneva Zoning Map.
Moved by Ald. Mayer, Seconded by Ald. Bruno.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote of those present.
Consider Resolution No. 2025-15 Restating and Extending the Site Plan Approval Granted for a 156,000 Square-Foot Industrial Building and Associated Site Improvements by 1203 Fabyan Parkway, LLC.
Moved by Ald. Bowring, Seconded by Ald. Mayer.
On a question by Ald. Swanson, Dir. DeGroot explained that the request is to extend the approval for one year. If no permit is pulled in that time, the applicant would have to request another extension or seek new zoning approvals if another project replaces the current plan. Ald. Swanson commented that his concern is the economic viability of this project which could not be discussed earlier. He noted that he is not comfortable approving this extension as a result of the lack of economic viability of the project.
Ald. Malecki commented that the developer is assuming the risk regarding the project but does agree with Ald. Swanson that if an extension request keeps coming before the Council, it would be worth giving the project another look.
On a question by Ald. Kosirog, Dir. DeGroot noted that the site plan approval is for a 156,000 sq. ft. industrial building. If they come back with that plan, they just need to apply for a building permit.
Ald. Kilburg stated that he was frustrated because this is a sizable investment in the development of the property, but the developer hasn’t appeared before the Council to ask for and explain their reasons for an extension. Dir. DeGroot noted that they encourage applicants to attend City Council meetings.
Ald. Bowring stated that there is good reason to give the developer the benefit of the doubt and move forward with the extension. Ald. Mayer noted that it would send the wrong message to developers to deny the extension as this is a routine request.
AYES: 7 (Bowring, Bruno, Kilburg, Kosirog, Malecki, Mayer, Paschke)
ABSENT: 2 (Hruby, Marks)
NAYS: 1 (Swanson)
Consider Resolution No. 2025-16 Reversing the January 22, 2025 Determination of the Historic Preservation Commission to Deny the Removal of Historic, Exterior Siding and Trim at 418 S. Fifth Street.
Moved by Ald. Bruno, Seconded by Ald. Kosirog.
T.J. Bollinger of K&S General Contracting is the contractor working with the homeowner Julie Hughes. Mr. Bollinger explained that the Historic Preservation Commission has denied a new siding permit for the applicant’s home twice. The decision was based on the fact that not enough of the cladding boards were considered unsalvageable at the time of the permit application, and the price of the repair wasn’t significant. Mr. Bollinger stated that he does not agree with the decision. At the time he inspected the home, Mr. Bollinger found approximately 60% of the boards and trim plus 100% of the soffit and fascia to be unsalvageable.
While 40% of the boards were not unsalvageable at the time of the permit application, they were not in good or fair condition and were 1-4 years from being unsalvageable. He explained that the boards would be replaced with LP Smartside, which is a natural wood product, and that all historical elements on the house would remain consistent. The cost of repairs only included like-for-like repairs. It did not include matching of the trim quarter rounds as LP Smartside does not make that product. The cost of a 60% repair is $10,000 more than to do an entire replacement. To replace the entire home in cedar siding would cost approximately $103,000 which is prohibitive to the homeowner.
Ms. Hughes noted that she has scraped and painted the house twice since it was purchased in 2009 at considerable cost. She doesn’t want to keep doing this and has noted that other homes in the historic district have utilized LP Smartside or Hardie Board.
Ald. Bruno stated that because the petitioner is a neighbor and friend, he will abstain from voting.
Historic Preservation Commission Chair Paul Zellmer stated that the HPC rejected the permit proposal once. When the HPC understood that the proposal as presented would not pass, it gave the petitioner information and a chance to return with an updated proposal. Mr. Zellmer noted that the HPC decisions are based on the Secretary of the Interior (SOI) standards within the City ordinance. Those decisions consider how historic structures should be renovated or revised. As a result, the HPC considers the first option to be to repair or replace in kind. If that cannot be done, the second option is to replace in kind completely, and finally to repair or replace using a different material. Based on the petitioner’s proposal, the cost for repair and replacement in kind was lower in cost than replacing with LP Smartside or cedar siding in both the original and subsequent meetings. Mr. Zellmer noted that the HPC provided options to the contractor, including the fact that using LP Smartside on parts of the home other than the street side might be acceptable. The HPC voted according to the SOI standards.
A discussion took place among the alderpersons regarding the applicant’s proposal and various outcomes. Mr. Zellmer noted that the HPC voted on what was presented to it. The HPC has standards for salvageability but also considers the cost to the applicant. Mr. Zellmer noted that the applicant provided a proposal to repair and replace and the HPC felt that that was an appropriate response to the issues with the home as it met the SOI standards. Dir. DeGroot noted that the applicants can reapply as soon as the next day if the application is different from that upon which the HPC already ruled. Dir. DeGroot stated that new information was sent to him in an email before this meeting and that the applicant can reapply for the permit with that new information.
AYES: 1 (Kilburg)
ABSENT: 2 (Hruby, Marks)
NAYS: 6 (Swanson) (Bowring, Kosirog, Malecki, Mayer, Paschke, Swanson)
ABSTAIN: 1 (Bruno)
There being no further business, moved by Ald. Kosirog to adjourn the Geneva City Council meeting.
MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote of those present.
The meeting adjourned at 8:39 PM.