
Kane County Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Aurora City Council met Sept. 13

City of Aurora City Council met Sept. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Irvin called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. and the roll was called.

Present: 12 - Alderman Emmanuel Llamas, Alderwoman Juany Garza, Alderman Ted Mesiacos, Alderman Bill Donnell, Alderman Carl Franco, Alderman Mike Saville, Alderwoman Patty Smith, Alderman Edward Bugg, Alderwoman Shweta Baid, Alderman Ron Woerman, Alderman Sherman Jenkins and Mayor Richard Irvin

Absent: 1 - Alderwoman Scheketa Hart-Burns


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Aurora Emergency Management Agency Volunteers and City of Aurora First Responders.


The Invocation was presented by John Ferjack, Aurora Emergency Management Agency Volunteer.


A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms for this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and Officer Sullivan served as Sergeant-at-Arms for this meeting.


The Aurora Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) was honored during this National Preparedness Month - September, 2022. Fire Chief McCabe and Police Chief Cross both thanked AEMA for their hard work. Natalie Wiza, Coordinator of AEMA, spoke regarding AEMA and thanked all of the volunteers who give their time on behalf of the City of Aurora as well as the AEMA staff.

Mayor Irvin, along with Alderwoman Smith, Alderwoman Garza, and Alderwoman Baid, presented the Mayor's Award of Excellence to Coordinator Natalie Wiza and AEMA staff member Chad Reese. AEMA staff member Jamison Ryder was unable to be present but was also awarded the Mayor's Award of Excellence.

Mayor Irvin then presented the Mayor's Award of Excellence to all of the AEMA Volunteers and thanked them for their work.

Clayton Muhammad discussed upcoming events being held in Aurora in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month that runs from September 15th to October 15th, 2022.


22-0633 A Resolution approving the appointment of Anu Krishnamurthy, Srivani Vokkarane, Ghousiak Wajid, and Nitin Fuldeore to the Indian American Community Outreach Advisory Board.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Garza and seconded by Alderman Jenkins to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman, Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-241

22-0645 A Resolution approving the re-appointment of Dr. Timothy Brown and Lily Rocha to the Civilian Review Board.

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman, Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-242

22-0646 A Resolution approving the appointment of Alicia Mathew to the Aurora Youth Council.

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderman Jenkins to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman, Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-243

22-0647 A Resolution approving the appointment of Spiro Koliopoulos to the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Commission (GAR).

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman, Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-244


The City Clerk read the Rules for Public Comment and the following individuals addressed the City Council:

1. Donna Zine spoke regarding accountability and zoning changes.

2. Shannon Buckley spoke regarding items 22-0584 and 22-0586.

3. Luma Bonilla-Webster spoke regarding items 22-0584 and 22-0586.


Item 22-0580 was held over to the Consent Agenda for the September 27, 2022 City Council meeting without objection.

A motion was made by Alderman Bugg and seconded by Alderman Saville to move item 22-0724 to Unfinished Business. The motion carried by voice vote without objection.

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve the Consent Agenda after the removal of Item 22-0580 and Item 22-0724. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

22-0568 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a Phase 2 Design Engineering Agreement with Stanley Consultants, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $392,257.00, and the appropriation of $400,000.00 of REBUILD Illinois Bond Funds for the Indian Trail Signal - Edgelawn to Highland Project.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-245

22-0569 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a Joint Funding Agreement with the State of Illinois, the execution of a Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company in the not to exceed amount of $570,513.00, and the appropriation of $600,000.00 of REBUILD Illinois Bond Funds for the New York Street Bridge Project.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-246

22-0580 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the City of Aurora, the City of Elgin, and Kane County; the participation in the 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program.

Without objection, this item was held over and will be placed on the City Council Consent Agenda for the September 27, 2022 meeting.

Enactment No: R22-274

22-0600 A Resolution to accept the bid from Enterprise Leasing of Chicago, 1050 N Lombard Rd, Lombard, Illinois for a three-year vehicle rental agreement for the Aurora Police Department.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-247

22-0634 A Resolution to authorize the renovation of existing office space at the Aurora Police Department, and for the purchase and installation of the equipment necessary to accommodate the Critical Incident Intelligence Center.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-248

22-0656 A Resolution authorizing Agreement for Administrative Services with Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (Cigna) for PPO and Value HSA(HDHP) Group Health, Prescription Benefits Management (PBM), Flexible Spending, Dental, Vision, C.O.B.R.A. and Stop Loss Plan Administration for period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-249

22-0657 A Resolution establishing C.O.B.R.A. Insurance Monthly Rates Effective January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-250

