
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

City of Aurora City Council will meet Feb. 25

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The Aurora, Illinois skyline | WikipediA

City of Aurora City Council will meet Feb. 25 

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Members of the public wishing to provide public comment for this meeting must be physically present at the meeting and registered to speak prior to the meeting being called to order. Call the City Clerk's Office at (630) 256-3070 with questions. Please refer to the last page of this agenda for information regarding translation & reasonable accommodation requests.








24-0572 A Resolution to award the Middlebury Dr to LaJolla Ct Water Main project located in Ward 9 to H. Linden & Sons Sewer and Water, Inc. in the bid amount of $438,280.

24-0880 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into an agreement with Great Lakes Urban Forestry of Batavia, IL in the amount of $150,000 to conduct a Tree Inventory and develop an Urban Forestry Management Plan.

24-0913 A Resolution authorizing the execution of an Engineering Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company in the not to exceed amount of $315,979.00, and the appropriation of $315,979.00 of MFT Funds for the 2025-2026 Bridge Inspections.

24-0954 A Resolution authorizing City to accept a grant award of $18,503.76 from the FY25 Illinois Department of Transportation State & Community Highway Safety / National Priority Safety Programs Grant.

24-1005 An Ordinance Annexing Property Located at 40 W 098 Galena Boulevard to the City of Aurora, Illinois, 60506.

25-0017 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to implement Phase 1 of a digital signage solution from Hypersign, LLC, Drayton, SC, and Cipher Technology Solutions for a total award of $189,125.00.

25-0069 A Resolution establishing the maximum number of Class C: Specialty On-Site Consumption liquor licenses (unofficially related to the application from Whitney's Love LLC at 302 W Indian Trl, Ste A). [Ward 6]

25-0076 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Amendment to a Design Phase Engineering Agreement in the not-to-exceed amount of $14,800 and execute a Construction Phase Engineering Agreement in the not-to-exceed amount of $102,300 with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. This resolution will also authorize an Agency Agreement with the State of Illinois for the Rehabilitate Airfield Lighting Vault (ARR-4915) and Replace Vault Generator (ARR-5117) projects located at the Aurora Municipal Airport.

25-0079 An Ordinance Establishing a Conditional Use Planned Development, Approving the Las Rosas Plan Description and amending Chapter 49 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Aurora, by modifying the zoning map attached thereto to an underlying zoning of R-5 Multiple-Family Dwelling District, R-4 Two-Family Dwelling District and R-2 One-Family Dwelling District for the property located at 550 2nd Avenue and 545-563 E. Benton Street

25-0080 A Resolution Approving the Final Plat for Lots 1-3 of Las Rosas Subdivision located at 550 2nd Avenue and 545-563 E. Benton Street

25-0081 A Resolution Approving a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development

25-0089 A Resolution authorizing acceptance of the low bid from Golf Acquisition Group, LLC for maintenance and repairs of the APD Parking Deck in the amount of $111,417.00, and a ten percent (10%) contingency of $11,141.00.

25-0098 A Resolution Awarding the 2025 Sewer Televising Contract to Pipe View, LLC DBA Pipe View America in the amount of six hundred forty eight thousand, eight hundred sixty dollars and zero cents ($648,860.00).

25-0099 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into an agreement with Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc. in the amount of $1,006,500.00 for the 2025 Citywide Pavement Patching for Water and Sewer Maintenance.

25-0101 A Resolution approve the purchase of 31 United Shield Brand Ballistic Shields and accessories from MES/Lawmen Supply of Deer Creek, Illinois in the amount of $70,000.00.

25-0106 A Resolution authorizing the purchase of golf course maintenance equipment from Reinders, Inc., using Sourcewell cooperative contract for $297,053.00.

25-0112 A Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Aurora and the Aurora Township Highway Department for the resurfacing of Molitor Road.

25-0113 A Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Aurora and Naperville Township for the resurfacing of Molitor Road.

25-0120 A Resolution approving the First Amendment and Second Amendment to the SunCode leases at the Aurora Municipal Airport.


25-0142 Approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, February 11, 2025, City Council Meeting.

25-0125 An Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of a Special Service Area for Stormwater Management Purposes to be Designated as SSA 221 SEK Surebond, Related to Real Property Commonly Known as 624 W. Illinois Avenue and Calling for a Public Hearing Thereon PIN(s) 15-16-378-005, 15-16-378-007 and 15-16-378-008.

25-0126 An Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of a Special Service Area for Stormwater Management Purposes to be Designated as SSA 222 Seefried Butterfield Lot 502, Related to Real Property Commonly Known as 2815 Bilter Road and Calling for a Public Hearing Thereon PIN(s) 07-05-105-003.

25-0139 An Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of a Special Service Area for Stormwater Management Purposes to be Designated as SSA 223, Related to Real Property Commonly Known as 791 N. Farnsworth and Calling for a Public Hearing Thereon PIN(s) 15-13-301-028 and 15-13-301-012.

25-0140 An Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of a Special Service Area for Stormwater Management Purposes to be Designated as SSA 224 Related to Real Property Commonly Known as 743 McClure Road and Calling for a Public Hearing Thereon PIN(s) 15-13-326-008 and 15-13-326-009.


25-0107 A Resolution authorizing a payment to AT&T for up to $250,000.00 for the purposes of having AT&T relocate their facilities within the City of Aurora ROW along Farnsworth Ave, Bilter Rd and Church Rd.



25-0173 Bill Summary and Large Bill List.


