
Kane County Reporter

Friday, January 10, 2025

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Nov. 16

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City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Nov. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chair Wolff called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

1. Roll Call

Members Present: Chair Wolff; Ald. Miller, Beck, Connelly, Chanzit (remote), Solfa, Baerren (remote), Leman, Ajazi (remote), Malay (remote), Uher, Cerone (remote), Vogelsinger (joined at 8:33pm)

Members Absent: Ald. Russotto

Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Laura Newman, City Administrator; Chief Deicke, Batavia Fire Department; Gary Holm, Director of Public Works; Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner (remote); Rahat Bari, City Engineer (remote); Peggy Colby, Director of Finance (online); Scott Buening, Director of Community and Economic Development Anthony Isom, Assistant to the City Administrator (remote); and Jennifer Austin-Smith, Recording Secretary (remote)

2. Reminder: Please speak into the microphone for BATV recording

3. Approve Minutes for September 21, 2021

Motion: To approve the minutes for September 21, 2021

Maker: Uher

Second: Miller

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Uher, Cerone, Miller, Beck, Connelly, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent, Motion carried.

4. Items Removed/Added/Changed

There were no items removed, added or changed.

5. Matters From the Public (For Items NOT on the Agenda)

There were no matters from the public

6. Public Hearing 7:05pm: 2022 Budget

Chair Wolff opened the Public Hearing at 7:05pm.

Colby stated that this is the official notice to our residents and taxpayers of our budget that we intend to pass. Colby asked if there were any questions. Chair Wolff stated that he has heard several comments on how easy the site is to navigate. Cerone asked about the Wastewater Treatment Plant and how it is being paid for. Colby answered it is being paid for initially through IEPA loans and then we are recommending rate increases incrementally for 2022-2028 depending on how long it takes to pay for the entire project. The project ended up costing more than what was originally projected so we need to have further rate increases at eight percent each year.

Motion: To close the Public Hearing

Maker: Uher

Second: Miller

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Uher, Cerone, Miller, Beck, Connelly, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay


12-0 Vote, 2 Absent, Motion carried.

The Committee closed the Public Hearing at 7:16pm.

Colby announced that this would be on the December 6th City Council meeting for approval.

7. Presentation: Proposed Mixed Use Development on Shumway Ave. (Batavia Enterprises Inc.)

Austin Dempsey, Batavia Enterprises, presented a PowerPoint titled “365 Shumway Development” to the Committee that contained the following information:

• CRG Breadth of Experience

• Development Highlights

o 167 Units

o Amenities Deck (Pool, Fitness, etc)

o River Views (Access to Bike Trails)

o 205 Covered Parking Stalls

• Location

• Public Parking

• Building Footprint

o Unit Matrix

• West Elevation

• East Elevation

• Streetscape Improvements

• Why 365 Shumay?

o Live, Work, Play concept

o Economical Luxury

o Increased Public Parking

o Streetscape Improvements

Nate Buchard, RUME, and John Lassaux, CRG, presented a PowerPoint presentation with the following information:

• A Sense of Purpose, A Sense of Belonging, and Now We Need Your Support

• TIF Request and Impact

o Developer Financing Request

o TIF Eligible Public Improvements

o Chart titled ‘Property Tax (Impact)’

The Committee discussed the existing TIF, creating a micro-TIF, parking, revenue source public parking structure, improving streetscape, incentivizing projects because ‘but for’ the incentive the rate of return of the project would not be financed without the incentive. Newman announced that Kane McKenna would join the 11/30 meeting and discuss the finances for this project.

Ald. Vogelsinger entered the meeting at 8:33pm

8. Ordinance 21-65: Amending the Municipal Code Relating to Water Usage Rates (GH 11/16/21)

Holm overviewed the memo and discussed needed phosphorus treatment. Solfa asked how many years would there need to be changes in the rate. Newman answered up to the year 2028. Chair Wolff clarified that this ordinance is approving the 2022 changes in the rate. Newman stated that as the project is approved and we seek the IEPA loan, when we receive that loan that is the commitment to multiple years to continue to raise rates.

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-65: Amending the Municipal Code Relating to Water Usage Rates

Maker: Cerone

Second: Miller

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Beck, Connelly, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent, Motion carried.


9. Ordinance 21-66: Amending the Municipal Code Relating to Sanitary Usage Rates (GH 11/16/21)

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-66: Amending the Municipal Code Relating to Sanitary Usage Rates

Maker: Cerone

Second: Miller

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Beck, Connelly, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent, Motion carried.


10. Resolution 21-108-R: Approving Task Order #15 with Trotter and Associates, Inc. for Engineering Design of Phase IIA Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility (GH 11/16/21) PU

Holm overviewed the memo.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-108-R: Approving Task Order #15 with Trotter and Associates, Inc. for Engineering Design of Phase IIA Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility

Maker: Cerone

Second: Uher

Roll Call Vote: Aye: Cerone, Vogelsinger, Miller, Beck, Connelly, Chanzit, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Malay, Uher


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent, Motion carried.

11. Discussion: Groundwater Use Restrictions Related to Environmental Cleanup Efforts (CS)

Holm stated that the hour is late and that this is not a time sensitive issue but is something that would deserve a decent discussion. Newman stated that this is a very technical matter. Staff has worked very closely with our environmental consultants to review information and data about the environmental clean up that has been performed at 24 North Batavia Avenue. The current owner, who is a bank, has asked the City to pass an ordinance that would prohibit drinking water wells on the property. There are many considerations that the City needs to weigh in order to make a determination on whether that would be prudent or not because there are risks associated with doing that. Chair Wolff asked staff to keep the Committee updated and bring this back when a decision is needed.

12. Project Status

Newman reported on the following:

• The Active Transportation Plan Project that is part of the Strategic Action Plan, there is a stakeholder group meeting tomorrow from 1pm-2:30pm.

• A meeting was set up with Hitchcock Design Group on Friday to talk about further exploration of options a and b and the potential cost and time to do the hydrological study. Newman noted the Park District Board would be interested in the same thing for option e. Newman will look into a cost sharing agreement with exploration of the options with the Park District. Chair Wolff asked Newman to find out if there is any validity to the hydrolic modeling study that was done years ago.

• There are no agenda items for next Tuesday so that meeting will be cancelled and the next COW meeting will be 11/30.

13. Other

Leman commented on the stop sign on Main Street increased enforcement that was requested by a resident. She stated that she has seen many people pulled over the past few days.

Cerone asked about the City’s authority on speed radar in school zones. He stated that speed radar in school zones is something he would support. Buening stated that it is only allowable in the City of Chicago.

14. Adjournment

There being no other business to discuss, Chair Wolff asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:47pm; Made by Solfa; Seconded by Uher. Motion carried.