
Kane County Reporter

Friday, December 27, 2024

Batavia Public Library Board met March 20.

Meeting 10

Batavia Public Library Board met March 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

President Deitchman called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Elizabeth L. Hall Conference Room of the Batavia Public Library.

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Call the Roll

Trustees Present: Diane L. Blodgett, Jennifer M. Culotta, Andrew R. Deitchman, Katherine A. Garrett, Richard A. Henders, and Jo Ann Smith

Trustees Absent: Michael E. MacKenzie

Staff Members Present: Director George H. Scheetz, Kerry K. Halter, Kathy A. Moecher, Stacey L. Peterson, Nancy A. Weatherhead, and Joanne C. Zillman

Visitors Present: Barbara L. Mabbs, volunteer, Batavia Access Television (BATV) Inc.; and Joseph A. J. Olsen, Jr., Bartlett

4. Comments from the Audience

There were no comments from the audience.

5. Approve the Consent Agenda

Trustee Deitchman read the consent agenda.

Trustee Deitchman asked whether there were any changes to the consent agenda.

Motion by Trustee Blodgett to approve the consent agenda, as presented, to include the following items:—

a. Minutes:—

(1) Regular Meeting, Tuesday, 20 February 2018

b. Expenditures:—

(1) Expenditures (“Cash Disbursement Detail Report”): February 2018, including General Fund Checks (724105–724206) in the amount of $128,842.67, Online Debit Charges in the amount of $10,462.26, and Payroll Checks & Taxes in the amount of $144,962.02, for a grand total of $284,266.95 in expenditures.

c. Other Action Items:—

(1) An Ordinance Amending a Compensation Plan for “Library Page” (Standing Committee on Services): Ordinance 2018–002

(2) Designated Short-Term Parking Spaces (Standing Committee on Facilities) Seconded by Trustee Henders. Roll Call: Blodgett, aye; Culotta, aye; Deitchman, aye; Garrett, aye; Henders, aye; Smith, aye. The motion carried, 6–0, with one member absent.

6. Approve the Agenda

Trustee Deitchman asked whether there were any changes to the agenda.

Motion by Trustee Henders to approve the agenda, as presented. Seconded by Trustee Smith. All: Aye. The motion carried.

7. Board Education

Director Scheetz reported that one of the requirements for the 2018–2019 Per Capita Grant is that the Library must review and report on progress in meeting Chapter 8, “Public Services: Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services,” of Serving Our Public 3.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries (2014).

Director Scheetz summarized his written report on the Library’s compliance with the core standards and the supplemental standards (“Reference Services Standards” and “Reader’s Advisory Standards”), which was distributed in the Board packet. Discussion followed.

Stacey L. Peterson, the Library’s Adult Services Manager, who was on vacation leave while this report was compiled, noted that the Library evaluates its service at the Reference Desk annually, with a focus on customer satisfaction. Discussion followed.

While the Library does not use unobtrusive testing methods, the consensus of the Board was that the Library met the spirit of the standard in question (Reference Services Standard 19).

In response to a question from Trustee Smith, discussion followed on professional development and community involvement.

8. Financial Reports

a. Financial Reports: February 2018

• 2017–2018 Working Budget

• 2017–2018 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures

• 2017–2018 Investment Report

In the absence of H. Joseph McKane, the Library’s Finance Specialist, Director Scheetz asked whether there were any questions regarding the financial reports, which were included in the Board packet. There were no questions.

9. President’s Report

There were no additional comments from the president.

10. Good News / Comments from the Board

Trustee Garrett reported that she attended “Stories and Songs of African People” on March 11 (a One Book, One Batavia event), which she and her family enjoyed.

There were no additional comments from the Board.

11. Correspondence and Communications

The following items of correspondence and communications were included in the Board packet or distributed at the meeting.

• Article, “Community Voice: The pride of Batavia is an original,” by George H. Scheetz (Kane County Chronicle, Thursday, 1 February 2018, p. 2) — on the painting, “Fox River Ice-Skating,” by John P. Falter

• Article, “Community-based placement program helping BHS students and local businesses,” by Lucas Oswald (Neighbors of Batavia, March / April 2018, p. 28) — mentioned Batavia Public Library, which participates in the program

• Article, “Community safety is goal of city leaders after Parkland,” by Mark Foster (Kane County Chronicle, Thursday, 15 March 2018, p. 7) — mentioned Director Scheetz

• Map and Directory, “SWAN Library Services: 2018 Membership”[n.d.]

12. Director’s and Librarians’ Reports: January 2018

• Statistical Reports

The following monthly and year-to-date reports were included in the Board packet: Circulation, Library Usage, and Acquisitions

• Other Highlights

Prom Dress Giveaway: Director Scheetz provided a summary of the highly successful 2018 prom dress giveaway.

