
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kane County Board met Sept. 13

Kane County Board met Sept. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Adjourned Meeting of the Kane County Board was held at the Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134.

Chairman Pierog called the meeting to order at 9:45 AM.


Deborah Allan Kane County Board Member Remote

Mavis Bates Kane County Board Member Present

Dale Berman Kane County Board Member Present

David Brown Kane County Board Member Present

Mark Davoust Kane County Board Member Present

Ron Ford Kane County Board Member Present

Drew Frasz Kane County Board Member Present

Michelle Gumz Kane County Board Member Remote

Mo Iqbal Kane County Board Member Remote

Michael Kenyon Kane County Board Member Present

Chris Kious Kane County Board Member Present

Tom Koppie Kane County Board Member Absent

Bill Lenert Kane County Board Member Present

Anita Lewis Kane County Board Member Present

John Martin Kane County Board Member Present

Myrna Molina Kane County Board Member Remote

Jarett Sanchez Kane County Board Member Present

Kenneth C. Shepro Kane County Board Member Present

Monica Silva Kane County Board Member Remote

Cherryl Strathmann Kane County Board Member Present

Clifford Surges Kane County Board Member Present

Vern Tepe Kane County Board Member Present

Todd Wallace Kane County Board Member Present

Barbara Wojnicki Kane County Board Member Present

Corinne M. Pierog Kane County Chairman Present

Present: County Clerk Dpty. Weilandt; KDOT Dir. Schoedel & staff T. Rickert; Public Health Finance/Facilities Dir. Snowden*, Development & Community Svcs Dir. VanKerkhoff; HR Exec. Dir. Lobrillo; Env.-Water Resources Dir. Wollnik; OCR Dir. Berger*; Auditor P. Wegman; Recorder S. Wegman; Sheriff Hain* & staff Gengler*, Johnson; State's Atty. Mosser*, Assts. Niermann, Vargas*, Brady*, Coyle, ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock* & Lasky*, former Board Member Hoscheit and members of the press & public.

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION (Mavis Bates, District 4)

Board Member Bates led the assembly in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. She also said the prayer in memory of Mr. Greg Elsbry, who recently passed.

4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 9, 2022

A. Approve Minutes of August 9, 2022


MOVER: Chris Kious, Board Member

SECONDER: Ron Ford, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

B. Northern Illinois Food Bank - Winner Announcement

Public Information Ofc. Julie Mann expressed her gratitude to Jose Valerio, Amelia Gunte, Jane Tallitsch, and others who contributed to the recent Illinois Food Bank Drive.

Ms. Hester Berry, Development Officer with Northern Illinois Food Bank, thanked the board for holding the food drive and appreciated the employees’ donations. She explained what the drive meant to the food bank. Ms. Mann also shared that the county's volunteer Giving Garden, located on-site, donated about 850 lbs. of freshly grown vegetables to the Batavia Interfaith Food Pantry.

Chairwoman Pierog announced the winner of the food drive contest was the Judicial Public Safety Campus with 713 lbs. of food collected. The Government Campus collected 564 lbs. of food. The “Mr. Can Man” trophy was presented to Asst. State’s Atty. Vincent Coyle.


A. Non-Agenda Items

On behalf of Steve Hindi, Janet Enoch (phonetic), of Elburn and an Illinois-approved humane investigator and an investigator for showing animals respect and kindness, discussed the illegal raising and training of roosters at a home in Elgin on Corron Road. The Sheriff and County's development department were notified, but she said nothing was done and no law was adopted to limit the number of roosters allowed on a property. Ms. Enoch further stated such activity leads to other illegal activities and diseases among the roosters. She offered video evidence for board members to review.

Mr. Todd Hodge, a St. Charles resident, realtor, and candidate running for County Board District 14, discussed Board Member Davoust's lack of a filed home owner’s exemption on a certain record. Doing more research, he relayed that he discovered there was a home owner’s exemption on property owned by Mr. Davoust in Marco Island, Florida. Mr. Hodge explained the reasons why homestead exemptions are in place: 1) to save money on taxes; and 2) to receive a discount on property taxes. He reiterated a homeowner can only receive a homestead exemption in one state, where the person resides, and no other state. He did speak to ASA Mosser on this matter. He believed it was a political issue, yet relayed that according to the statutes for Kane County, a person did not have to be a resident of Kane County to sit on the County Board nor run for the Board. He cited different examples of how various candidates, even corporate candidates, could run for different board seats and influence the board in their favor. Given that information - that a person does not need to be a resident of Kane County -- a statute needed to be drafted to address the issue.

