
Kane County Reporter

Monday, March 17, 2025

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Feb. 11

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Leah Leman, Ward 2 Alderwoman | City of Batavia Website

Leah Leman, Ward 2 Alderwoman | City of Batavia Website

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Feb. 11

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call:

Present: Barazza, Beck, Pieper, Malone, Baerren, Ajazi, Cerone (remotely), Solfa*, Uher**, Vogelsinger⁺

Absent: Malay, Wolff, Lanci, Leman

Also Present: Laura Newman, City Administrator; Max Weiss, Assistant City Administrator; Mayor Schielke; Scott Beuening, Director of Community and Economic Development; Gary Holm, Director of Public Works; Wendy Bednarek, Director of Human Resources; Drew Rackow, Planning and Zoning Officer; Andrea Podraza, Assistant Director of Public Works; Peggy Colby, Finance Director, Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner; Batavia Fire Chief Craig Hanson; Peter Gerardi, Recording Secretary

*Ald. Solfa joined the meeting at 7:02 p.m.

2. Reminder: Please Speak Directly Into Microphone For BATV Recording

3. Approve Minutes For: January 28, 2025

Motion: Approve Minutes as Presented

Maker: Beck

Second: Lanci

Voice Vote: 8 Aye, 0 Nay, 6 Absent, Motion Carries

**Ald. Uher joined the meeting at 7:04 p.m.

4. Items Removed/Added/Changed


5. Matters From The Public (For Items NOT On Agenda)


6. Consent Agenda:

a. Resolution 2025-020-R: Amendment to the 2024 Budget for Interfund Transfers

b. Resolution 2025-009-R: Authorization to Purchase a 2025 Hybrid Ford Maverick Truck from Fair Oaks Ford of Naperville, Illinois, for $33,956.00 (SH 02/05/25)

c. Resolution 2025-021-R: Authorization to Purchase a 2021 Sewer Camera Trailer from StandardEquipment Company of Elmhurst, Illinois, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 (SH 1/24/25)

d. Ordinance 2025-011: Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in theIllinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN)

e. Resolution 2025-015-R: Authorizing Supplement #1 for Construction Engineering Services for thePrairie Street and Wilson Street Intersection Improvements Project (Stage 2) with V3 Companies, Ltd in the amount of $43,163.00 (TFG CS 1/23/25)

f. Ordinance 2025-014: Declaring Certain Property to be Surplus and Authorizing Sale (SH 02/05/25)

g. Resolution 2025-023-R: Authorizing Execution of Contract with Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC for Water Main Replacement on Bernadette Ln & S Batavia Ave (JPB PU 2/3/25)

h. Resolution 2025-022-R: Authorizing Execution of Task Order No. 50 with EngineeringEnterprises, Inc. for Construction Engineering Services of the Water Main Replacement on Bernadette & S Batavia Ave (JPB PU 2/3/25)

i. Resolution 2025-024-R: Abating $410,456.26 for the tax heretofore levied for the tax year 2024 to pay debt service on $6,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017 of the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois (LP 2/07/25) PU

j. Resolution 2025-025-R: Abating $700,400 for the tax heretofore levied for the tax year 2024 to pay debt service on $3,195,000 General Obligation Bonds (Refunding series 2019) of the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois (LP 2/07/25) PU

k. Resolution 2025-026-R: Abating $256,000 for the tax heretofore levied for the tax year 2024 to pay debt service on $4,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020 for the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois (LP 2/07/25) PU

l. Resolution 2025-027-R: Abating $1,493,050 for the tax heretofore levied for the tax year 2024 to pay debt service on $22,570,000 General Obligation Bonds (Refunding Series 2015) of The City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois (LP 2/07/25) PU

m. Resolution 2025-028-R: Authorizing Task Order #10D with Baxter 7 Woodman, Inc. for the GIS/GPS Stormwater Utility Field Data Collection in the amount not-to-exceed $75,000.00 (AMP2/7/25) PU

Motion: Approve Consent Agenda as Presented

Maker: Beck

Second: Solfa

Voice Vote: 9 Aye, 0 Nay, 5 Absent, Motion Carries.

⁺Ald. Vogelsinger arrived at 7:06 p.m.

7. Ordinance 2025-013: Grant of Variance for Building Setbacks for 414 S Batavia Avenue (DMR 2/6/25) CD

Drew Rackow gave the staff report indicating this Ordinance grants two sets of variances for an R3 zoned property which would be demolished. Building setbacks for a new duplex allows for a side perimeter for a 9 foot side yard and a 9 foot landscape area along the south property line and the two other variances address an existing garage that will remain. He noted that several members spoke at the Plan Commission meeting and the general concern was drainage but would be reviewed and evaluated during the permitting process.

Motion: Approve Ordinance as Presented

Maker: Solfa

Second: Uher

Voice Vote: 10 Aye, 0 Nay, 4 Absent, Motion Carries.

8. Discussion: Energy Audits and Rebate FRP Submittals

Max Weiss made a brief summary of the presentation guidelines for a potential rebate program. Valencia Roner, General Manager with Energy Infrastructure Partners spoke first. She gave a brief presentation indicating the proposal includes working with local energy audit vendors and market rate customers. For those residents who participate to provide rebates of $75.00 then an additional $150.00 for improvements made based on recommendations. She noted that the company works with utilities and cities throughout the country and works with their administrations to design what works best for a municipality. Roner indicated that standard installations address leakages and make a home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Ald. Solfa inquired about the focus of the program. Roner indicated that the program would be open to everyone, market rate customers, HOAs and business owners are the target with the goal of trying to hit 10% low to moderate income.

