City of Elgin Sustainability Commission met July 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
A. Call to order (chairperson)
B. Welcome and Introductions (Chairperson)
C. 2020 Funding Request Presentations
1.Energy Sage 2020; 2. EcoHero Show; 3. Earth Day Hands of Hope; 4. Elgin Earth Month Celebration;
6. ECC Spartan project; 7. Waste workgroup TBD; 8. Green Expo TBD; 9.ESC Intern; 10. Elgin Farmer’s Market
D. Funding request form feedback/changes
Make changes or updates to the current online funding request form
E. Funding request evaluation criteria
Determine funding request evaluation criteria
F. Future Search
Determine person going to training in December
G. 2020 Budget (staff liaison)
Update and review instructions
H. Adjourn