Resident, Ms. Karen Baetke shared some comments made by retired journalist Rick Nagel regarding local government communicatons needing to be trustworthy, reliable, accurate, etc and she agreed. Ms. Baetke described her FOIA request made last month regarding a June 14th incident about a gunman in Elgin who was requesting to speak with the Sheriff. Ms. Baetke believes the Elgin incident was staged by the Sherifff since her FOIA request for his voicemail left with the Chairwoman had not been answered. Ms. Baetke believed the county needed to issue a public apology to the innocent family in Elgin and moved that this "corporation" be dissolved and to stop pretending to be a government.

B. Agenda Items - None.



∙ Madam Chair Comments

Madam Chair reminded the board that as part of the adopted budget's policy, the budget will have to be balanced by fund. She proceeded to read details of the policy. Furthermore, she discussed the operating policy as it relates to the use of one-time revenues. Focusing on another slide, she addressed the impact of the CPI increase on the FY22 property tax, reviewing the numbers (3.5% vs. 5%) more closely as it pertained to increasing the property tax levy. In yet another slide, Madam Chair addressed eight (8) issues affecting the budget that needed to be considered by the board. Lastly, she announced that on November 29th the board will take its final vote on the budget before the new board is sworn in.

∙ Preservation Partners of Fox Valley (A. Watts)

Mr. Al Watts, with Preservation Partners of Fox Valley, provided a historical run down of how his non-profit organization has affected the Fox Valley through various conservation and preservation efforts over many years.



Drainage/Sanitary & Conservancy District Appointments

Dir. of Environmental & Water Resources Wollnik presented the yearly appointments and reappointments for the county’s drainage/sanitary and conservancy districts. John Peshke (phonetic) was recognized for the reactivation of the Plato/Rutland Drainage district. Shepro extended appreciation to the re-appointment of Mr. Fagel to the Rob Roy District and for his years of dedication to the district.


MOVER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

Historic Preservation Commission Appointment

Developmental Dir. Mark Van Kerkhoff announced the appointment of Dan Larsen to the Historic Preservation Commission of Kane County. Member Frasz supported the appointment of this master carpenter.


MOVER: Clifford Surges, Board Member

SECONDER: Jarett Sanchez, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie


Member Ford announced the Jobs Committee will be hosing a round table discussion with the Parent Alliance Employment Project on October 14, 2022 after the regular meeting of the Jobs Committee. The discussion will focus on the benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities. Member Berman announced the Finance Committee will be discussing the $16.0M Dollar deficit at the upcoming September 15th Committee of the Whole meeting. He is concerned about the on-going deficit for the future, the fact that property taxes have not been increased for 10 years, inflation has risen, and the board will have to consider this matter before year’s end.

Member Molina announced the Judicial and Public Safety Committee will be discussing the staff increases requested for next year. Frasz announced a fatal accident took place on August 16, 2022 at the coroner of Randall and Red Gate Road and the matter will be discussed at next Tuesday’s KDOT Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m. Member Surges stated the Human Services Committee will be prioritizing some of its items. Member Kious stated that White and Co. will be discussing space needs for the campuses with the Administration Committee . Member Bates mentioned the Energy & Environmental Committee will be discussing the progress being made with solar fields.



