
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Aurora West Unit School District 129 Board met March 19.

Aurora West Unit School District 129 Board met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board Members Present:

Robert Gonzalez, Allyson Herget, Valerie Brown Dykstra, Amie Thompson, Richard Kerns, and

Christopher Sparks.

Board Members Absent:

Ira Lathan

Board Secretary:

Joy Engfer

Administration present:

Dr. Jeff Craig – Superintendent, Dr. Brent Raby – Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Angie Smith – Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and Dr. Michael Smith – Executive Director of Human Resources

Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: 1.1 Call to Order

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll.

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

Upon the roll call, all members of the Board were present except Ira Lathan, who was absent from the meeting.

Procedural: 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, led the pledge of allegiance.

2. Recognitions

Recognition: 2.1 Recognition of Visitors

The following members of the audience wished to have their presence recognized: Goodwin Elementary, Herget Middle School, Nicholson Elementary, West Aurora High School, AEA-W.

Procedural: 2.2 Public Comment: Identification of Audience wishing to address the Board

No members of the audience wished to address the Board.

Information, Recognition: 2.3 School Spotlight

Lulu Hertenstein, Community Outreach Specialist, introduced Bob Halverson, Principal of Goodwin Elementary. Principal Halverson stated that Goodwin wanted to recognize members of their staff that have committed to lifelong learning. Val Jones received her National Board Certification. Shelly Walden, Christina Buckman, Lisa Fischer, and Kristin Neville all received their ESL License. Nate Cotter, Joanna Lorden, Jessica Moe, and Tara Blocki all received Master’s Degrees in various subjects. Principal Halverson asked those in attendance to come forward. These individuals have gone above and beyond with their learning. The Board congratulated the group and thanked them for doing their best for the students.

Information, Recognition: 2.4 Special Recognition

Lulu Hertenstein, Community Outreach Specialist, introduced Merle Siefken, Assistant Principal of Nicholson Elementary. Merle introduced fifth grade teachers, Joni Hatfield and Joe Howell who played a large part in getting the fifth grade students engaged in a fundraiser that started after reading the book, “A Long Walk to Water”. Joni then introduced two students who led up the fundraiser to help bring safe drinking water to South Sudan, Juliana Compean and Isabella Diaz. The two students elaborated on their idea for the Board and how they were able to get the entire school and some outside fundraising sources involved. They surpassed their goal of raising more than $1000.00. The Board asked the family of the students to stand up and be recognized. The Board thanked the students for their great idea and for sticking with the project. The Board then broke for pictures.

3. Potential Action Items as a result of Executive Session

Action: 3.1 Potential Action After Closed Session - 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Personnel

There was no action out of closed session that was taken.

4. Consent Agenda

Action (Consent): 4.1 Approval of the Consent Agenda for March 19, 2018

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the items contained in the Consent Agenda for March 19, 2018.

Mrs. Amie Thompson motioned, second by Mr. Richard Kerns that the Board of Education approve the items contained in the Consent Agenda for March 19, 2018.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, and Mrs. Amie Thompson

Note: All items approved within the consent agenda are listed below.

Action (Consent), Minutes: 4.2 Approval of Minutes from the March 5, 2018 Open and Closed Board of Education Meetings

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the minutes from the March 5, 2018 open and closed Board of Education meetings.

Action (Consent): 4.3 Approval of the Bill Listing for March 19, 2018

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the bill listing for March 19, 2018.

Action (Consent): 4.4 Approval of the Personnel Report for March 19, 2018

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report for March 19, 2018.

Action (Consent): 4.5 Prior Trip Approvals - West Aurora High School

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the student trip submitted by the West Aurora High School Fine Arts department and the student trip submitted by the West Aurora Breakthrough program, as presented at the March 5, 2018 meeting.

