
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

City of Aurora Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board met June 6

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City of Aurora Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board met June 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board meeting for Thursday, June 6, 2019 was called to order at 6:04pm.

This was called to Order


The following members were present:

- Mavis Bates

- Bernina Perkins

- Terri Voitik

- Karen Wan

The following members were excused:

- Caryl Riley

- Jonathan Monsma


For staff representation the following were present:

- Alex Minnella, Planner, City of Aurora


June Newsletter

The board members reviewed the contents that will be part of the June newsletter. The newsletter will reflect activities that have taken place, and are planned.

July Citizens Advisory Meeting

The July Citizens Advisory meeting will be held at a boot at one of the Farmer's Market events. Further notices will be facilitated.

The board will also work on preparing contents for the event.

Comprehensive Renewable Energy Plan projects

Staff member Alex Minnella and board members discussed what initiatives can be considered part of a Comprehensive Renewable Energy Plan. The plan may occur as a result of joint efforts made by board members, staff, and potential partnerships with local schools, school districts and colleges.

Staff Updates

Some initiatives are currently being undertaken by staff based upon board recommendations, being the following:

- Canopy Tree Planting program: the Mayor Office of Economic Development, in collaboration with the Neighborhood Redevelopment division, will further discuss the opportunity to reestablish a Canopy Tree program that is intended to restore the overall quality of life at a neighborhood level and of the community as a whole.

- Adopt a Park: the Mayor Office of Economic Development, in collaboration with the Neighborhood Redevelopment division, will further discuss the opportunity to launch the Adopt a Park pilot program that will prove how the program might work in practice.

- Sustainability Report: staff is in the process of gathering information regarding the different components of a possible report that will be the result of joint efforts made by board members, staff, and potential partnerships with local schools, school districts and colleges.



A) Citizen Advisory Committee

B) Green Events Committee

C) Grants and Award Research Committee

D) Youth Outreach Committee


Climate Change: The Issues, the Consequences, the Challenges - Sunday, June 23, 2-4 p.m. at 78 Cherry St, Park Forest, Illinois 60466

Chief meteorologist at WGN Tom Skilling will be the keynote at the "Climate Change:

The Issues, the Consequences, the Challenges" forum that will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2-4 p.m. at 78 Cherry St, Park Forest, Illinois 60466.


Member Karen Wan motioned for adjournament and member Mavis Bates seconded.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm
