City of Elgin Cultural Arts Commission met Feb. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
A. Call to Order: 6:01pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Miceli, Richmond, Kearney, Rehberg, Forsythe, Einterz, Erlandson present. Staff Wilhelmi present. Chairman Vassallo present. City Councilwoman Powell present.
C. Citizen’s Forum:
a. Joseph Podlasek, CEO of Trickster Gallery
i. Joseph introduced himself to the commissioners, stating that Trickster has done some events in Elgin in the past and would like to explore more of a dialogue with the ECAC. Currently working on a piece addressing domestic violence. He stated that there is lots of art in Elgin and they would like to be involved. Trickster is a Native American organization but also involves and represents multiple cultures.
ii. Commissioner Rehberg mentioned that Trickster has received ECAC funding in the past for an event that was held at SSSA that include displays and workshops.
iii. Joseph stated that they love to do workshops because it’s hands-on.
b. John Smentowski, Individual Artist Grant Application
i. John proposes to present a photo exhibition of abstract images at Gail Bordon Public Library in August of 2020. He explained that he has been interested in photography his entire life but has become more committed since his retirement. He has taken several courses at ECC where he has won several awards and been features in school publications. Inspired by the work of artist Joey Terrill, John had created a collection of abstract macro images using different types of water droplets and background objects on multiple layers of glass. John then uses different lighting techniques and Photoshop in post-production to create finished pieces. He is requesting a grant from the ECAC to allow him to mount the photos on to 20”x30” pieces of Masonite and to help offset the expenses of the marketing and exhibit reception. The exhibit will possibly include a display with John’s workstation to show the process which will be unique and educational.
ii. Commissioner Kearney suggested bigger is better on the size of the prints.
iii. Chairman Vassallo question whether he would be selling to which John replied he’s going to try.
c. Dave Metzger, Individual Artist Grant Application
i. Mike Rende and Dave presented their proposal to produce Totally Tiki at Artspace on July 10 – 25, 2020. Building on their successful Cartoon Cavalcade, this will be an open call exhibit but they are working on featured artists as well. Mike mentioned that their artist list, and their patron list are growing. The exhibit will include displays on the history of Tiki (Polynesian culture), a Tiki Bar; and Art Jam painting on surfboards which will be raffled off. They are currently narrowing down which NFP to benefit and would like to focus on environmental groups but hard to find local – not national – groups.
ii. Chairman Vassallo suggested Friends of the Fox.
iii. Dave mentioned that the event offers a lot of diversity and opportunity. The post-show reception will be at Martini Room and they would continue to promote the local businesses at the event.
iv. Commissioner Forsythe questioned whether they would be real surfboards. Dave responded that they are researching but may make their own.
v. Councilwoman Powell asked whether they would be charging admission. Dave responded that they generally do a $5.00 suggested donation. Mike added that last year they raised $1,500 for the Well Child Center.
vi. Councilwoman Powell ask what was the inspiration for Totally Tiki. Dave replied that Tiki is iconic lowbrow art and that it’s been a goal for a long time.
vii. Commissioner Rehberg commented that she was glad that presenting Polynesian culture as part of the event.
d. Erin Rehberg, Side Street Studio Arts, 2019 Organizational Grant Final Report
i. Erin reported that with the support of the ECAC, SSSA was able to expand their offerings and also eliminate the need to take commissions from the artists exhibiting and selling their works. She added that art sales went from $1,300 in 2018 to $7,500 in 2019. They have also expanded their Latino Outreach including a number of solo shows; including one by Melina Scotte who went on to paint the mural in the Spring Street Garage. The grant also allowed SSSA to add artists to the Going Dutch Festival, present more gallery shows and add an Artist in Residence. Erin stated that they feel there was wonderful growth in 2019 over 2018 largely because they had more control over the projects. SSSA looks to continue the current structure into 2020 (including MADE, their co-op style store) and will also continue working to eliminate roadblocks.
ii. Councilwoman Powell asked how the art was selected for gallery shows.
iii. Erin replied that the call-for-art is always open, and applications are reviewed, and meetings conducted to ensure that the artist is a good fit and that there are mutual expectations. She explained that Artists in Residence are expected to volunteer at least six hours per week and at the end of their residence are given the opportunity to curate or have a solo show. The Latino Artist in Residence gets a small stipend as well.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Sponsorships for Elgin Summer Theater and the Elgin Short Film Festival have been processed.