5. Information

Information: 5.1 School Improvement Plan - Goodwin Elementary

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, introduced Bob Halverson. Bob Halverson, Principal of Goodwin Elementary, thanked the Board for being able to present. He began by highlighting "who we are" and celebrating staff and students throughout the school. He outlined all of the staff in the building and the breakdown of the students and classrooms. He summarized an ethnic breakdown of the students, mobility rate, and other facts that make up Goodwin Elementary. He then went through the accomplishments of the staff including achieving national board certification, ESL Endorsements, and master’s degrees. He also stated that many staff members participate in the offerings from West Aurora University and have volunteered to facilitate courses. He then went into the specific goals of the improvement plan. Goal 1 states that Goodwin would hope to see a 5% increase in the numbers of students in grades 3, 4, and 5 who achieve above the 50th percentile. Goal 2 states that 90% of all students will achieve "expected" or "higher than expected" growth as measured by ECRA spring testing. The third goal states that the Goodwin building leadership team will nurture the relationship between guardians, community partners, and the other stakeholders in the Goodwin Community, specifically as it relates to the individual academic achievement of their children. He expanded on the specifics of each of these goals. He then went into the ECRA trend data for the last three years. Typically, Goodwin has been in the expected growth range. He then showed the spring to winter performance series data in reading for grades 2-5. The next slide outlined the Performance Series Math data for grades 2-5. Celebrations for Goodwin include trend data for students and middle of the year data for math, language arts and interventions. Focus areas for Goodwin include continued implementation of balanced literacy and primary students lacking in numeracy and resources. Principal Halverson then opened for questions. Board member Thompson asked him to expound on "smart goals". The Board had a few other questions. The entire presentation can be found on BoardDocs.

Information: 5.3 Memorandum of Understanding – WAOPA

Dr. Jeff Craig introduced Angie Smith, Assistant Superintendent of Operations. Mrs. Smith let the Board know the union and District are formalizing the process for 12 month Office Professional employees to cover summer projects. This is now in the form of a proposed memorandum of understanding to their current contract. The Board had no questions.

Information: 5.4 Community Affairs Update to the Board

Lulu Hertenstein, Community Outreach Specialist, stated that many great events are happening around the District such as talent shows, movie nights, and musicals. Tomorrow night is the foreign language honor society induction. She also introduced the upcoming Parent University. All of this information can be found on the website and the Board calendars are updated.

6. Discussion

Discussion: 6.1 Health Life Safety Projects - Letters of Recommendation

Pat Dacy, Capital Projects Manager, presented to the Board four letters of recommendation and bid results for the health life safety projects that were originally presented back in January. Before presenting the bid results, he gave an update on the progress of the old Dreyer clinic. The construction is progressing well and framing on the second and third floors is about 90% complete. He updated on all of the projects within the building and stated that as the weather gets nicer, we will begin washing the outside. The flooring contract goes out to bid tomorrow and he will be coming back with that recommendation.

He then read the results on the four health life safety projects: Rooftop Unit Prepurchase at Hope D. Wall, Mechanical Improvements at Hope D. Wall and West Aurora High School, Roof Replacement at Nicholson Elementary, and Residence Demolition and Storm Utility Separation. After the recommendations were read, the Board had no further questions. The letters of recommendations and bid tabulations can be found on BoardDocs.

Discussion: 6.2 Middle School Math Textbook Proposal - Step 2

The proposed textbooks are on display for viewing at the District office. Board member Thompson asked if the teachers are liking it and Will Dwyer stated that they were.

7. Action

Action: 7.1 Approval of Board Member Request to Listen to Closed Session Recording from February 12, 2018

Board member Herget stated that she would have a descending vote on this matter.

Mr. Christopher Sparks motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra that the Board of Education approve request by Board member to listen to the Board's closed session recording from its meeting of February 12, 2018 based on the partial absence of said Board member and to direct the Administration to facilitate and supervise the listening of the recording consistent the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0-1) Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks Abstain: Mrs. Allyson Herget

Action: 7.2 2018-2019 Budget Preparation Authorization - Step 3

Mr. Richard Kerns motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra that the Board of Education approve the Resolution directing preparation of the tentative budget for fiscal year 2018-2019, as previously presented at the March 5, 2018 meeting.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 7.3 Resolution Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Full Time, Non- Tenured Teachers Not in Last Year of Probationary Service

