City of Aurora FoxWalk Overlay District Design Review Committee met June 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Call To Order
Roll Call
Others Present
Approval Of Minutes
18-0545 Approval of the Minutes for the FoxWalk Overlay District Design Review Committee meeting - Joint Meeting with Riverwalk Commission on February 21, 2018.
COA Report
18-0546 FoxWalk Certificates of Appropriateness Report (COA's Approved by Staff) - June 20, 2017 through June 25, 2018.
18-0544 Approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness for renovation of Agnes Mundy Park located west of Broadway Avenue between Galena Boulevard and Downer Place (City of Aurora - 18-0544 / AU22/3-18.132-FCOA - ES - Ward 2)