
Kane County Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kane County Forest Preserve District Executive Committee met June 9

Kane County Forest Preserve District Executive Committee met June 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call to Order

The Forest Preserve District Executive Committee meeting was held at 8:30 AM at the Administration Offices located at 1996 S. Kirk Road, Suite 320, Geneva, IL 60134. The meeting was opened by President Chris Kious at 8:30 AM. Remote=*

Members Present:

Attendee Name::

President Chris Kious Present

Commissioner Michael Kenyon Present

Commissioner John Martin Present

Commissioner Barbara Wojnicki Present

Commissioner Mavis Bates Present*

Commissioner Drew Frasz Present*

Commissioner Myrna Molina Present*

Commissioner Jarett Sanchez Present*

Commissioner Dale Berman Present* (via remote @ 8:52 a.m.)

Others Present:

Commissioners: Allan*, Brown*, Davoust; Exec. Dir. Meyers; CFO Stanish & staff Petschke; Dir. of Ops. Goreth; Dir. of NRM Haberthur & staff Rodeghero; Dir. of Comm. Affairs Metanchuk & staff Kovach; HR Dir. Yee; Chief of Police & Dir. of Public Safety Burger*; Exec. Asst. Figliozzi and Attorney Hodge.

II. Approval of Minutes from May 5, 2022


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: John Martin, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

III. Public Comment (Each Speaker is limited to three minutes)


IV. Presentation and Approval of Bills and Commissioners' Per Diem from May 2022


TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

V. Finance and Administration

A. Presentation and Approval of a One-Year Extension with Waste Management for Refuse and Recycling Services

Finance Manager Petschke presented the third and final contract extension with Waste Management. In 2017, the District collaborated with Kane County to be included in their bidding process for refuse and recycling services. The original contract was for three years, and the bid included three additional, one-year options, if both parties agreed. Every District location that has a refuse container is listed as an on-call service for Waste Management. This means that they will not pick-up the refuse until the District calls and requests service. This helps reduce costs, since scheduling automatic pick-ups is not always necessary, depending on the use at the various preserves.



TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: John Martin, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

B. Presentation and Approval of 2022 Revisions to the Employee Policy Handbook HR Dir. Yee presented the updated Employee Handbook noting changes made per the suggestion of Commissioner Iqbal. As is best practice, the Human Resources department has completed a full review of the Employee Policy Handbook. Overall, the intention of the review was to construct a consistent format and terminology throughout the Handbook. In addition, updates were made to policies or procedures to ensure alignment with current practices, policies and laws.



TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

VI. Land Acquisition

A. Presentation and Approval of the Sale of District Owned Parcels in Valley View and Fox River Estates Subdivisions

Landscape Architect Tegge presented the parcels in question for sale. Staff performed a site review of District owned parcels within the Valley View and Fox River Estates subdivisions. A list of parcels was compiled that were of little habitat quality and limited to no public access or use potential. The Land Acquisition Committee directed staff to finalize parcels for sale and obtain appraisals. The parcels were valued at $2,000 per acre or a minimum $500 per lot. Lots will be sold by public auction with notices mailed to adjoining property owners. Government agencies that adjoin any of the lots will be contacted first, prior to sale by auction, and offered a first right-of-refusal to maintain the land for public use.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Allan asked about requirements regarding the timeframe of resolution signage and notice to the City of St. Charles. Exec. Dir. Meyers responded that the St. Charles Park District (bordering property owner) was informed prior to the public meeting.


TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

VII. Planning & Utilization

A. Presentation and Approval of Change Order #1 with V3 Construction Group, LTD for Additional Engineering Services Associated with the Water-Control Structure as Part of the Nelson Lake Marsh Revitalization Project

NRM Dir. Haberthur presented the change order for V3 Construction Group for the Nelson Lake Marsh project. This change order is focused on the water-control structure itself. A small amount of engineering work is needed to ensure the brackets that hold the stop-log structures onto the concrete, double-box culvert fit properly for water restriction. The attached plan set represents the first change order from V3 Construction Group, LTD for $2,639. Despite the relatively low amount of this change order, no contingency was anticipated or requested for this project at the time of original award. Therefore, the request is coming before the Commission for approval. DISCUSSION: None.


TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: John Martin, Commissioner

SECONDER: Mavis Bates, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

B. Presentation and Approval of a Bid for Resurfacing a Portion of the Fox River Trail in Elgin Township

Dir. of Ops. Goreth presented the bid for trail resurfacing. Funds were approved for resurfacing approximately one mile of the Fox River Trail in Elgin Township. As part of this project, the new trail will connect to the new asphalt that was installed for the Raymond Street tunnel. These funds will cover recycling the asphalt in place, paving and site restoration. Additional funds were included to cover the mandatory costs associated with paving within 25 feet of an active Metra railroad crossing, including such items as engineering, insurance, permits and Metra-provided flaggers. One option and one allowance was offered as part of this project. Option 1 was an additional 10,400 square feet of paving to be completed, following the same specifications, and one allowance which was offered for over-dig excavation for unsuitable soils. The bid was publicly advertised and sent to 61 vendors, with four responding. Schroeder Asphalt of Huntley, Illinois, was the qualified, lowest bidder with a base bid total of $112,100. The allowance amount of $2,000 for over-dig excavation for unsuitable soils was also accepted for this project, for a grand total of $114,100.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Bates asked about the longevity of the trails. Dir. of Ops. Goreth explained, there have been a lot changes with the resurfacing, currently staff performs a recycle in place, the material is ground and replaced in the same area. This allows for a better consistency of asphalt rather than an overlay that can break down easier.


TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman

C. Presentation and Approval of a Bid for Parking Lot and Roadway Resurfacing at Rutland and Blackberry Maples Forest Preserves

Dir. of Ops. Goreth presented the bid for the parking lot and roadway resurfacing. The bid was publicly advertised and sent to 48 vendors with one responding. AC Pavement Striping Co. of Elgin, Illinois, was the sole bidder, with a total bid amount of $54,599.60. The bid exceeded the budgeted amount for this project by $4,599.60. Staff re-evaluated the project for the Rutland Forest Preserve, and determined that the crack filling of the one-way road could be removed from the bid, which would keep this project within budget. This determination was made based on the amount and severity of the traverse cracking, and the limited amount of vehicular traffic on this section of roadway. Staff also determined that the crack filling could be completed in-house, with minimal expense and staff time. Additionally, the one-way roadway at Rutland is closed through the winter months. (Commissioner Berman arrived via remote @ 8:52 a.m.)



TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

D. Presentation and Approval of a Multi-Purpose Trail Conversion at Rutland Forest Preserve Dir. of Ops. Goreth presented the trail conversion at the Rutland Forest Preserve for approval only. The Preserve consists of 295 acres, with rolling slopes, marshy depressions, a diverse wildflower population as well as a heron rookery. The majority of these high-quality natural features are located within the southwest portion of the preserve, as well as a one-way road section. Staff would like eliminate the vehicle access to this portion of the preserve to protect the existing habitat as well as make it more accessibly-safe to preserve patrons that walk this narrow section of roadway. Staff proposes converting the one-way section of road into a multi-purpose trail. Rutland Forest Preserve currently has a limited amount of trails due to its hilly and wet terrain. Since the roadway is paved, it would make a beneficial addition as a multi-purpose trail, especially for patrons with mobility challenges. Additionally, conversion to a trail would provide a safer way to enjoy the natural beauty of this forest preserve site. A multi-purpose trail would also fit in with the recently purchased Harrigan property and future preserve-improvement plans to the west. If approved, staff will update the directional vehicular signage along the roadway and close-off the back one-way road section. Barriers currently being used throughout the District’s trail systems would be used to block the roadway. The back parking lot provides for the necessary turn-around. This change would be noted on the preserve map on site in the kiosk, on the District’s website and social media outlets. DISCUSSION: None.


MOVER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

E. Presentation and Approval of a Request to Submit an IDNR Open Space Land Acquisition & Development (OSLAD) Grant Application for the Development of Mill Creek Greenway Forest Preserve in Elburn

Landscape architect Tegge presented the request to submit a grant application for the Mill Creek Greenway Forest Preserve in Elburn. Mill Creek Greenway Preserve is a 269-acre preserve in Elburn that serves as the District’s Natural Resources Management department office and cold-storage facility. The first acquisition to begin creating Mill Creek Greenway Forest Preserve occurred in 2008, just north of the intersection of Keslinger Road and Brundige Road. The preserve expanded to the north in 2012, and ultimately all the way to Lincoln Highway (Route 38) in 2017, with assistance through an IDNR Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant (LWCF). That grant was for the 62.5 acres immediately adjacent to, but not including, the Natural Resources department’s new office buildings, or the barn and silo structures to the east. These 62.5 acres are now the subject of the proposed OSLAD application. The project includes new roadway and parking areas, agriculture-to prairie natural area conversions, shelter, restroom, trail improvements and a mowed archery range. The Commission prioritized the Mill Creek Greenway Forest Preserve Development Project for inclusion in the District’s Master Plan (2022 Update) and budgeted $50,000 for design and engineering services in the 2022/23 Fiscal Year Budget. Staff is requesting permission to apply for the IDNR OSLAD Grant to assist with funding the project. The grant will reimburse the District 50% of the construction costs up to a $400,000 match. Phase I engineering is budgeted this fiscal year which will conclude with a cost estimate for the project. Staff is recommending a maximum project amount of $800,000 at this time to maximize the grant, and until the cost estimate is complete. Public input will be sought, and a final, conceptual design would be brought back to the Committee for approval.