Mr. Richard Kerns motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra that the Board of Education approve the Resolution authorizing non-reemployment of full-time, non- tenured teachers not in last year of probationary service. Whereas, the full-time teachers hereinafter set forth are non-tenured and are not completing their last year of probationary teaching service during the 2017-2018 school year; and Whereas, the Board of Education of Aurora West District 129, Kane County, Illinois, has determined that the full-time, non-tenured teachers hereinafter set forth shall not be reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term, pursuant to Section 5/24-11 of The Illinois School Code. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of Aurora West District 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the following full-time, non- tenured teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term in conformance with the Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of non-reemployment to the teachers set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 7.4 Resolution Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Grant-Funded, Non- Tenured Teachers

Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra motioned, second by Mr. Christopher Sparks that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Grant- Funded, Non-Tenured Teachers. Whereas, the grant-funded teachers hereinafter set forth were engaged to work through the end of the grant funding during the 2017-2018 school year; and Whereas, the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, has determined that the temporary, non-tenured teachers hereinafter set forth shall not be reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term, consistent with The Illinois School Code. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the following grant funded temporary teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term in conformance with the Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non- reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of non-reemployment to the teachers set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 7.5 Resolution Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Short Term, Temporary, Non-Tenured Teachers

Mr. Christopher Sparks motioned, second by Mrs. Allyson Herget that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Short Team, Temporary, Non-Tenured Teachers. Whereas, the temporary teachers hereinafter set forth were engaged to work for temporary short term service during the 2017-2018 school year; and Whereas, the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, has determined that the temporary, non-tenured teachers hereinafter set forth shall not be reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term, consistent with The Illinois School Code. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of West Aurora School District, No. 129, Kane County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the following short-term temporary teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term in conformance with the Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non-reemployment by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 3: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the teachers set forth above a written notice of non- reemployment by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 4: That the Superintendent or his/her designee shall personally deliver, with receipt, a written notice of non-reemployment to the teachers set forth above at least forty-five (45) days before the last day of the school term, which notice shall be substantially in the form of the Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Section 5: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks


Procedural: 8.1 Public Comments: Audience Members Wishing to Speak to the Board Regarding a Non-Agenda Item

No members of the audience wished to address the Board.

Information: 8.2 Superintendent Comments

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, updated the Board on recent meetings with LUDA and other area superintendents. Evidence Based Model funds will begin to be dispersed the first week of April and six payments will occur through June. Second, the links for the first Podcast have been approved and shared out. The discussion was with Ron Murphy and he encourages others to check it out. The last piece he commented on were the discussions and activities that took place on March 14. The District had many productive and meaningful conversations that allowed students to participate in a positive opportunity. He is proud of all of our schools for the participation and handling of the event.

Information: 8.3 Student Board Member Comments

Sofia Partida, Student Board Member, mentioned the Excellence in Education banquet to recognize those who work hard on academics. She also was very proud of the way the District handled the walk out on March 14. She believes that safety and control was still maintained.

Information: 8.4 Board Member Comments & Dates to Remember

Board member Kerns asked Dr. Craig if the Evidence Based Model funding will be on target with what we were expecting. Dr. Craig stated that the official numbers have not been published. Board member Kerns stated that he is also proud of the administration and students when addressing the walk out on March 14. Board member Dykstra mentioned being a judge at the Jefferson speech contest. She also attended the Christopher Patterson Memorial dinner. Board member Sparks mentioned the great Excellence in Education Dinner and attended the Christopher Patterson Memorial fundraiser. He stated that it was a great tribute. Board member Herget mentioned the inspiring Excellence in Education Banquet. She also mentioned the great season of the boys' varsity basketball. Board member Thompson mentioned the inspirational Excellence in Education Banquet. Board member Gonzalez mentioned the great Excellence in Education Banquet and the Christopher Patterson memorial. He also attended the State of the Village North Aurora address. The next board meeting will be held on April 2, 2018.

9. Adjournment

Action, Procedural: 9.1 Adjourn

Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra motioned, second by Mr. Christopher Sparks to adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (6-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Amie Thompson, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, and Mr. Christopher Sparks

Meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm.



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