
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City of Aurora Grand Army Of The Republic Memorial Commission met July 17

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City of Aurora Grand Army Of The Republic Memorial Commission met July 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to order

II. Approval of minutes from meeting of May 15, 2019—Status of March 20, 2019, minutes?

III. Staff updates (Eric, others as appropriate):

a. IDNR grant status, construction

b. Collections committee, donation(s)

c. Other

IV. Discussion items/New business:

a. Second reading: Draft By-Laws for the Commission (prepared by Commissioner Varney)

b. Mission statement discussion.

c. Museum time for Commissioners—tour, etc. (D. Varney)

d. Veterans Day activities: contingencies related to Hall construction

V. Member reports: Events, activities, projects, needs, issues, etc.

VI. Old business

VII. Other business/items for future agendas

VIII. Adjournment