Craig Schneider Principal at Sustained Ability Construction noted that the first proposal is similar to current rebate programs offered by ComEd and Nicor. Schneider said he is a weatherization contractor and has implemented energy efficiency improvements. He said his proposal will incentivize energy efficiency for two or three dozen residents by offering rebates of $1000 to those over 80% of the average daily income (ADI) level and $3000 to those under the 80% that threshold. He noted that the City already has an acceptable energy modeling software to determine quantifiable and verifiable energy savings through an IRS compliant energy audit. A side benefit of the proposal is the encouragement of electrification.

Ald. Malone confirmed with Schneider that the 25 or so participants would get a full audit at no cost and then a rebate based on the 80 % ADI threshold if improvements are done. Ald. Solfa asked about the selection process for residents and the 80% ADI in Batavia. Schneider said he prefers a first come first served method and 80% ADI is $62,000 in Batavia. Ald. Pieper asked if older homes would be a priority. Schneider said in the first year residents are attracted to participate and in the second year priority is based on the data. Laura Newman noted that both presenters have an opportunity to provide additional information to the City before a decision is made.

9. Discussion: Single-Use Bag Fee Education Campaign

Gary Ricke of Orvis Marketing gave a brief presentation of his proposal. He indicated his specialization is short videos and the core of his proposal would be similar to the Road Diet and Street Stories with the Mayor videos which were done with BHS students. He added that he would interview experts and discuss this topic and distribute the videos in a high volume manner. He noted that reusable bags with prints from local artists would be also available. Ald. Vogelsinger asked Ricke how he analyzed viewership. He said the number of views of the video is used to quantify engagement. Ricke said the average video cost ranges $1000 to $7000 and he tried to keep his videos under $100 each. Ald. Malone asked how he envisions the short form videos being used as a persuasion tool. Ricke said he would want the City to provide people to tell me why and have a conversation with those experts. Ald. Barren asked Ricke if he had worked on a controversial program. He noted that those are the best kinds and he made an example of people from the City speaking on the Road Diet video which was controversial.

Melanie Santostefano from Vicarious Multimedia was introduced next by Weiss. Santostefano said she envisions a multimedia approach to make sure everybody is reached. In addition to videos the approach includes promoting communication on all social media channels, an informative website, at least one in-person event such as an open house and one postcard to all about the program. Ald. Malone asked about her view of persuasion from a government-citizen standpoint. Santostefano indicated it's about helping them understand why sustainable practices are necessary and the cost of not doing it. Ald. Solfa asked about the effectiveness of a multimedia campaign. Santostefano indicated that videos are great but not everyone watches videos so this proposal will hit everyone. Newman noted that both presenters have an opportunity to provide the City with additional information before a decision is made.

10. Discussion: Self Storage Facility Tax

Rackow introduced the discussion indicating many home rule communities have a self storage tax and most are at 5%. He said that examples at each facility averaged about $15,000 per year per facility in tax revenue. He noted that generally speaking for outdoor spaces the tax could be $5 per month and for a $500 per month space the tax would be about $25 per month. He noted the City’s intention is to eventually inform storage companies in town. Ald. Baerren: asked who is the closest neighbor that implements this and if they do they also have a business registration fee. Rackow indicated Carpentersville was closest in Kane County while the one they reviewed with a registration fee was in Cook County. Ald. Solfa asked if St Charles and Geneva had the tax. Rackow said Geneva is not home rule and Saint Charles does not. Ald. Malone indicated there is not a great need in terms of revenue but has value as a way to direct where self storage is located but would like to see long term effects and how it worked in other communities. Laura Newman said zoning is a tool to restrict self storage on Randall Road and also indicated a significant gap between revenues and expenses in the budget. Ald. Uher cautioned where rates are higher, people might go elsewhere. Newman added the people want their items as close as possible. Rackow added that the trade area for self storage is smaller than you might expect compared to traditional commercial.

11. Ordinance 2025-010: An Ordinance authorizing the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties,Illinois, to issue Waterworks Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,000,000 in evidence of loans issued pursuant to the Public Water Supply Loan Program. (PC) PU

Peggy Colby indicated this authorizes the City’s IEPA loan application for lead service line replacement. She said the City’s engineers expect bids to come in under $7,000,000 adding its a 0% loan for 30 years. Ald. Barren asked how Illinois gets the money to loan and is there a guarantee that we will get the loan. Colby said there is no guarantee and if the City does not get the loan then we have to reconsider the project noting that some of the funding is State and some Federal. Gary Holm indicated that the funds received for water and wastewater are revolving loans which means as it get s paid back it goes to another community and leads to more security in that funds will be there if the loan is taken out. Ald. Beck asked how many homes this phase covers. Newman indicated that there were over 800 homes covered.

Motion: Approve Ordinance as Presented

Maker: Beck

Second: Uher

Voice Vote: 10 Aye, 0 Nay, 4 Absent, Motion Carries.

12. Project Status:

Newman said that the City was awarded Transportation Project of the Year (less than $5 MM) for the Wilson Street and Prairie Street intersection improvements by the American Public Works Association Fox Valley Branch. She added the City is going to receive a $500,000 grant from the IEPA Green Infrastructure Grant Program for the Mahoney Creek stream restoration in Michael Wild Park. Andrea Podraza added that the City also applied for a 319 grant but have not heard back. Newman said the chat bot on the website is now active.

13. Other:


14. Executive Session

a. Personnel

b. Purchase of Real Estate

Motion: To enter Executive Session at 8:30 p.m.

Maker: Solfa

Second: Uher

Voice Vote: 10 Aye, 0 Nay, 4 Absent, Motion Carries.

15. Adjourn

Motion: To exit Executive Session and adjourn Regular Session at 9:48 p.m.

Maker: Uher

Second: Malone

Voice Vote: 10 Aye, 0 Nay, 4 Absent, Motion Carries.




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