
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Aurora City Council met Feb. 27

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Juany Garza, Alderwoman - Ward 2 | City of Aurora

Juany Garza, Alderwoman - Ward 2 | City of Aurora

City of Aurora City Council met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Irvin called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and the roll was called. 

Present: 12 - Alderwoman Juany Garza, Alderman Ted Mesiacos, Alderman Bill Donnell,  Alderman Carl Franco, Alderman Mike Saville, Alderman Brandon Tolliver, Alderwoman Patty Smith, Alderman Edward Bugg, Alderwoman Shweta  Baid, Alderman John Laesch, Alderman Ron Woerman and Mayor Richard  Irvin 

Absent: 1 - Alderman Emmanuel Llamas 


A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderwoman  Garza to appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms for this meeting. The motion carried by  voice vote and Officer Dispensa served as Sergeant-At-Arms for this meeting. 


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Amina Hart. 


The Invocation was presented by Dr. John Tredosi. 


Clayton Muhammad, Chief Communication and Equity Officer - City of Aurora presented the following: 

Mayor Irvin presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Pastor Dr. John Tredosi and his wife, Theressa DuBois Tredosi, for leading the Invocation at tonight's City Council meeting and thanking them for all they do for the Aurora community as a result of their many efforts to promote deaf inclusion through the Deaf Welcome Foundation and Deaf Welcome Ministries. 

The City recently joined in honoring Aurora's Tom Skilling on his retirement and Mayor Irvin presented Mr. Skilling with a Key to the City of Aurora. 

The City of Aurora Black History Month and Lunar New Year activities were discussed and Mayor Irvin presented the Mayor's Award of Black Excellence to members of the Aurora African American Heritage Advisory Board. 

The City of Aurora will hold the Aurora Interfaith Alliance Leadership Breakfast on Thursday, February 29, 2024. 

The Mayor's State of the City Address will be held quarterly in 2024. The first quarterly State of the City Address will be the State of Economic Development on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at Bloomhaven.  

A moment of silence was held in honor of Mr. John Russell, who recently passed. Mr. Russell worked for the Beacon News for 30 years until 2013 and then joined the City of Aurora as the first Grant Writer for the City. 


24-0042 A Resolution approving the reappointments of Charlie Zine and Doug  Johnson, and the appointments of Dave Horner and Thad Murillo to the Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Advisory Board. 

A motion was made by Alderman Saville and seconded by Alderwoman Smith to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

Enactment No: R24-038 

24-0043 A Resolution approving the reappointment of Charles Baker and Ayo  Dahunsi to the Innovation and Technology Advisory Commission. 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

Enactment No: R24-039 

24-0051 A Resolution approving the appointment of Jennifer Paprocki and  Denise Morgan representing Aurora to the Aurora Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Board (AACVB). 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

Enactment No: R24-040 

24-0057 A Resolution approving the reappointment of Angie Thomas and the  appointment of A. Elizabeth Robinson-Chan to the Civil Service Commission 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

Enactment No: R24-041 

24-0066 A Resolution approving the appointments of Amina Hart, Tonya  Majersky, Charmaine Peterson, and Alonso Beckford to the African American Heritage Advisory Board. 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

Enactment No: R24-042 

24-0069 A Resolution authorizing the reappointment of Linda Cole, Warren  Barton, Ken Gaul, Dan Hoffman, Geral Lubshina, Judy Durham, and Eric Rodriguez and the appointment of Luma Webster and Karen Christensen as members to the Block Grant Working Committee (BGWC). 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

Enactment No: R24-043 

24-0079 A Resolution appointing Alderman Ron Woerman and Alderman  Brandon Tolliver to the Aquatics Administrative Board. 

Alderman Woerman and Alderman Tolliver recused themselves from discussion and vote on this item and left the room during the vote. Alderman Woerman and Alderman Tolliver returned to the meeting at the conclusion of the vote on this item. 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

9 - Aye: Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid and Alderman Laesch 

Enactment No: R24-044 


The City Clerk read the Rules of Public Comment and Mr. Luis Hernandez Garcia presented comments to the City Council regarding a recent police interaction he experienced. 


24-0061 Public Hearing on a Resolution authorizing the execution of a  memorandum of understanding between the City of Aurora, Kane County and the City of Elgin; the participation in the 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program; and the use of the City of Aurora's portion toward the Aurora Police Department equipment purchase. 

Mayor Irvin asked if there were any members of the public present and wishing to make comments during the public hearing. There were no members of the public wishing to make comments during the public hearing. There were no questions from the City Council. 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderman Franco to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote and the public hearing was closed. 

