City of Aurora Planning Council met July 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Mr. Sieben called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
The following members were present: Mr. Sieben, Mrs. Vacek, Mr. Minnella, Mr. Dick, Mr. Phipps and Mr. Beneke.
Others Present: Mike Frankino (Invest Aurora).
19-0530 Requesting the Establishment of a new Special Use Planned Development, and to change the underlying zoning district from B-2(S) General Retail District to R-5(S) Multiple-Family Dwelling District, R-5A(S) Midrise Multiple Family Dwelling District, B-2(S) General Retail District, and OS-1(S) Conservation, Open Space and Drainage District with a Special Use Planned Development on the property located east of the intersection of Ogden Avenue and 75th Street (CDI Development Services, LLC / Cedarwood Development Inc. - 19-0530 / NA28/1-16.085-RZ/SU/PSD/PPN - ES - Ward 10)
Mrs. Vacek said we sent out comments last week. They are in the midst of revising the plans per our comments. This is going to go on the 17th of July to Planning Commission, so it will be voted out next week.
Mr. Phipps said the Engineering Division sent out comments yesterday.
Mr. Beneke said Fire and Building are okay with it as long as nothing changes. I know they talked about some questions about some things with Engineering on whether they had to modify hydrant locations within the site. If they do, then they will have to resubmit.
Mr. Frankino said Fox Metro has yet to see a submittal, but I talked to them last week and they said they were going to do that soon.
Mr. Sieben said so, obviously, we are in the process of getting the revisions and then this will be voted out next week for the July 17th Planning Commission.
19-0531 Requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat for Aurora Town Center Subdivision located east of the intersection of Ogden Avenue and 75th Street (CDI Development Services, LLC / Cedarwood Development Inc. - 19-0531 / NA28/1-16.085-RZ/SU/PSD/PPN - ES - Ward 10)
Mrs. Vacek said we sent out comments last week. They are in the midst of revising the plans per our comments. This is going to go on the 17th of July to Planning Commission, so it will be voted out next week.
Mr. Phipps said the Engineering Division sent out comments yesterday.
Mr. Beneke said Fire and Building are okay with it as long as nothing changes. I know they talked about some questions about some things with Engineering on whether they had to modify hydrant locations within the site. If they do, then they will have to resubmit.
Mr. Frankino said Fox Metro has yet to see a submittal, but I talked to them last week and they said they were going to do that soon.
Mr. Sieben said so, obviously, we are in the process of getting the revisions and then this will be voted out next week for the July 17th Planning Commission.
19-0532 Requesting approval of a Preliminary Plan for Aurora Town Center Subdivision located east of the intersection of Ogden Avenue and 75th Street for a mixed use development (CDI Development Services, LLC / Cedarwood Development Inc. - 19-0532 / NA28/1-16.085-RZ/SU/PSD/PPN - ES - Ward 10)
Mrs. Vacek said we sent out comments last week. They are in the midst of revising the plans per our comments. This is going to go on the 17th of July to Planning Commission, so it will be voted out next week.
Mr. Phipps said the Engineering Division sent out comments yesterday.
Mr. Beneke said Fire and Building are okay with it as long as nothing changes. I know they talked about some questions about some things with Engineering on whether they had to modify hydrant locations within the site. If they do, then they will have to resubmit.
Mr. Frankino said Fox Metro has yet to see a submittal, but I talked to them last week and they said they were going to do that soon.
Mr. Sieben said so, obviously, we are in the process of getting the revisions and then this will be voted out next week for the July 17th Planning Commission.
Mr. Sieben adjourned the meeting at 10:02 a.m.