b. Art Showcase:
i. Goodly Creatures is in Tech this week.
c. Hemmens:
i. Added a Beatles tribute on March 4. The same group that brought in Beatles vs. Stones in September
ii. Talent Competition season is picking up now.
d. Approval of January Minutes:
i. Motion to approve minutes by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Erlandson. Approved by a vote of 8-0-1 with Commissioner Rehberg abstaining.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, March: Maddie Richmond is working with Jeff to create and is on schedule(ish).
b. 2017/2018 CAC Projects:
i. Americans for the Arts Workshops:
1. The consensus among commissioners that attended was that the workshops were awesome. Also the feedback heard by commissioners and staff was overwhelmingly positive. Chairman Vassallo stated that he tried to sit with people he didn’t know and thought there was good regional representation. Commissioner Kearney inquired about the PowerPoints. There was conversation of charging a nominal fee in the future.
ii. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Commissioner Rehberg reported that the Mini-Fringe held at the Grumpy Goat was a success. This was echoed by other commissioners and staff that attended. She stated that there were several new faces in the crowd and that they were able to pay each of the performers $100. The Grumpy Goat was great to work with and they are considering holding the nest on there as well. The April Mini-Fringe will feature solo acts.
2. The call for Artists for the Elgin Fringe Festival is live and over 70 performing artist applications have been received already. The calls are open through next Monday. They have 20 or so visual artist submissions and are hoping for more. The poster art for 2020 is being created by Jess Rocha.
c. Talentfest:
i. Commissioner Rehberg commented that she believes four of the five high schools have had their shows and urged the commissioners to attend. F. Other Old Business:
a. Artwork renovations:
i. The Permanent Portable Collection updates are completed and look amazing.
G. New Business:
a. Art & Soul
i. Commissioner Kearney inquired about the ECAC’s involvement with the Art & Soul Festival. Chairman Vassallo explained that there really wasn’t a relationship and that in the past the group organizing the event had a rocky history with, and exhibited an almost adversarial attitude towards, the ECAC. Commissioner Erlandson stated that she was now the president of Art-For-All (A4A) which has worked with the city to present the festival. She explained that A4A would secure the artists and the city provided $16,000 of marketing support and labor. She continued that A4A is too small an organization to organize the event on their own and she would like to see the event move into multiple storefronts downtown. She mentioned that with a low booth fee of around $100, the event did not draw the highest quality of art. Councilwoman Powell explained that many city events are being put on hiatus as the city conducts a survey to determine what types of events should be done in the future. She mentioned that Art & Soul was back on the radar specifically since it was suggested that the city could provide $5,000 of funding to A4A and let them take it over. Commissioner Erlandson responded that she told the Special Events Coordinator that they aren’t really interested in that scenario. She continued that they can’t really quantify the attendance at the event and that she feels change is needed. Butch mentioned that it seems that attendance numbers have been dropping. Councilwoman Powell questioned who would organize the event if the city did provide funding. Commissioner Erlandson replied that it would only be board members and they might consider it if another organization could partner. Commissioner Rehberg pointed out that artists have to be able to pivot and adapt. b. Mary Sweeney Exhibit:
i. Commissioner Rehberg mentioned that the Mary Sweeney exhibit that is currently in the gallery at SSSA is amazing.
c. John Smentowski, Individual Artist Grant Application
i. Councilwoman Powell mentioned that John is not an Elgin resident. It was noted that it didn’t matter since the event was taking place in Elgin. It was suggested that John’s artwork would be a good utility wrap.
ii. Motion to approve the Individual Artist Grant in the amount of $1,000 by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Miceli. Approved by a vote of 9-0. d. Dave Metzger, Individual Artist Grant Application
i. Commissioners expressed that the event sounded fun and exciting.
ii. Motion to approve the Individual Artist Grant in the amount of $1,000 by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Miceli. Approved by a vote of 8-0-1 with Commissioner Kearney abstaining.
H. Adjournment: 7:25pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Einterz. Approved by a vote of 9-0.