Aye: 11 -  Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch and Alderman Woerman 


The City Clerk read the Consent Agenda and the Direct to Council Consent Agenda in full. A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve the Consent Agenda and Direct to Council Consent Agenda in full. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch, Alderman Woerman 

23-0836 A Resolution authorizing the execution of real estate contracts to  purchase properties and appropriating REBUILD Illinois Bond Funds required for the Indian Trail Road Signal Modernization and Resurfacing (Edgelawn to Highland) Project in the amount of $9,350.00. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-045 

24-0013 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a service agreement between the City of Aurora, and Family Services Association of Elgin Illinois in support of the Aurora Police Department Crisis Intervention Unit for the period of January of 2024 through June of 2025.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-046 

24-0032 An Ordinance Requesting approval of a Conditional Use for a Religious Institution (6400) use on Lot 2 in West Aurora Plaza, Unit No. 2, located at 555 Redwood Drive 

This Ordinance was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: O24-017 

24-0047 A Resolution authorizing the 2024 Ward Neighborhood Clean-Ups and Shred Events in all Wards in the City of Aurora. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-047 

24-0058 A Resolution to adopt unit prices provided by four respondents for 2024 Electrical Supplies for the Electrical Division. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-048 

24-0062 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the City of Aurora, the City of Elgin, and Kane County; the participation in the 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-049 

24-0063 A Resolution approve the purchase of 31 United Shield Brand Ballistic Shields and accessories from MES/Lawmen Supply of Deer Creek, Illinois in the amount of $64,725.00. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-050 

24-0065 A Resolution authorizing Altorfer CAT to perform the recommended repairs and component replacements to fleet unit #63-149 for $65,716.60, plus a five percent (5%) contingency of $3,285.83. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-051 

24-0067 An Ordinance Vacating an Ingress/Egress Easement on the Property  located at 733 and 743 McClure Road, in Kane County, Aurora, Illinois 60502. 

This Ordinance was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: O24-018 

24-0068 A Resolution Approving the Final Plat for 743 McClure Rd, LLC Subdivision, located at 733 and 743 McClure Road 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-052 

24-0073 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a not-to-exceed agreement for Design Phase Engineering and Planning Special Services in the amount of $114,500 for the Rehabilitate Airfield Lighting Vault (ARR-4915) and Replace Vault Generator (ARR-5117) projects located at the Aurora Municipal Airport with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-053 

24-0074 A Resolution to award the 5th Street Water Main Extension project located in Ward 2 to Brandt Excavating, Inc. in the bid amount of two hundred sixty-three thousand three hundred eighty-three Dollars and forty-five Cents ($263,383.45). 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-054 

24-0078 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into an agreement with Chicago Paving Contractors, Inc., Lake Zurich, IL 60047 in the amount of $699,950.00 for the 2024 Citywide Pavement Patching for Water and Sewer Maintenance. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-055 

24-0085 A Resolution Approving of Third-Party Administrative Services for Cities in Schools Aurora to administer the 2024 Summer Programs in the amount not to exceed $183,000.00 for the Youth Services Subdivision. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-056 

24-0087 A Resolution Authorizing Approval of the 2024 Historic Preservation  Grants and Allowing the Mayor to enter into Historic Preservation Grant Agreements and Addendums 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-057 

24-0098 An Ordinance Reserving 2024 Volume Cap in connection with Private Activity Bond Issues, and Related Matters. 

This Ordinance was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: O24-019 

24-0099 A Resolution for an Amendment to an Engineering Agreement for Construction Phase Engineering Services with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for the Phase 2 Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation Project (ARR-4648) at the Aurora Municipal Airport in the amount of $52,900. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-058 

24-0103 A Resolution to approve a demolition and remediation contract with American Demolition Corporation of Carol Stream IL for the former YMCA structures at 460-480 Garfield Ave. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-059 

24-0109 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Lease Agreement with Mark Radina & Archetype Stained Glass for the Lease of Office Space and Art Studio at 7 South Broadway in Aurora. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-060 

24-0113 A Resolution establishing the application fees for special events permits issued under Chapter 41.5 of the Code of Ordinances. 

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda. 

Enactment No: R24-061 


24-0117 Approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, February 13, 2024, City Council Meeting. 

The Minutes were approved and filed as presented on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda. 


24-0036 A Resolution authorizing the purchase of replacement and additional  vehicles for the City of Aurora fleet. 

A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderwoman  

Garza to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 10 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid and Alderman Woerman 

Nay: 1 - Alderman Laesch 

Enactment No: R24-062 


There were no items of New Business. 


There were no reports presented. 


24-0131 Bill Summary and Large Bill List. 

A motion was made by Alderman Franco and seconded by Alderwoman Smith to approve and pay the bills. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Aye: 11 - Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderman Tolliver, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch and Alderman Woerman 


There was no need for a Closed Session at this meeting. 


A motion was made by Alderwoman Smith and seconded by Alderwoman  

Garza to adjourn this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 




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