Madam Chair asked if anyone wanted to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Member Tepe removed Res. No. 22-317. Member Kious removed Res. No. 22-326. Hearing no further requests, Madam Chair asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Res. Nos. 22-317 and 22-326. Roll call:


MOVER: Dale Berman, Board Member

SECONDER: Mavis Bates, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

AWAY: Todd Wallace

Res. #22 - 318 Authorizing the Use of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act to Fund the Fabulous Fox! Water Trail Promotion and Infrastructure Project

Res. #22 - 319 Authorizing Execution of Memorandum of Agreement between County of Kane, Kane County Sheriff and Policeman's Benevolent Labor Committee (Kane County Sheriff's Office Jail Maintenance)

Res. #22 - 320 Authorizing Execution of Memorandum of Agreement between County of Kane, Kane County Sheriff and Policeman's Benevolent Labor Committee (Kane County Sheriff's Office Civilians' Unit)

Res. #22 - 321 Authorizing Execution of Collective Bargaining Agreement and Approving a Supplemental Budget Adjustment (Kane County Sheriff's Court Security Officers)

Res. #22 - 322 Authorizing Execution of Collective Bargaining Agreement and Approving a Supplemental Budget Adjustment (Kane County Health Department)

Res. #22 - 323 Authorizing Release of General Fund Contingency Budget for New Positions Filled During Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2022

Res. #22 - 324 Authorizing Capital Projects from the Capital Fund

Res. #22 - 325 Authorizing an Agreement with Wight and Company for Judicial Center Boiler Replacement

Res. #22 - 327 Authorizing an Agreement with Tyler Technologies for Enterprise Law Enforcement Software and Services

Res. #22 - 328 Authorizing Agreement with Devnet for Software License, Maintenance, and Support

Res. #22 - 329 Authorizing a Contract for Mill Creek SSA Holiday Lights & Decor Services

Res. #22 - 330 Authorization for Mill Creek Parkway Tree Installation Services Contract Extension

Res. #22 - 331 Approving a Contract with Cornerstone Partners Horticultural Services Company for the Kane County Judicial Center Tree Installation and Maintenance Project

Res. #22 - 332 Adopting Temporary and Seasonal Workers Policy to the Personnel Policy Handbook

Res. #22 - 333 Cancelling the 2022 Annual Employee Wellness Biometric Screening

Res. #22 - 334 Authorizing the County to Contract with Humana Inc. to Provide the 2023 Healthcare Continuation Coverage for Medicare Eligible Retired and Disabled Employees and Surviving Spouses (attached)

Res. #22 - 335 Approving the 2023 Monthly Health and Dental Contributions

Res. #22 - 336 Authorizing the Sheriff’s Office Purchase of a BLK2GO Laser Scanner for Crime Scene Imaging and Accident Reconstruction

Res. #22 - 337 Approving July 2022 Claims Paid

Res. #22 - 338 Approving the Assignment of Contractual Rights and Obligations by TranSmart, Inc to TranSmart, LLC

Res. #22 - 339 Approving a Funding Agreement with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning for Developing the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Components for Kane County's Long Range Transportation Planning Efforts

Res. #22 - 340 Approving Appropriation of Funds Received From Pace Suburban Bus

Res. #22 - 341 Approving an Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Phase II Engineering for Kirk Road over Union Pacific Railroad, Kane County Section No. 12-00192-04-BR

Res. #22 - 342 Approving Amendment No. 7 to a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement with Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc. for Longmeadow Parkway Bridge Corridor from East of IL 31 to East of IL 25 (Section C), Kane County Section No. 13-00215-20-BR

Res. #22 - 343 Approving an Amendment to the Phase II Engineering Services Agreement with BLA, Inc. of Itasca, Illinois for Kirk Road over Union

Pacific Railroad, Kane County Section No. 12-00192-04-BR


Res. #22 - 317 Approving Invoices from Ernst & Young LLP for Professional Services Rendered from 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 and 2/1/2022 to 2/28/2022

Members voiced concerns about the high expense for paying someone to manage/administer the COVID funds now and for the future, especially when the county would be audited anyway. Others shared that such steps were typical with federal grants. Questions followed as to whether it was a matter of the high hourly price being spent or whether it was a matter of using taxpayer money wisely. Member Sanchez indicated he would be reviewing compliance requirements with the State’s Attorney’s Office because the county assumes all legal and financial risk which he and the ARPA Committee wanted to avoid. He will provide an update at the next ARPA Committee.


MOVER: Jarett Sanchez, Board Member

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Barbara Wojnicki

NAYS: Kenneth C. Shepro, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

AWAY: Todd Wallace

Res. #22 - 326 Authorizing a Contract Extension for Kane County Electrical Services

Member Kious pointed out some of the information contained in the resolution was incorrect.