• Report from Youth Services

Joanne C. Zillman presented highlights from her written report and, in particular, reported on Winter Library Club, the Tournament of Picture Books, Read Across America, Middle School Mystery Night, and plans for Spring Break activities.

• Report from Adult Services

Stacey L. Peterson presented highlights from her written report and, in particular, reported on the “Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness” seminar, presented by Ryan Dowd, executive director, Hesed House, and the Tournament of Books.

13. Committee and Official Representative Reports

a. Community Engagement: Director Scheetz and Trustee Smith presented a brief report on Community Engagement.

b. Standing Committee on Facilities: Trustee Smith presented a brief report on the work of the Standing Committee on Facilities, the packet for which was distributed to the Board.

c. Standing Committee on Finance: There was no meeting in March.

d. Standing Committee on Outreach: Trustee Henders presented a brief report on the work of the Standing Committee on Outreach, the packet for which was distributed to the Board.

• Recognition as a Library Leader: Trustee Henders requested Trustees to review the report on “Recognition as a Library Leader” and provide comments to inform the Committee;s discussion, especially in regard to the section, “The Future.”

e. Standing Committee on Services: Trustee Deitchman presented a brief report on the work of the Standing Committee on Services, the packet for which was distributed to the Board.

f. Batavia Public Library Foundation: Trustee Blodgett and Director Scheetz presented a brief report on the work of the Batavia Public Library Foundation.

g. Friends of the Batavia Public Library: Trustee Henders presented a brief report on the work of the Friends of the Batavia Public Library.

h. Library Integrated Network Consortium (LINC): Director Scheetz presented a brief report on the work of LINC.

• SWAN: Kerry K. Halter, the Library’s Technical Services Manager and “Primary Point of Contact” for SWAN, presented a brief report and highlights on the migration process.

i. Batavia Access Television (BATV): Trustee Henders presented a brief report on the work of BATV.

14. Dissolution of the Library Integrated Network Consortium

Trustee Deitchman stated that the purpose of this agenda item was to approve “A Resolution of Dissolution of The Library Integrated Network Consortium.”

Director Scheetz reported that, pursuant to the requirement (in the LINC Bylaws), “Each Member Library will vote to approve or not approve the ‘Resolution of Dissolution’ via a mechanism (such as a mail ballot) promulgated by the Executive Committee,” each member library’s Board of Library Trustees is asked to approve the “Resolution of Dissolution” at a regular meeting.

The most complex aspect of dissolution relates to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), which requires approval of the LINC dissolution prior to splitting the assignment of the consortium’s IMRF assets and liabilities among the member libraries [Resolution, Section 2A, Paragraph 2]. IMRF currently is fully funded for LINC.

As a further requirement, based on the protocol described in the report, IMRF has stipulated that, in addition to the Boards of Library Trustees, the municipal authority of the four (4) municipal libraries— that is, their village boards—that are LINC member libraries must also approve the assignment of IMRF assets and liabilities. This requirement does not apply to district libraries, such as Batavia, which are special units of local government.) Discussion followed.

Motion by Trustee Garrett to approve “A Resolution of Dissolution of the Library Integrated Network Consortium,” as presented. Seconded by Trustee Blodgett. Roll Call: Blodgett, aye; Culotta, aye; Deitchman, aye; Garrett, aye; Henders, aye; Smith, aye. The motion carried, 6–0, with one member absent.

15. Contract for Parking Lot Rehabilitation

Trustee Deitchman stated that the purpose of this agenda item was to approve the lowest responsive, responsible bid for Parking Lot Rehabilitation as part of the Capital Asset Plan.

Trustee Smith reported that the Library received seven (7) bids for the Parking Lot Rehabilitation project. (The complete “Bid Summary” was distributed previously to the Board of Library Trustees as part of the packet for the Standing Committee on Facilities.)

The estimated cost of the Parking Lot Rehabilitation project, as identified in the Capital Asset Plan, was $265,000. The lowest apparent bidder was Schroeder Asphalt Services Inc., of Huntley, Illinois, in the amount of $144,386.35 (for one phase, including Alternate 1) and $155,586.35 (for two phases, including Alternates 1–3).

The Committee recommended that the contractor perform the Base Bid work in two phases, in order to allow easier access to the Library during construction. Discussion followed.

Director Scheetz presented a report on job references for Schroeder Asphalt Services Inc., which was received from Building Technology Consultants Inc. subsequent to the Committee meeting.

