
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Aurora West Unit School District 129 Board met April 2.

Webp meeting 02

Aurora West Unit School District 129 Board met April 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board Members Present:

Robert Gonzalez, Allyson Herget, Valerie Brown Dykstra, Richard Kerns, and Christopher Sparks.

Board Members Absent:

Amie Thompson & Ira Lathan

Board Secretary:

Joy Engfer

Administration present:

Dr. Jeff Craig – Superintendent, Dr. Brent Raby – Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Angie Smith – Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and Dr. Michael Smith – Executive Director of Human Resources

Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: 1.1 Call to Order

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll.

Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call

Upon the roll call, all members of the Board were present except Amie Thompson and Ira Lathan who were both absent from the meeting.

Procedural: 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance

Robert Gonzalez, Board President, led the pledge of allegiance.

2. Recognitions

Recognition: 2.1 Recognition of Visitors

The following members of the audience wished to have their presence recognized:

West Aurora High School, AEA-W, and Smith Elementary School.

Procedural: 2.2 Public Comment: Identification of Audience wishing to address the Board

No members of the audience wished to address the Board.

Information, Recognition: 2.3 School Spotlight

Lulu Hertenstein, Community Outreach Specialist, introduced Dr. Pete Clabough, Principal of Smith Elementary School. Dr. Clabough introduced the Smith Superstar Peer Buddies program. This program shows all students learning together academically and socially to create a pathway to a more inclusive community. The founder of the program, Ericka Campbell, Special Education teacher at Smith. She then addressed the Board regarding the program. This program was created three years ago. She summarized the program and highlighted the group of students that are currently participating. Dr. Clabough then called up the peer buddy students that attended and listed the names of all of the students in the program. The Board then recognized any friends or family members that attended. The Board took pictures with the group.

Information, Recognition: 2.4 Special Recognition

Lulu Hertenstein, Community Outreach Specialist, introduced Jason Buckley, West Aurora High School Athletic Director. Jason addressed to the Board to present the great season of winter sports and how great the students did inside the classroom as well as in their athletics. Winter athletics that were recognized include the boys’ varsity basketball team for winning the Upstate Eight Conference, IHSA Regional and IHSA Sectional Championships. Girls bowling for achieving a state qualifier on the team. Boys wrestling for achieving a state qualifier on the team. Also boys swimming for achieving two state qualifiers. The coaches and any athletes that attended were recognized. The Board then asked to recognize any family and friends that were in attendance. The Board all remarked how proud they are of all of the athletes and the pride they brought to the community. The Board then broke for pictures.

3. Consent Agenda

Action (Consent): 3.1 Approval of the Consent Agenda for April 2, 2018

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the items contained in the Consent Agenda for April 2, 2018.

Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra motioned, second by Mr. Christopher Sparks hat the Board of Education approve the items contained in the Consent Agenda for April 2, 2018.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Note: All items approved within the consent agenda are listed below.

Action (Consent), Minutes: 3.2 Approval of Minutes from the March 19, 2018 Open and Closed Board of Education Meetings

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the minutes from the March 19, 2018 open and closed Board of Education meetings.

Action (Consent): 3.3 Approval of Bill Listing for April 2, 2018

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the bill listing for April 2, 2018.

Action (Consent): 3.4 Approval of the Personnel Report for April 2, 2018

Dr. Michael Smith, Executive Director of Human Resources, addressed the Board to introduce the newly approved third Grade Curriculum Coordinator candidate. He called up Jill Roderick to the podium and summarized her background and experience. Jill Roderick thanked the school board for the opportunity and she cannot wait to get started. The Board thanked her for coming.

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report for April 2, 2018.

Action (Consent): 3.5 Review of Closed Session Minutes under legislation passed by the Illinois General Assembly, under the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2.06(d)

Resolution: That the Board of Education find the Executive Session minutes for the period of January 12, 2015 through December 7, 2015 still hold the need for confidentiality and not be released to the public.

Action (Consent): 3.6 Memorandum of Understanding – WAOPA

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the proposed memorandum of understanding to the West Aurora Office Professional's Contract, as previously presented on March 19, 2018.

Action (Consent): 3.7 Assets for Disposal

Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the assets for disposal that were previously presented on March 19, 2018.