Motion by Kious, second by Shepro to return Resolution No 22-326 to the Administration Committee to confirm and correct the information in the resolution. Roll call: Aye: Allan, Bates, Berman, Brown, Davoust, Ford, Frasz, Gumz, Iqbal, Kenyon, Kious, Lenert, Lewis, Martin, Molina, Sanchez, Shepro, Silva, Strathmann, Surges, Tepe, Wojnicki

Nay: None

Absent: Koppie; Away: Wallace

MOTION PASSED. VOTE: 22-0 (Resolution returned to Administration Committee)

RESULT: SENT BACK TO COMMITTEE Next: 10/12/2022 10:00 AM

TO: Administration Committee

Res. #22 - 344 Authorizing a Contract with Wellpath for Detainee Medical Services

Motion by Molina, second by Lenert to return Resolution No. 22-344 to the Finance Committee to discuss amendments. Roll call: Aye: Allan, Bates, Berman, Brown, Davoust, Ford, Frasz, Gumz, Iqbal, Kenyon, Kious, Lenert, Lewis, Martin, Molina, Sanchez, Shepro, Silva, Strathmann, Surges, Tepe, Wojnicki

Nay: None

Absent: Koppie

Away: Wallace

MOTION PASSED. VOTE: 22-0 (Resolution returned to Finance Committee)


TO: Finance and Budget Committee

Res. #22 - 345 Authorizing Certain Actions Relative to the Tax Agent


MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

AWAY: Todd Wallace

Res. #22 - 346 Approving the Emergency Purchase of Two Replacement Patrol Vehicles for the Kane County Sheriff's Office and Approving a Supplemental Budget Adjustment

A typographical error was noted in the title where it should have reflected there were two replacement patrol vehicles being purchased. The body of the resolution was accurate. The minor amendment was accepted by the mover and the seconder. Roll call:


MOVER: Myrna Molina, Board Member

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

Res. #22 - 347 Authorizing Appointment of Supplemental Election Judges

Public Service Chairman Tepe informed the board that due to timing of this resolution, it was coming before the board for approval in order to place the election judge list before a circuit court judge to affirm the appointments for the November election. Member Shepro also expanded on the approval process and the statute pertaining to the resolution.

Recently, he was aware that someone was questioning the party affiliation of approximately 33 election judges. To that end, he reported any party could file an objection before the judge. Atty. Niermann also confirmed that same judicial process. (Wallace returns.)


MOVER: Vern Tepe, Board Member

SECONDER: Bill Lenert, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

7. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if needed)

Madam Chair entertained a motion to go into closed session. Member Shepro moved to go into closed discussion at 11:34 a.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; 2) pending litigation; and 3) settlement of claims. Seconded by Member Ford. Roll call:


AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

(Lenert steps out.)


Return to Open Session

The board moved out of closed session and returned to open session at 12:23 p.m. (Lenert returns.)


MOVER: Mavis Bates, Board Member

SECONDER: Mark Davoust, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Bill Lenert, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

Roll call in open session:

Present: Allan*, Bates, Berman, Brown, Davoust, Ford, Frasz, Gumz*, Iqbal*, Kenyon, Kious, Lenert, Lewis, Martin, Molina*, Sanchez, Shepro, Silva*, Strathmann, Surges, Tepe, Wallace, Wojnicki. Absent: Koppie.

Res. #22 - 348 Authorizing the State's Attorney to Pursue Additional Legal Claims Related to the Recovery of the County's Response Costs to the Opioid Epidemic


MOVER: Mavis Bates, Chris Kious

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Board Member

AYES: Deborah Allan, Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, David Brown, Mark Davoust, Ron Ford, Drew Frasz, Michelle Gumz, Mo Iqbal, Michael Kenyon, Chris Kious, Anita Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Kenneth C. Shepro, Monica Silva, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges, Vern Tepe, Todd Wallace, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSTAIN: Bill Lenert

ABSENT: Tom Koppie

Approval of Settlement - 19 WC 30614

Due to this item not making the agenda deadline, no vote could be taken. The matter was off the agenda and returned to the Legal Affairs Committee.

This meeting was adjourned at 12:28 PM.




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