Kane County Public Service Committee met Sept. 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes: August 18, 2022
3. Public Comments
4. Finance
A. Financial Reports
5. Recorder
A. Monthly Report
6. Treasurer / Collector
A. Monthly Report
B. Resolution Approval of the Amount of Bond for County Treasurer and County Collector
7. Supervisor of Assessments
A. Monthly Report
8. Regional Office of Education
9. County Clerk
A. Clerk Monthly Report (attached)
B. Resolution Approval of the Amount of Bond for County Clerk
C. Resolution Recognizing Voter Outreach Partners for their Continued Support and Participation
10. Veteran's Assistance Commission
1. Monthly Report
11. Other Business
12. Executive Session (If Needed)
13. Reports Placed On File
14. Adjournment