City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met July 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings – July 13, 2022
Items Also on City Council Agenda
A. Public Works Fleet Purchase ($172,607)
Objective: Purchasing a replacement lift truck to maintain city maintenance operations and core service delivery for street lighting.
Initiatives and Other Items
B. Engineering Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for US Army Corps of Engineers Fox River Habitat and Connectivity Study ($34,469)
Objective: Provide engineering services to review and protect the City’s interest through the US Army Corp of Engineers Fox River Habitat and Connectivity Study.
C. Engineering Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for Comprehensive Water and Sewer Master Plan ($1,339,658)
Objective: Provide engineering services to assess the current capital, operations and devel opment programming in the Utilities Department, and provide a road map to meet the fu ture forecasted demands in the most responsible, efficient and sustainable approach pos sible.
D. Agreement with Cordogan Clark for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Reno vations and Addition to the Hemmens Cultural Center ($471,878)
Objective: Contract with consulting services firm to refine the design, manage the bids and administer construction for the Hemmens Cultural Center’s renovations and addition.
E. Design and Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Gewalt Hamilton Associ ates, Inc. for the 2022 CDBG Neighborhood Street Resurfacing Program ($110,000)
Objective: Analyze, design and prepare construction documents for the resurfacing of vari ous residential streets, as well as provide field inspection, contract administration, general coordination, and control of the day-to-day construction activities for the 2022 CDBG Neighborhood Street Resurfacing Program.
F. Agreement with School District U-46 for Continuation of School Resource Officers ($545,662)
Objective: Provide a police presence within schools to promote student and staff safety and security.
Announcements from Council
Announcements from Staff
Executive Session