
Kane County Reporter

Friday, June 28, 2024

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met May 20

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Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website

Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met May 20

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Wolff called the meeting to order at 8:35 pm.


Aldermen in attendance at roll: Barazza (7), Lanci (6), Beck (5), Pieper (4), Wolff (2), Solfa (1), Bearren (1), Leman (2), Ajazi (3), Malay (4), Uher (5), Cerone (6), Vogelsinger (7).

2. REMINDER: Please Speak Into The Microphone For BATV Recording


None seen.

4. MATTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: (For Items NOT On The Agenda)

Bill McGrath, a Batavia resident, rose to address the Council. He thanked his wife, Donetta, who has encouraged people to adopted flower beds and planters along Wilson Street

5. Presentation And Discussion: Residential Speed Limit Changes

City staff member Max Weiss presented an overview of residential speed limit changes. He presented discussion items for the Council to consider. Should staff prepare necessary ordinances to implement a change to 25 mph? Should staff proceed with seeking bids to perform the work of lowering residential speed limits to 25 mph? Should staff follow all applicable rules and regulations in posting speed signs given the change? Should $200k in funds be expended from reserves to cover this, and budget amendment be brought before council?

Discussion ensued.

Ald. Beck suggested a conversation to develop a roadmap for traffic calming procedures Ald. Baerren and others agreed. Weiss noted that this conversation is slated for incorporation in additional roadway conversations this summer.

City Engineer Rahat Bari noted that the speed limits should match the traffic calming measures, and that a cohesive policy would Donetta McGrath, Batavia resident, rose to address the Council. She asked the Council members why they wanted to be Aldermen. Some of the Aldermen responded.

Discussion ensued. McGrath noted that she has spoken to other neighboring communities about how and why they lowered their speed limits to 25 mph from 30 mph.

Chief Mazza noted that the average speed on Elm Street during a seven day observation period was between 18 and 22 miles per hour.

Bill McGrath, Batavia resident, rose to address the Council. He said that during periods of observation, drivers slow down, even if it’s not part of their habitual driving. He said that replacing the speed signs is something that will need to be part of the budget eventually. He said that the installation and maintenance expense of traffic calming infrastructure will be much more expensive than installing and maintaining signs. He said that while lowering the speed limit is not a perfect solution, it is a step in the right direction.

Bari noted that in unannounced traffic speed analysis, speed of travel has not been an issue on any city street.

Chair Wolff called for a straw poll on continuing the discussion on lowering residential speed limits: 6 in favor, 7 opposed.

6. Approval: Issuance Of RFP For Energy Audit And Rebate Program

City Staff member Max Weiss presented the RFP for an Energy Audit and Rebate Program. Ald. Beck asked to table this conversation to allow for more time for research and review. The motion was supported around the table. Motion passed: 13 yes, 1 absent.

7. Approval: Issuance Of RFP For Bag Fee Education Initiatives

Motion by Ald. Wolf , seconded by Ald. Malay, to approve the RFP. Motion carried by voice vote.


None seen.

9. Executive Session: Personnel- 10:14 pm

Motion by Ald. Ajazi, seconded by Ald. Malay, to enter executive session. Motion carried by voice vote.

Executive session began at 10:14 pm.

Chair Wolf ended the executive session at 10:30.

Return to regular session Roll Call: Barraza, Lanci, Beck, Pieper, Wolf , Solfa, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger


Motion by Ald. Solfa, seconded by Ald. Vogelsinger, to adjourn. Motion carried by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.
