Batavia City Council met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Roll Call:
Mayor Schielke convened the City Council at 7:30 p.m. with 13 of 14 aldermen present.
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Swap agenda item 13 and item 19.
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Reappointment: Robert J. Knanishu – Batavia Police Pension Board (CAS 4/27/18) GS
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Appointment: Paid-On-Call Recruit Maxwell Hively (Randy Deicke 5/1/18) GS
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
Consent Agenda:
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Accept and Place on File:
A. Committee of the Whole Minutes for March 20, March 27, April 3 and April 10, 2018
B. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes for April 19, 2018
C. Plan Commission Minutes for March 21, April 4 and April 18, 2018
D. January, February and March City Council Financials (Liz Perez) GS
E. April 20, 2018 Payroll is $813,484.61 and May 4, 2018 Payroll is $825,226.05
F. Accounts Payable Check Register $3,477,156.05
G. Resolution 18-49-R: Requesting a permit from IDOT for closure of various roadways for 2018 Triathlon (Gary Holm 4/6/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) CS
H. Resolution 18-50-R: Requesting a permit from IDOT for closure of various roadways for 2018 Farmer’s Market (Gary Holm 4/6/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) CS
I. Ordinance 18-25: Declaring Surplus Property (Scott Haines 4/10/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) CS
J. Approval: Reject bids #18-008 for 2018 Electric Tree Trimming Project (Brian Bettin 4/12/18 COW 4/17/18 9/0) PU
K. Approval: Class F Special Event Liquor License - Windmill City Fest - Batavia Park District (DME 4/18/18) GS
L. Ordinance 18-22: Variances for Tower Signs for Windmill Creek Shopping Center, 2030-2150 Main and 271- 351 South Randall, Crash Champions, LLC/My properties, LLC, applicant (JLS 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 11/0) CD
M. Ordinance 18-24: Variances for a building addition at 1141 Morton Street, Spillane and Sons, applicant (DMR 4/17/18 COW 4/24/18 12/0) CD
N. Resolution 18-53-R: Adopting City of Batavia Debt Management Policy (Peggy Colby 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 12/0) GS
O. Ordinance 18-27: Vacation of old Island Avenue right- of-way (SCB 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 12/0) CD
P. Resolution 18-52-R: Approval of Employment Agreement for Jeanette Armbrust (WB 4/24/18 GS COW 4/24/18 12/0) GS
Q. Ordinance 18-26: Annexing Part of 908 Bernadette Lane (SCB 4/16/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) CD
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Proclamation: Tri-City Family Services May 2018 Mental Health Month – Mayor Schielke
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Resolution 18-58-R: Approving The Location Of The Flag Day Memorial On City-Owned Property (LMN 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) GS
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
11 yes/ 2 no/ 1 absent
Resolution 18-51-R: Budget Amendment For Household Hazardous Waste Program (Scott Haines 4/10/18 COW 4/17/18 9/1) CS
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden Nays: Stark, Callahan
12 yes/ 1 no/ 1 absent
Ordinance 18-23: Amendments To The Text Of The Zoning Code, City Of Batavia, Applicant (JLS 4/18/18 COW 4/24/18 10/2) CD
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden Nays: Atac
12 yes/ 0 no/ 2 absent
Resolution 18-56-R: Authorizing Pennsylvania Transformer Technology To Furnish And Install Transformer At Northeast Distribution Substation For An Amount Not To Exceed $487,022.00 Plus 5% Contingency Amount (RB 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) PU
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher. McFadden was absent for the vote.
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Resolution 18-57-R: Authorizing Siemens Industry To Design, Manufacture, Furnish And Delivery Of 2 (Two) 34.5kV Power Circuit Breakers For Northeast Distribution Substation For An Amount Not To Exceed $58,722.00 Plus 5% Contingency Amount (RB 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) PU
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Resolution 18-62-R: Approving The Purchase Of Three Windmills From Francine Popeck For $11,375 (LMN 4/27/18 COW 5/1/18 12/0) GS
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Approval: Department Head Reappointments (JDS 5/1/18)
Ayes: Brown, Russotto, Atac, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, McFadden
13 yes/ 0 no/ 1 absent
Meeting adjourned by voice vote at 9:04 p.m.