Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website
Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Jan. 14
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Roll Call
2. Reminder: Please speak directly into microphone for BATV recording
3. Approve Minutes for December 12, 2024
4. Items Removed/Added/Changed
5. Matters from the Public (For Items NOT on Agenda)
6. Consent Agenda:
(The consent agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that require recommendation to the full City Council by the COW. This Agenda is placed as a separate item of the COW agenda. The items on the consent agenda re usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non-controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda)
a. Resolution 2025-002-R: Authorizing the Purchase of Three (3) 2025 Ford Police Interceptor Hybrid Utility AWD Vehicles from Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois for an amount not to exceed $147,315.00 (MJ 12/20/24)
b. Resolution 2025-003-R: Authorization to Purchase Four (4) 2025 Ford Trucks from Morrow Brothers Ford for $228,740.00 (SH 12/27/24)
c. Resolution 2025-008-R: Authorizing Execution of a One-Year Renewable Contract with W.A. Management, Inc. for 2025 East Side Property Maintenance (SH 1/8/25)
d. Resolution 2025-007-R: Approval of Truck Equipment Purchase from Diversified Fleet (SH 1/8/25) CS
e. Resolution 2025-005-R: Approval of Purchase of Overwatch Lift Station Systems at WWTP, for Challenge and Harvell Lift Station Rehabilitation with a cost not to exceed $105,423.35 (ZB 1/7/25) PU
f. Resolution 2025-006-R: Approval of Installation of Overwatch Pump Systems by Dahme Mechanical Industries, Inc. for the Challenge and Harvell Lift Station Rehabilitation in the amount not-to-exceed $376,000 (ZB 1/7/25) PU
g. Resolution 2025-004-R: Approving Task Order #2 with BHMG Engineers, Inc. to Provide Engineering Services for 34kV Circuit Extension (SA 1/2/25) PU
7. Ordinance 2025-005: Annexing Properties on South Raddant Road and Wagner Road (SCB 12/30/24) CD
8. Ordinance 2025-004: Conditional Use Permit for a Recreational Cannabis Dispensary in the GC, General Commercial District Dutchess Cannabis, 144 South Randall Road Rubino Ventures, Applicant (DMR 1/8/25) CD
9. Presentation and Discussion: Police Department Space Needs Analysis and Master Plan Report
10. Ordinance 2025-001: Amending Variance Application Fees and Building Permit Fees-Continued (SCB 12/18/25) CD
11. Ordinance 2025-007: Establishing an Amendment to SSA 17 – Hazelwood Pointe Phose 1 and 2 Subdivision (DMR 1/9/25) CD.
12. Ordinance 2025-002: Authorizing Approval of Certificates of Appropriateness for Buildings at 112 N. River Street (SB 12/23/24) CD
13. Ordinance 2025-003: Authorizing Approval of Certificates of Appropriateness for Buildings at 106 N. River Street (SB 12/23/24) CD
14. Ordinance 2025-006: Authorizing an Update to the City Liquor Code (MW 1/4/25)
15. Project Status
16. Other
17. Executive Session:
a. Litigation (WB)
b. Workers Compensation (WB)
18. Adjournment