
Kane County Reporter

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

City of Geneva City Council met Jan. 13

Webp 15

City of Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns | City of Geneva

City of Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns | City of Geneva

City of Geneva City Council met Jan. 13

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


The Geneva Special City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Kevin Burns at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.

Elected Officials present:

Alderpersons: Anaïs Bowring, Mike Bruno, Becky Hruby, Dean Kilburg, Brad Kosirog, William Malecki, Richard Marks, Amy Mayer, Martha Paschke, Robert Swanson.

Mayor Kevin Burns

Elected Officials attending by video or teleconference: None.

Elected Officials absent: None.

Others Present: City Admin. Dawkins, Asst. City Admin. McCready, City Attorney Sandack, Deputy Clerk Fornari, Dir. Babica, Dir. Tymoszenko, Dir. DeGroot, Dir. Kruse, Chief Antenore, Chief Passarelli, Dep. Chief Lohse

Others attending by video or teleconference: None.

Mayor Burns invited Finance Dir. Rita Kruse to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.


Consider Ordinance No. 2025-02 Providing for and Requiring the Submission of the Proposition of Issuing General Obligation Bonds to the Voters of the City of Geneva, Kane County, Illinois, at the Consolidated Election to be Held on the 1st Day of April, 2025.

Moved by Ald. Bruno, Seconded by Ald. Bowring.

City Admin. Dawkins provided an overview of the information that would be placed on the April 1, 2025 ballot. She indicated that education sessions with the residents would be forthcoming if the ordinance was approved.

Roll call:

AYES: 11 (Bowring, Bruno, Hruby, Kilburg, Kosirog, Maladra, Marks, Mayer, Paschke, Swanson, Mayor Burns)



Presentation Regarding FY 2026 Budget and FY 2027 Budget Projections Dawkins presented information pertaining to the proposed FY26 budget. She first provided statistics on the current year’s accomplishments. Information was shared regarding each fund’s proposed budget and the expenses therein. Proposed revenues were provided. The proposed budget totaled $140,676,750 in expenditures. Dawkins thanked city staff for their work in preparing the budget. She indicated that council members would be able to submit their questions over the course of the next few weeks, noting that the public hearing was scheduled for February 3rd.

Dawkins took questions from the council. With additional comments from Dir. Babica, topics included the Electric Fund expenditures, capacity charges in particular, East State Street reconstruction project timeline, clarification on the bike lane striping process. Ald. Bruno and Bowring thanked city staff for their work in preparing the budget document and helping them through the process.

Public Comment

Geneva Chamber President Michael Oleson promoted their upcoming Restaurant Week taking place January 18-26.

New Business

On a question from Ald. Marks, Dawkins noted that more information would be forthcoming on education efforts on the proposed Bond Referendum.


There being no further business, moved by Ald. Kosirog to adjourn the Geneva City Council meeting.

MOTION CARRIED by unanimous voice vote of those present.

The meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM.