DISCUSSION: Commissioner Frasz commented that the area where the shelter was being proposed has the highest elevation point, this area has a wide range of views in the county and would be a favorable location. Commissioner Bates asked about a potential fence around the proposed archery range. Tegge explained that a buffer would be created, the land would be utilized with a mix of prairie to blend in the landscape and keep the buffer natural. Tegge noted a final design would include research for best management practices.


TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

SECONDER: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

F. Presentation and Approval of a Request from Friends of Fabyan to Install a Memorial Plaque in Memory of Mrs. Darlene Larson at Fabyan Forest Preserve

Exec. Dir. Meyers presented the request for a plaque installation in honor of the late Darlene Larson, Founder of Friends of Fabyan. The Friends of Fabyan are requesting permission to install a bronze, memorial plaque at Fabyan Forest Preserve in memory of Mrs. Darlene Larson. Mrs. Larson was the founder and past president of Friends of Fabyan, from 1979 to 2018. She, and Friends of Fabyan, played an integral part in acknowledging the historical significance and interpretation of Fabyan Forest Preserve, by coordinating restoration projects and donating funds for the preservation of Fabyan Estate artifacts, structures and the Japanese Garden within the preserve.

The plaque would be placed near the Japanese Tea Garden and mounted to a plaque stand. The plaque is similar as to what was completed in 2018 for the Giertz and Frasz families. There would be a memorial and dedication event on June 5, 2022, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the Tea House at Fabyan Forest Preserve.



TO: Forest Preserve District Commission

MOVER: John Martin, Commissioner

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

VIII. New or Unfinished Business


IX. Closed Session to Discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts, Litigation and Personnel The Committee moved into Executive Closed Session @ 9:12 a.m. to discuss License Agreements


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

The Committee returned to Open Session @ 9:24 a.m. on a motion by Kenyon, second by Martin, roll call vote was taken, unanimous.

X. Communications

Exec. Dir. Meyers introduced the new Planning and Land Management Director, Jennifer Rooks-Lopez. Meyers promoted the IPRA Conservation and Forest Preserve Section meeting today, Thursday June 9, 2022. A learning lab hosted by NRM Dir. Haberthur at the Hoscheit Woods Forest Preserve includes an interpretive hike and plans for the awarded DCEO restoration grant. Immediately following, the section

meeting is to take place at the Barbara Belding Lodge, Brewster Creek Forest Preserve.

Comm. Affairs Dir. Metanchuk promoted Hooked on Fishing Event hosted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) on June 18, 2022 at the Oakhurst Forest Preserve. Brief conversation occurred.

Commissioner Kenyon asked for an update regarding the Carpentersville Dam project. Exec. Dir. Meyers stated the project is currently on the next phase, the goal is to release the bid in two weeks. Commissioner Davoust discussed upcoming grant project opportunities for the Settler’s Hill Golf Course Club house.

XI. President's Comments

President Kious promoted Pride month, strengthening the diversity and inclusion of our community. The bird watching series was also promoted, available on the website kaneforest.com. Commissioner Bates promoted the Monday night hike at the Jon Duerr Forest Preserve, more information can be located on the website. Commissioner Kenyon stated, June is dairy month.

XII. Financial Reports

Reports A-C were moved together.

A. Bond Investment Report: April 2022

B. Cash & Investment Report: April 2022

C. Revenue & Expense Report through April 2022


MOVER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

SECONDER: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

AYES: Mavis Bates, Dale Berman, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

XIII. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:38 a.m.


MOVER: Michael Kenyon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Dale Berman, Commissioner

AYES: Chris Kious, Mavis Bates, Michael Kenyon, Drew Frasz, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Barbara Wojnicki

ABSENT: Dale Berman




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