Motion by Trustee Blodgett to:—

(1) accept the Base Bid and Alternate 1 (Performance Bond) for Parking Lot Rehabilitation from Schroeder Asphalt Services Inc., of Huntley, Illinois, as presented; and

(2) accept Alternate 2 (Perform Base Bid Work in Two Phases) and Alternate 3 (Performance Bond) to the Base Bid for Parking Lot Rehabilitation from Schroeder Asphalt Services Inc., of Huntley, Illinois; and

(3) authorize Director George H. Scheetz to execute a contract with Schroeder Asphalt Services Inc., of Huntley, Illinois, in the amount of $155,586.35; and

(4) authorize Director Scheetz, in consultation with Trustee Jo Ann Smith, as chair of the Standing Committee on Facilities, to act on behalf of the Board of Library Trustees between meetings in relation to time-sensitive issues that may affect the Parking Lot Rehabilitation project, including but not limited to change orders, but not to exceed the contingency amount; that is, the allowance for additional work.

Seconded by Trustee Culotta. Roll Call: Blodgett, aye; Culotta, aye; Deitchman, aye; Garrett, aye; Henders, aye; Smith, aye. The motion carried, 6–0, with one member absent.

16. Performance Appraisal for Library Director

Trustee Deitchman stated that the purpose of this agenda item was to approve the following new instruments for use in carrying out the Library Director’s performance appraisal:—

• “Performance Appraisal for Library Director” Instrument

• “360-Degree / Subordinate Feedback for Library Director” Instrument

Issues 1–2-

Trustee Deitchman reported that the Standing Committee on Services, in collaboration with the Human Resources Manager, reviewed the proposed new instruments for use in carrying out the Library Director’s performance appraisal.

The instruments were designed in such a way that they can be fine-tuned from year to year, as needed.

In response to a question by Trustee Smith, discussion followed on the questions used in both instruments.

The consensus of the Board was to revise several questions so that each question focused on a single aspect of the Library Director’s performance.

In response to a comment by Trustee Culotta, discussion followed on using a 5-point rating scale versus a 4-point rating scale.

In relation to “360-Degree / Subordinate Feedback for Library Director,” Director Scheetz expressed (at the committee level) a preference for an interview process completed by a third-party provider (instead of an instrument), in order to provide an opportunity to follow up on subordinate’s comments and ensure a high level of objectivity in what has evolved into a review process (rather than a feedback process).

The consensus of the Committee supported a new instrument for use by the Library Director’s subordinates, with the proviso that this first year (2018) is an opportunity for the Trustees to evaluate the efficacy of the process and the usefulness of the results.

Motion by Trustee Blodgett to approve the following new instruments, as amended, for use in carrying out the Library Director’s performance appraisal:—

• “Performance Appraisal for Library Director” Instrument

• “360-Degree / Subordinate Feedback for Library Director” Instrument

Seconded by Trustee Culotta. All: Aye. The motioned carried, 6–0, with one member absent.

Issue 3-

The Standing Committee on Services plans to develop a new “employee satisfaction” instrument / survey (proposed by Trustee MacKenzie) for next year’s review cycle.

The new instrument / survey would explore “employee engagement / satisfaction” in respect to the Management Team (as well as the Library Director) for use by the Trustees in evaluating the Library Director and the Library Director in evaluating the members of the Management Team.

Issue 4-

The Board reviewed the overall appraisal process, which was included in the Board report.

The Standing Committee on Services reviews (and refines as needed) the schedule and overall process for the Library Director’s performance appraisal annually.

17. Future Agenda Items

Director Scheetz noted that an updated list of future agenda items was included in the Board packet.

18. Next Meetings or Events

a. PLA National Conference (Philadelphia), Tuesday–Saturday, 20–24 March 2018

b. Good Friday, Friday, 30 March 2018, Library Open [I]

c. Easter, Sunday, 1 April 2018, Library Closed

d. 136th Anniversary of the Board of Library Trustees of the Batavia Public Library (4 April 1882–

2018), Wednesday, 4 April 2018

e. 137th Anniversary of the Batavia Public Library (5 April 1881–2018), Thursday, 5 April 2018

f. National Library Week (61st Annual Observance, 1958–2018), Sunday–Saturday, 8–14 April 2018 — to celebrate libraries and librarians and the pleasures and importance of reading, and invite library use and support — 2018 Theme: [pending]

g. National Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) Day, Thursday, 12 April 2018 — annual celebration on April 12, the birthday of Beverly Cleary—who wrote about D.E.A.R. in Ramona Quimby, Age 8— to remind and encourage families to make reading together on a daily basis a family priority [Note: The sponsors decided to “drop” the “day” and now promote D.E.A.R. as a month-long event in April.]

h. Board of Library Trustees (Regular Meeting), Tuesday, 17 April 2018, 7:00 p.m., Elizabeth L. Hall Conference Room, Batavia Public Library

19. Adjournment

Motion by Trustee Culotta to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Trustee Smith. All: Aye. The motion carried.

Trustee Deitchman declared the regular meeting of the Board of Library Trustees adjourned at 8:22 p.m.



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