City of Elgin Sustainability Commission met May 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
A. Call to order(chair person)
B. Roll Call (staff liaison)
C. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
D. Public Comment
E. Working Groups and Task-Relatedu pdates
Provide updates and discuss goals related to Individual Commissioner Engagement Plans.
F. Discussion Items
1. Sustainability Award Event
Hear update from committee and assign tasks to commissioners.
2. Elgin Farmers Market
Discuss commissioner and work group availability for dates.
3. Energy Sage Online Solar Marketplace
Hear update on recent discussions and determine next steps.
4. Solar Work Group
Determine future of work group: refocus or disband.
5. 2020 Budget
Determine date for special budget meeting.
G. Old Business
H. Commissioner comments/announcements
I. Adjourn