Ted Mesiacos, Alderman - Ward 3 | City of Aurora
Ted Mesiacos, Alderman - Ward 3 | City of Aurora
City of Aurora Rules, Administration and Procedure Committee met Nov. 5
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairperson Ron Woerman
Vice Chair Carl Franco
Alderman Edward J. Bugg
Alderman Dan Barreiro
Alderwoman Patty Smith
Members of the public wishing to provide public comment for this meeting must be physically present at the meeting and registered to speak prior to the meeting being called to order. Please contact the Aldermen’s Office at (630) 256-3020 with questions.
Chairperson Woerman called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Present: 5 - Chairperson Ron Woerman, Vice Chair Carl Franco, Alderman Edward Bugg, Alderman Dan Barreiro and Alderwoman Patty Smith
24-0743 Approval of the minutes from the Rules, Administration, and Procedure Committee meeting held on October 1, 2024.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be accepted and filed. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0770 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 - Section 6-2 of the Code of Ordinances Regarding "Complimentary" Licenses.
Jennifer Stallings, City Clerk - City of Aurora presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0838 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 - Sections 6-5, 6-7 and 6-20 of the Code of Ordinances.
Jennifer Stallings, City Clerk - City of Aurora presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Franco, seconded by Alderwoman Smith, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0845 An Ordinance amending Chapter 29 of the City of Aurora Code of Ordinances.
Nydia Molina, Assistant Corporation Counsel - City of Aurora and two members of APD Special Operations presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Franco, seconded by Alderwoman Smith, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0847 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22-Harassment and Discrimination by specifically adding Article 22-IV Reasonable Accommodation Process.
Nydia Molina, Assistant Corporation Counsel - City of Aurora presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0765 A Resolution approving the appointment of Kevin Muhammad and the reappointment of Frank Johnson and Joseph L. Grisson III to the Aurora Housing Authority Board.
Alex Voigt, Deputy Chief of Staff - Mayor's Office presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderman Bugg, seconded by Alderwoman Smith, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0769 A Resolution approving the reappointments of William Whitfield, Cynthia Latimer, Marc Dale Jr. to the African American Heritage Advisory Board.
Alex Voigt, Deputy Chief of Staff - Mayor's Office presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0828 A Resolution authorizing the reappointments of Albert Signorelli, Michael Sawdey, Spiros Koliopoulos, and Janice Lindley to the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Commission.
Alex Voigt, Deputy Chief of Staff - Mayor's Office presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0834 A Resolution authorizing the Department Heads of the City to enter into agreements with public agencies for access to certain data thereof.
Richard Veenstra, Corporation Counsel - City of Aurora presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0840 A Resolution appointing six members to the "Aging-in-Community Advisory Board" (AICB).
Alex Voigt, Deputy Chief of Staff - Mayor's Office and Katrina Boatright, Senior Services & Disabilities Manager - City of Aurora presented and answered questions regarding this item.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Franco, that this agenda item be recommended for approval. The motion carried.
Ayes: 5
24-0831 A Resolution authorizing a two-year grant program in the amount of $50,000.00 per year in partnership with Rebuilding Together Aurora (RTA) to assist qualified residents with projects in the First Ward.
This RAP Resolution was (HELD)
24-0835 A Resolution authorizing the Ward 1 Residential and Nonprofit Grant Program.
This RAP Resolution was (HELD)
24-0837 A Resolution authorizing the Ward 1 Business Grant Program 50/50 match up to $5,000.00 per project per year for any qualifying businesses for the purpose of upgrading or improving the exterior of their property.
This RAP Resolution was (HELD)
A motion was made by Vice Chair Franco, seconded by Alderwoman Smith, that this meeting be adjourned. The motion carried. Chairperson Woerman adjourned the meeting at 4:21 p.m.
Ayes: 5