
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Aurora City Council met May 23

City of Aurora City Council met May 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Irvin called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and the roll was called.

Present: 13 - Alderman Emmanuel Llamas, Alderwoman Juany Garza, Alderman Ted Mesiacos, Alderman Bill Donnell, Alderman Carl Franco, Alderman Mike Saville, Alderwoman Scheketa Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Patty Smith, Alderman Edward Bugg, Alderwoman Shweta Baid, Alderman John Laesch, Alderman Ron Woerman and Mayor Richard Irvin


A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms for this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and Officer Sullivan served as Sergeant-At-Arms for this meeting.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.


The Invocation was presented by Alderwoman Hart-Burns.


23-0403 Presentation of the 2023 Mayor’s Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation

Mayor Irvin presented the 2023 Mayor's Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation.


23-0340 A Resolution approving the appointment of Kathryn Gozum to the Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 12 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch and Alderman Woerman

Enactment No: R23-148


23-0389 Announcement of the Availability of the Eligibility Study and Report, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the Proposed Cross Street TIF District.

Mayor Irvin announced the availability of the Eligibility Study and Report and the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the proposed Cross Street TIF District.

The documents are available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office at 44 E Downer Place from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday with the exception of holidays.


The City Clerk read the Rules of Public Comment and Ms. Sandi Schmitt presented comments to the City Council.


A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve the items on the Consent Agenda and the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.

A motion was made by Alderman Bugg and seconded by Alderman Llamas to remove item 23-0397 from the Direct to Consent Agenda and place it on Unfinished Business. The motion carried by voice vote and item 23-0397 was placed on Unfinished Business.

The motion to approve the Consent Agenda and the Direct to Council Consent Agenda after the removal of item 23-0397 carried by the following vote:

Aye: 12. Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch and Alderman Woerman

23-0182 A Resolution authorizing F.H. Paschen to repair and restore the monument and pool liner of the Phillips Park Waterfall.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-149

23-0264 An Ordinance Establishing a Conditional Use Planned Development and Approving the Village Bible Church Plan Description for the property located at 1401 West Galena Boulevard

This Ordinance was adopted on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: O23-032

23-0265 A Resolution approving a Revision to the Final Plan for the property located at 1401 West Galena Boulevard

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-150

23-0266 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 36, Sec. 36-26 of the Code of Ordinances Pertaining to the rank of Commander at the Police Department.

This Ordinance was adopted on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: O23-033

23-0272 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a Phase 3 Construction Engineering Agreement with Ardmore Roderick in the not to exceed amount of $224,451.00 for the 2023 City Wide Resurfacing Projects.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-151

23-0286 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase a VAC-CON Combination Sewer Cleaning machine from EJ Equipment 6949 N. 3000 E. Rd. Manteno, IL 60950 in the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Two Dollars and no Cents. ($563,662.00).

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-152

23-0321 A Resolution ratifying payment to E J Equipment Inc., for sewer machine repair services rendered, in the amount of $56,232.25.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-153

23-0357 A Resolution authorizing the execution of Local Public Agency Amendment #2 for Federal Participation with the State of Illinois, and the execution of a Phase 3 Construction Engineering Supplement #1 with Civiltech Engineering, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $123,903.00 for the Farnsworth Avenue Bridge Project.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-154

23-0359 A Resolution authorizing the appropriation of $48,103.30 of MFT Funds for the Galena Boulevard from Locust St to Ohio St

Interconnect Project.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-155

23-0361 A Resolution authorizing payment to the Fox River Study Group to conduct water quality studies of the Fox River and implement a plan for improving water quality.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-156

23-0365 A Resolution ratifying payments in the amount of $8,644 to the College of DuPage and approving estimated payments in the amount of $119,142 to Richland Community College for police recruit training, lodging, and meals in 2023.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R23-157

23-0371 An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or By Any Other Method.

This Ordinance was adopted on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: O23-034


23-0404 Approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, May 9, 2023, City Council Meeting.

The Minutes were approved and filed as presented on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.

23-0405 Approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, May 16, 2023, Special City Council Meeting.

The Minutes were approved and filed as presented on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.


23-0397 A Resolution accepting the improvements and maintenance security for Laurelton Place, Whitethorn Drive.

Ken Schroth, Director of Public Works - City of Aurora, spoke regarding this item.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on Unfinished Business. A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Bugg to hold this item until the City Council meeting scheduled for June 13, 2023. The motion carried by voice vote and the item was held.


There were no items of New Business.


23-0411 Corporate Funds Investment Report - First Quarter 2023

This item was held until the City Council meeting on June 13, 2023.

23-0414 Treasurer's Report - March 2023.

This item was held until the City Council meeting on June 13, 2023.


23-0410 Bill Summary and Large Bill List.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Hart-Burns and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve and pay the bills. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 12 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Hart-Burns, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Laesch and Alderman Woerman


There was no need for a Closed Session at this meeting.


A motion was made by Alderman Franco and seconded by Alderman Woerman to adjourn this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.
