Kane County Administration Committee met Aug. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Remote Attendance Requests
4. Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2023
5. Finance Report
A. Monthly Finance Reports (attached)
6. Public Comment (Agenda Items)
7. Facilities Master Plan Update (Jason Dwyer, Wight & Co.)
8. Executive Director's Report (R. Fahnestock)
9. Building Management (H. Thompson)
A. Resolution: Authorizing a Contract for Kane County Concrete Services
B. Presentation: Judicial Center Chiller Replacement (FE Moran)
C. Resolution: Authorizing the Replacement of the Chillers at the Judicial Center
10. Information Technology (C. Lasky)
A. Resolution: Authorizing a Budget Adjustment for Desktop Support Analyst II and Systems Administrator Lead for the Information Technologies Department - Public Safety Sales Tax
B. Resolution: Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds for Technology Products and Services
C. Resolution: Authorizing the Purchase of Additional Laserfiche Licenses and a Budget Adjustment from the Riverboat Fund 390
11. Mill Creek SSA (R. Fahnestock)
12. Vehicles
A. Resolution: Approving Purchase of Eight (8) GMC and Four (4) Chevy 2022 ½ Ton Pickup Trucks for the Kane County Division of Transportation
B. Vehicle Acquisition Approval - To Replace a 2011 Ford Escape with a Vehicle to be Determined Based on Availability
C. Resolution: Ratifying an Emergency Purchase Affidavit to Purchase a 2023 Ford Escape Active for Building Management
13. New Business
14. Old Business
15. Reports Placed On File
16. Executive Session (if needed)
17. Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)
18. Adjournment