4. Information

Information: 4.1 School Improvement Plan - Smith Elementary School

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, introduced Dr. Pete Clabough, Principal of Smith Elementary. He began with the Smith mission statement and focused on the phrase that Smith students will set and achieve personal goals. He then went through building highlights such as the Peer Buddies Program, My Time, Smith Fest, and the blended Pre- K program. Next, he went through the school improvement goals. The first goal is to see a 5% increase in the number of students who achieve at or above the 50th percentile. Goal two states that 86% of all students will achieve expected or higher than expected growth as measured by ECRA 2018 spring testing. Dr. Clabough then went through the student growth data in math, reading, and overall for the past three years. He then turned it over to Mrs. Smith, Assistant Principal of Smith. She went through the student proficiency scores in reading and math for grades 2-5. This information is used to guide their decisions throughout the year. Dr. Clabough then outlined the third goal, which encompasses the learning climate. This goal needs to be strong, in order for the other things to be effective. He then showed "The Learning Pit" bulletin board. This represents a way to teach students how to learn and how to get out of the pit. He then opened up for questions. The entire presentation can be found on BoardDocs.

Information: 4.2 Weisner Family Center for Career Development Design Presentation - Step 1

Dr. Jeff Craig. Superintendent, introduced Kelly Schomer, Cordogan, Clark & Associates, to present the Weisner Technical Center design. She passed a handout to the Board that showed the site plan for the new center. She began with an overall view of the entire campus. The next slide zoomed directly into the 12,000 square foot building that will be the Weisner Technical Center. The slide outlined the potential workshops, office space, entry, and yard space. Kelly went through specifics inside the building including square footage of the workshops and mezzanine areas. Layouts of the specific workshops are still being configured. The building itself will be a pre-engineered structure and bring in some colors. She then talked about timeline for the process. Currently looking to send this project out for bid during the middle to end of May. Bids will be due in June and then construction will begin in July. The plan is to be completed in March of 2019.

Information: 4.3 Prior Trip Approval - West Aurora High School Skill USA State Competition

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, presented the backup information regarding a prior trip approval that the West Aurora High School CTE Department would like to take. There were no questions. This trip will be on the agenda for approval on April 16, 2018.

Information: 4.4 Community Affairs Update to the Board

Lulu Hertenstein, Community Outreach Specialist, presented the community affairs update and stated that there are many exciting events coming up. She went through a few past and upcoming events. The entire schedule can be found on BoardDocs.

5. Discussion

Discussion: 5.1 Health Life Safety Projects - Letter of Recommendation

Pat Dacy, Capital Projects Manager, presented the bid tabulations and letter of recommendation for the 2018 Pavement Improvements Project. Five bids were received and alternates were also read on March 27, 2018. Pat went through the alternates that were possible. The recommendation includes the acceptance of alternate one and two. The recommendation is to award the contract to Allstar Asphalt, Inc and include alternates number 1 and 2. This recommendation will be voted on during the April 16, 2018 regular session meeting.

6. Action

Action: 6.1 Middle School Math Textbook Proposal - Step 3

A motion was made by Mr. Christopher Sparks, second by Mrs. Allyson Herget that the Board of Education approve the recommendation that West Aurora School District 129 adopt Pearson envision 2.0 for grades 6-8 for a period of 6 years beginning in the 2018- 19 school year and that the price not exceed the per student cost in the submitted bid proposal.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 6.2 Resolution Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Full-Time Educational Support Personnel

Mr. Richard Kerns motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Full-Time Educational Support Personnel

Whereas, the Board of Education of Aurora West School District No. 129, County of Kane, State of Illinois, has decided to decrease the total number of full-time educational support personnel employed by the Board of Education and discontinue some educational support personnel services in the School District; and

Whereas, as between full-time educational support personnel, the employee with the shorter length of continuing service with the School District, within the respective category of position, must be removed or dismissed first unless an alternative method of determining the sequence of dismissal is established in a collective bargaining agreement or contract between the Board of Education and any exclusive bargaining agent; and

Whereas, there is no collective bargaining agreement or contract between the Board of Education and any exclusive bargaining agent which establishes an alternative method of determining the sequence of the removal or dismissal of full-time educational support personnel; and

