City of St. Charles Historic Preservation Commission met April 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Members Present: Kessler, Mann, Pretz, Malay, Smunt, Krahenbuhl, Norris (7:04)
Members Absent:
Also Present: Russell Colby, Assistant Director of Community & Econ. Development Rachel Hitzemann, Planner
1. Call to order
Vice Chairman Smunt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll call
Ms. Hitzemann called roll with six members present. There was a quorum.
3. Approval of Agenda
No changes were made.
4. Presentation of the minutes of the March 4th, 2020 meeting
A motion was made by Ms. Malay and seconded by Ms. Mann with a 5-0 voice vote to approve the minutes of the March 4th, 2020 meeting. Krahenbuhl abstained.
6. Landmark Applications
7. Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) applications
a. 17 N. 5th St.
The proposal is for the replacement of an enclosed front porch. The Commission discussed the current features of the porch along with the style of the house. Vice Chair Smunt compared this home to the descriptions of the 4 square and Prairie style houses noted in A Field Guide to American Houses. Guy Cameron, the owner, stated he would also like to change the dormer.
Vice Chair Smunt suggested a one-over-one window or a fake muntin between the sashes.
Mr. Cameron said he would like all the windows to match, but he will check to see if he can get them that way.
Vice Chair Smunt suggested using four rectangular columns on the porch as a way to divide the front elevation into thirds. He also suggested adding two side-by-side windows between the columns instead of one big one. Mr. Cameron said he would consider adding more columns if he had to, but he does not like the look of different windows. Mr. Pretz stated the proposed elevation looks out of place with the house. He felt the proportions were wrong. The owner asked if it would work if he extended the 1x4 that is between the two little windows and the big windows on each side. It would divide it into thirds without adding additional columns. He referred to the Larson Doors website to help the Commission get a better understanding of the windows he’d prefer to use. Mr. Kessler suggested creating a pilaster where the other two original posts currently are. The Commission was open to this idea.
A motion was made by Mr. Kessler and seconded by Mr. Pretz with a unanimous voice vote to approve the COA as presented with the addition of a divider/muntin on the dormer windows and the porch to have an additional 2 pilaster/post columns that will match the 2 corner post columns already proposed.
8. Grant Applications
No items.
9. Other Commission Business
No items.
10. Preliminary Reviews-Open forum for questions or presentation of preliminary concepts to the Commission for feedback
a. BMO Bank Parking lot ATM
The proposal is for the installation of an ATM with a canopy in the parking lot across the street and an illuminated directional sign. They will be required by code to include some landscaping in the area. The Commission expressed general approval for the project.
11. Additional Business and Observations from Commissioners or Staff
12. Meeting Announcements: Historic Preservation Commission meeting Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. in the Committee Room.
13. Public Comment
Mr. Krahenbuhl announced this was his last meeting. He is leaving the Commission.
14. Adjournment
With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:16p.m.