City of Aurora Youth Council met February 14.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Members Present: Adam Pauley, Albert Rios, Diego Terrazas, Jyotsna Balmuri, Alexa Jordan, Shashank Vege, Juliana Salinas, Amanda DuVall, Amogh Raula, Ellen Sweeney, Ella Gonzalez, and Alonso Cisneros
City of Aurora staff present: Adrienne Holloway and Deanna Cross
1. Welcome & Introduction
Alexa Jordan welcomed everyone.
2. Acceptance of Agenda
Jo Balmuri approved the agenda and Ellen Sweeney seconded. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.
3. Approval of Minutes
Alexa Jordan approved the minutes as amended. Jo Balmuri seconded. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.
4. Speakers
We have no speakers.
5. Project Ideas
Alonso recommended that we host a youth-led forum with the mayor and other elected officials so people can come talk to them and ask them questions. April 20th would be a good day due to its’ significance. Alexa Jordan motioned to form the committee. Ellen Sweeney approved and Alexa Jordan seconded. Students can submit their questions. Alonso, Adam, Alexa, Juliana, Diego, Ellen, Ella, and Jyotsna will all serve on this committee.
6. Committee Report
Albert met with members of the Earth Day committee where they proposed the idea of cleaning up downtown. They could be in partnership with SciTech. They want to find sponsors such as Subway so they can provide discounts, gift cards, or goodie bags. They can send groups of people out to volunteer in downtown. They can do it Saturday the 21st instead of having it on a Sunday since most people do not come out on Sundays. Various sponsors could provide us with various prizes that we can award out through a raffle for anyone who enters. The Earth Day committee will compile a list of companies that could be potential sponsors. Amogh can create a flyer that can promote the issue and the day along with the logo for the City of Aurora. We can also have a contest appealing to Elementary school art kids.
We talked about the upcoming egg hunt and which groups we can be part of. We can volunteer with an egg hunt for Aurora Fast Print. We can go ask the owner about possibly volunteering as an entire council.
7. Announcements
If you have not already, make sure to check out our website to see what we have added. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram. They are all available on our website:
Ella informed the council of the reason why she was absent in January. We voted on excusing her absence. Alexa motioned for the absence, Ellen seconded. It was unanimous.
Ellen informed the council of the reason why she was absent last month. Alexa motioned for the vote to excuse Ellen. Jo seconded. It was unanimous.
Adam Pauley talked to the West Aurora Concerned Citizens’ Group about the Aurora Youth Council.
8. Adjourn
Adam Pauley motioned to adjourn, Ella seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m.