City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Oct. 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Ald. Chanzit called the meeting to session at 7:01pm.
1. Present: Ald. Lanci, Pieper, Solfa, Chanzit, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher, Vogelsinger.
Absent: Ald. Miller, Beck, Wolff, Cerone
*Ald. Uher present remotely
*Ald. Vogelsinger present remotely
3. Items to be added/changed/removed
Motion: To table item approval of video gaming for JT’s Tavern & Tap Maker: Chanzit
Second: Leman
Ald. Chanzit withdrew his motion; approval remains on agenda.
4. Consent Agenda:
Motion: Positive recommendation
Maker: Chanzit
Second: Solfa
Roll Call Vote
Aye: Ald. Lanci, Pieper, Solfa, Chanzit, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher, Vogelsinger.
Nay: None
10-0, 4 absent, motion carried.
6. Approval: Video Gaming - JT’s Tavern & Tap - 113 S. Batavia Ave, Batavia IL 60510 Motion: Positive recommendation
Maker: Solfa
Second: Ajazi
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Ald. Lanci, Solfa, Baerren, Ajazi, Vogelsinger
Nay: Ald. Pieper, Chanzit, Leman, Malay, Uher
5-5 vote, 4 absent, motion tied
Mayor Schielke: Aye
Motion carries
Ald. Uher exited the meeting at 7:28pm.
Ald. Beck entered the meeting at 7:32pm.
7. Ordinance 23-46: Amending the text of the zoning code (ZE 10/5/23) CD Motion: Positive recommendation
Maker: Solfa
Second: Malay
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Ald. Lanci, Pieper, Beck, Solfa, Chanzit, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Vogelsinger.
Nay: None
9-0 vote, 5 absent, motion carried.
8. Ordinance 23-44: An ordinance authorizing the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage counties, Illinois, to issue Waterworks Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,100,000 in evidence of loans issued pursuant to the Public Water Supply Loan Program (PC 10/05/23) GS
Motion: Positive recommendation
Maker: Solfa
Second: Malay
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Ald. Lanci, Pieper, Beck, Solfa, Chanzit, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Vogelsinger.
Nay: None
9-0 vote, 5 absent, motion carried.
9. Ordinance 23-48: 2024 wage and salaries for non-collectively bargained employees (WB) GS
Motion: Positive recommendation
Maker: Chanzit
Second: Solfa
Roll Call Vote:
Aye: Miller, Lanci, Beck, Chanzit, Pieper, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher, Cerone, Vogelsinger.
9-0 vote, 5 absent, motion carried.