City of Batavia City Council Met Aug. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Schielke called the City Council meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. with 7 aldermen physically present and 7 aldermen who attended via phone.
Present: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan
On the phone: Knopp, Chanzit, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
Accept and Place on File:
A. Committee of the Whole Minutes for June 30, 2020
B. July 24th Payroll for $893,690.16
C. Accounts Payable Check Register $1,506,056.31
D. City Council Minutes for July 6, 2020 and July 20, 2020 E. June 2020 City Council Financial Report
F. RESOLUTION 20-093-R: Authorizing a zero dollar change contract amendment for Main Street Reconstruction design contract awarded to CivilTech Inc. through Resolution 17-49-R (RB 7/24/20 COW 7/28/20 13/0) CS
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
APPOINTMENT: Appoint Amy Moore and Reappoint Sue Peterson and Joan Joseph to the Plan Commission – Term Expires 6/01/23
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
APPOINTMENT: Reappoint Sara Harms to the Plan Commission – Term Expires 6/01/21
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
APPROVAL to allow Water Street Studios to use the retention wall in the alley adjacent to the studio as an outdoor gallery.
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
Ordinance 20-48 AN ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $1,000,000 Waterworks Revenue Bonds (IEPA) of the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois, for the purposes of paying the costs of the necessary improvements to the Waterworks System of said City, prescribing all the details of said bonds and providing for the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of said System for the payment of said bonds. (PC 7/23/20 COW 7/28/20 13/0) GS
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
Ordinance 20-49 AN ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $2,350,000 Sewerage Revenue Bonds (IEPA) of the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois, for the purposes of paying the costs of the necessary improvements to the Sewerage System of said City, prescribing all the details of said bonds and providing for the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of said System for the payment of said bonds. (PC 7/23/20 COW 7/28/20 13/0) GS
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
Ordinance 20-50 AN ORDINANCE providing for the issuance of $4,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020, of the City of Batavia, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of financing water main replacements and water treatment plant improvements, providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement in connection with the issue of said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof. (PC 7/23/20 COW 7/28/20 13/0) GS
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
RESOLUTION 20-094-R: Awarding a Grant to Mainstreet for the Boardwalk Shops (LN 7/23/20 COW 7/28/20 13/0) GS
Ayes: Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Wolff, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden
14 yes/ 0 no/ 0 absent
The meeting adjourned by voice vote at 8:49 p.m.