Mike Bruno, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
Mike Bruno, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
City of Geneva Planning and Zoning Commission met Dec. 12
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order
Chairman Stocking called the meeting of the Geneva Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m., and read a prepared statement of procedures for the meeting and public hearing. He swore in the individuals planning to speak during the public hearing.
2. Roll Call
Present: Chairman Scott Stocking, Commissioner Mim Evans; Rebecca Holoman; Adam Matyskiel; John Mead; Tim Moran; Michael Slifka
Absent: None
Staff Present: City Planner Matt Buesing, Assistant City Planner Jessie Muncie
3. Approval of the Agenda
Motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Slifka to approve the agenda. Motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
4. Approval of November 14, 2024 Minutes
Motion by Commissioner Moran, seconded by Commissioner Matyskiel to approve the minutes. Motion carried by voice vote 7-0.
5. Public Hearing:
A. 611 Oakwood Drive Variation: a Variation from Section 11-5E4 (Lot and Area Requirements) on Lot 142 to 1) reduce the west side yard setback to 1.86ft instead of the required 6ft, and 2) to allow 50% lot coverage instead of the required maximum of 45% in anticipation of a lot split at 611 Oakwood Drive, PIN 12- 02-326-011 (Lot 142) and PIN 12-02-326-010 (Lot 141). No development plans are proposed for Lot 141 at this time.
Applicant: Jane and David Reich
Location: 611 Oakwood Drive
Assistant City Planner Jessie Muncie read the contents of the applicant’s file. She then approached the podium and presented the staff report summary. Lot 141 and 142 are two different parcels but one zoning lot with one address. Lot 141 is vacant and Lot 142 has a single family home on it. The applicant’s request is to subdivide the two lots and in doing so Lot 142 will be nonconforming so their request is for variation approvals on Lot 142. Staff found all variation standards were met for this request.
The applicant, Dave Reich, approached the podium and restated their requests.
The commissioners asked staff clarifying questions. There was little discussion beyond the clarifying questions.
Motion by Commissioner Evans to close the public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Moran.
AYE: Mead, Evans, Slifka, Holoman, Matyskiel, Moran, Stocking
NAY: None
Motion by Commissioner Mead for approval of a variation on Lot 142 at 611 Oakwood Drive to reduce the west side yard setback to 1.86ft instead of the required 6ft for the existing single family home subject to the findings of fact contained in the staff report. Seconded Commissioner Slifka.
AYE: Mead, Evans, Slifka, Holoman, Matyskiel, Moran, Stocking
NAY: None
Motion by Commissioner Mead for approval of a variation on Lot 142 at 611 Oakwood Drive in Geneva to increase the allowable lot coverage to 50% instead of the required maximum of 45% subject to the findings of fact contained in the staff report. Seconded by Commissioner Moran.
AYE: Mead, Evans, Slifka, Holoman, Matyskiel, Moran, Stocking
NAY: None
Mr. Buesing said that this recommendation will go to the City Council meeting on January 6.
6. Public Comment
There was no public comment given.
7. Other Business
Mr. Buesing provided updates on some of the items recently seen by the commission.
The next Planning and Zoning meeting will be on January 9th.
He thanked the commission for their hard work throughout 2024.
8. Adjournment
Motion made by Chairman Stocking to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m.