Peace Bridge, City of Batavia | City of Batavia / Facebook
Peace Bridge, City of Batavia | City of Batavia / Facebook
City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Jan. 28
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call
2. Reminder: Please speak directly into microphone for BATV recording
3. Approve Minutes for January 14, 2025
4. Items Removed/Added/Changed
5. Matters from the Public (For Items NOT on Agenda)
6. Consent Agenda:
(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that require recommendation to the full City Council by the COW. This Agenda is placed as a separate item of the COW agenda. The items on the consent agenda re usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda)
a. Resolution 2025-011-R: Accepting a Plat of Dedication of Part of South Van Buren Street (SCB 1/21/25) CD
b. Resolution 2025-014-R: ESRI Enterprise Agreement (MK 1/23/25) GS
c. Resolution 2025-016-R: IT Equipment Purchase (HC 1/23/25) GS
d. Resolution 2025-017-R: IT Equipment Maintenance Renewal (TD 1/23/25) GS
e. Resolution 2025-010-R: Authorizing the Execution of a One-Year Renewable Contract for the 2025-2029 Janitorial Services for City of Batavia Facilities with Vega Building Maintenance, Inc. of Romeoville, Illinois (SH 01/15/25) CS
f. Approval: COW Executive Session Minutes for November 26, 2024 – Setting the Price of Land for Sale & Personnel, December 12, 2024 – Collective Bargaining and January 14, 2025 – Litigation & Workers Compensation
7. Resolution 2025-012-R: Approval of Master Agreement for Professional Services with The Brattle Group, Inc. (GH 1/23/25) PU
8. Resolution 2025-013-R: Approval of Task Order #1 with The Brattle Group, Inc. for Integrated Resource Planning, Infrastructure Resiliency, Cost of Service and Rate Design for the Electric Utility (GH 1/23/25) PU
9. Resolution 2025-019-R: Approval of Budget Amendment to Facilitate performance of Integrated Resource Planning as well as Infrastructure Resiliency, Cost-of-Service, and Rate Design Studies for the Electric Utility (GH 1/23/25) PU
10. Ordinance 2025-009: Extension of a 180 Day Moratorium on the Acceptance and Processing of Certain Building and Zoning Applications for LI-Light Industrial and GI – General Industrial Properties in the SRS – South River Street Gateway Overlay District (DR 1/23/25) CD
11. Resolution 2025-018-R: Approving a Consultant Agreement with TransSystems Corporation to Perform IL Route 31 (Batavia Ave) Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Sidewalk Gap Elimination Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering Study for an amount not to exceed $77,051.00 (RB 1/23/25) CS
12. Ordinance 2025-008: Establishing Chapter 29 “Prohibition of Kratom, Synthetic Drugs, Synthetic Cannabinoids, Psychoactive Drugs, and Tetrahydrocannabinol Products Businesses” Of Title 3 of the Batavia City Code (EB 1/21/25) GS
13. Discussion: Standing Committees of the Committee of the Whole
14. Project Status
15. Other
16. Adjournment