Whereas, the Board of Education has decided that the full-time educational support personnel hereinafter set forth shall be removed or dismissed and not reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term as a result of the decision by the Board of Education to decrease the total number of educational support personnel employed by the Board of Education and discontinue some educational support personnel services in the School District, pursuant to Section 5/10-23.5 of The Illinois School Code.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of West Aurora School District No. 129, County of Kane, State of Illinois, as follows:

Section 1: That the following full-time educational support personnel are hereby removed or dismissed and not reemployed for the 2018-2019 school term in conformance with the Exhibits attached hereto and made a part hereof because of the decision by the Board of Education to decrease the total number of educational support personnel employed by the Board of Education and because of the decision by the Board of Education to discontinue some educational support personnel services in the School District:

Section 2: That the President and Secretary of the Board of Education are hereby authorized and directed to send the educational support personnel hereinabove set forth a written notice of honorable dismissal by personal delivery with receipt at least thirty (30) days before the employees’ last day of employment, which notice shall be substantially as set forth in the Exhibit(s) attached hereto.

Section 3: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its passage.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 6.3 Board of Education Recommendation for the Rooftop Unit Prepurchase at Hope D. Wall School

Mr. Richard Kerns motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra that the Board of Education approve the recommendation to award the contract for the Rooftop Unit Prepurchase at Hope D. Wall School Project to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, Airetex Manufacturing, LLLP d/b/a Engineered Air for a total contract amount of $223,693.00.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 6.4 Board of Education Recommendation for the Mechanical Improvements at Hope D. Wall and West Aurora High Schools

Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra motioned, second by Mr. Christopher Sparks that the Board of Education approve the recommendation to award the contract for the Mechanical Improvements at Hope D. Wall and West Aurora High Schools Project to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, Mechanical Inc. for a total contract amount of $266,500.00 and holding the price for alternate no. 2 for 60 days.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 6.5 Board of Education Recommendation for the Roof Replacement at Nicholson Elementary

Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra motioned, second by Mr. Christopher Sparks that the Board of Education approve the recommendation to award the contract for the Roof Replacement at Nicholson Elementary to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, J.L. Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. for a total contract amount of $287,400.00.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Action: 6.6 Board of Education Recommendation for the Residence Demolition and Storm Utility Separation

Mr. Christopher Sparks motioned, second by Mrs. Allyson Herget that the Board of Education approve the recommendation to award the contract for the Residence Demolition and Storm Utility Separation to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, Copenhaver Construction Inc. for a total contract amount of $84,500.00.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks


Procedural: 7.1 Public Comments: Audience Members Wishing to Speak to the Board Regarding a Non-Agenda Item

No members of the audience wished to address the Board.

Information: 7.2 Superintendent Comments

Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, highlighted the SCAC/PTA meeting that will occur on Wednesday, April 4. This is done once a year to talk about process and communication. Friday, the senior citizen band concert will be held at Jefferson. Finally, on April 16, there will be a meeting at City Hall with other surrounding districts to further the discussion on Pathways to Prosperity.

Information: 7.3 Student Board Member Comments

Sofia Partida, Student Board Member, wanted to address the recommendation for removing the valedictorian and salutatorian. She believes this creates an unhealthy pressure beginning in middle school. She also does not believe that this indicates who worked the hardest and who is the smartest. She also believes that giving a speech might give someone anxiety, but it is hard for someone to turn this down. The indication is a lot of weight to bare. This also does not affect college entrances.

Information: 7.4 Board Member Comments & Dates to Remember

Board member Kerns will be attending the math bowl on Thursday. Board member Dykstra judged the Herget Middle School speech contest, which was very impressive. Board member Sparks will be attending the kindergarten registration for Schneider tomorrow. He also commended Sofia on her points tonight. Board member Herget also commended Sofia on her points regarding valedictorian and salutatorian. She also judged the Nicholson speech contest and was very impressed. Board member Gonzalez judged the Smith speech contest and he was very impressed. Tomorrow is the State of the City address. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held on April 16, 2018.

8. Adjournment

Action, Procedural: 4.1 Adjourn

Mr. Christopher Sparks motioned, second by Mrs. Allyson Herget to adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries (5-0)

Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Allyson Herget, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks

Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.



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