22-0659 A Resolution establishing Blue Cross Blue Shield Advantage HMO (BCBS) for Group Health Care Services for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-251

22-0665 A Resolution authorizing Sun Life Insurance to provide life insurance services for January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-252

22-0666 A Resolution authorizing an Agreement with Humana to Administer a Medicare Advantage Plan for Medicare Eligible Retirees for the Period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-253

22-0667 A Resolution Authorizing Support and Permission for Inclusion of the Aurora West Access Site in the Fabulous Fox! Water Trail.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-254

22-0669 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into an agreement with Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC, 217 W. John Street, Plano, IL, 60545 in the amount of $473,775.00 for the 2 S. Broadway Vault Infill project.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-255

22-0676 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a License Agreement with Lazaro Rs Corp., Inc., for the use of 40 Fox Valley Trail.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-256

22-0703 A Resolution accepting results of the Availability and Disparity Study performed by Griffin and Strong, P.C. as well the recommendations contained therein for the consideration of policy and implementation changes.

This Resolution was approved on the Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-257


22-0719 Approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, August 23, 2022, City Council Meeting.

The Minutes were approved and filed on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.

22-0720 Approval of the Minutes of the Monday, August 29, 2022, Special City Council Meeting.

The Minutes were approved and filed on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.

22-0512 A Resolution Concerning the Review of "Closed" Executive Session Meeting Minutes.

This Resolution was approved on the Direct to Council Consent Agenda.

Enactment No: R22-258


22-0244 A Resolution authorizing the execution of an encroachment and maintenance agreement with DAC 100 Broadway, LLC related to the

DAC Conditional Use Planned Development

Alderman Mesiacos recused himself and left City Council Chambers during the discussion and vote on this item.

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 10 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-259

22-0584 A Resolution authorizing the execution of a Sales Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement with Napleton Aurora Imports, Inc. for a new Genesis car dealership.

Trevor Dick, Director of Development Strategy, responded to questions regarding this item.

A motion was made by Alderman Franco and seconded by Alderwoman Smith to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 10 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid and Alderman Woerman

Nay: 1 - Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-260

22-0586 A Resolution to execute a Sales Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement with Napleton Aurora Imports, Inc. to update their current Hyundai dealership.

Trevor Dick, Director of Development Strategy, responded to questions regarding this item.

A motion was made by Alderman Saville and seconded by Alderwoman Garza

to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 10 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid and Alderman Woerman

Nay: 1 - Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-261

22-0660 A Resolution establishing OAP and Value HSA(HDHP) Health Insurance Plans and Rates Effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.

Elizabeth Coronado, Director of Human Resources - City of Aurora, and Mike Baker, President of Assured Partners, responded to questions regarding this item.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Garza and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith,Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-262

22-0724 A Resolution accepting the improvements and maintenance security for Belle Tire, 750 N State Route 59.

Jason Bauer, Assistant Director of Public Works - City of Aurora, responded to questions regarding this item.

After the City Clerk read the Consent Agenda and Direct to Council Consent Agenda in full, a motion was made by Alderman Bugg and seconded by Alderman Saville to remove this item from the Direct to Council Consent Agenda and place this item on Unfinished Business. This item was placed on Unfinished Business without objection.

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve this item. Alderman Jenkins and Alderman Franco subsequently withdrew their motion and second to approve this item.

After discussion on this item and after input from Mr. Bauer regarding a stop sign on the property, this item was held for two weeks to the City Council meeting on September 27th for follow-up from Mr. Bauer.

Enactment No: R22-290


A motion was made by Alderman Saville and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to suspend the rules and consider items under New Business. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

22-0329 A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to execute a contract with Everest Excavating in the amount of $102,453.00 for the replacement of a water main located at 410 Hill Avenue in Ward 3.

Jason Bauer, Assistant Director of Public Works - City of Aurora, presented briefly regarding this item.

A motion was made by Alderman Jenkins and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to approve this item. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 - Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins

Enactment No: R22-263


22-0741 Treasurer's Report - July 2022.

Chris Minick, Chief Financial Officer - City of Aurora, presented regarding this item.

The Treasurer's Report for July 2022 was discussed and filed.


22-0739 Bill Summary and Large Bill List.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Garza and seconded by Alderman Franco to approve and pay the bills. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 11 -Alderman Llamas, Alderwoman Garza, Alderman Mesiacos, Alderman Donnell, Alderman Franco, Alderman Saville, Alderwoman Smith, Alderman Bugg, Alderwoman Baid, Alderman Woerman and Alderman Jenkins


There was no need for a closed session at this meeting.


A motion was made by Alderman Franco and seconded by Alderwoman Garza to adjourn this meeting. The motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.




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