
Kane County Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kane County County Board met March 13.


Kane County County Board met March 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

The Adjourned Meeting of the Kane County Board was held at the Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134 on March 13, 2018.

Chairman Lauzen called the meeting to order at 9:45 am.

2. Roll Call

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Deborah Allan Board Member Present

Margaret Auger Board Member Present

Theresa Barreiro Board Member Present

Brian Dahl Board Member Present

Mark Davoust Board Member Present

Drew Frasz Board Member Present

Rebecca Gillam Board Member Present

Barbara Hernandez Board Member Present

John Hoscheit Board Member Absent

Don Ishmael Board Member Present

Michael Kenyon Board Member Present

Kurt R. Kojzarek Board Member Present

Bill Lenert Board Member Present

Philip Lewis Board Member Present

John Martin Board Member Present

Myrna Molina Board Member Present

Jarett Sanchez Board Member Present

Douglas Scheflow Board Member Present

Monica Silva Board Member Present

Thomas Smith Board Member Present

Susan Starrett Board Member Present

Angela C Thomas Board Member Present

Penny Wegman Board Member Absent

Barbara Wojnicki Board Member Present

Christopher J Lauzen Chairman Present

Present: Co. Bd. staff Duffy & Nagel; County Clerk Cunningham & staff Weilandt; Finance Exec. Dir. Onzick & staff Dobersztyn; Bldg. Mgmt. Exec. Dir. Biggs; KDOT Dir. Schoedel & staff T. Rickert; Public Health staff Snowden; Auditor Hunt; Recorder Wegman; Water Resources Dir. K. Anderson & staff Jarland; OEM Dir. Ferris; Development Dir. VanKerkhoff & staff Miller, Berkhout, Farruggia, Tansley; Sheriff Kramer & staff Williams; H.R. Dir. Wetzel; Treasurer D. Rickert; Asst. State's Atty. Brady; IT Exec. Dir. Fahnestock & staff Lasky, Peters; members of the press & public.

3. Pledge Of Allegiance & Prayer

 (A change in the agenda followed. The chairman proceeded to Agenda Item 5.ii. 4-H Government Day. Upon completing agenda Item 5.ii., the Chairman returned to the regular agenda format.)

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Gilberts Elementary student Lucas Winarsky. The prayer was said by Ryan Dowd, executive director of Hesed House.

4. Approval Of Minutes: February 13, 2018

Minutes of the February 13, 2018 meeting were approved on motion by Starrett, second by Silva. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote of 22-0.

5. New And Unfinished Business

A. Presentations/Discussion

Honoring Lucas Winarski

Member Kojzarek read a press release (Exh. A) welcoming back Lucas Winarski, a Gilberts Elementary student, fighting bone cancer. Showing their support, board members donned their #LucasStrong T-shirts and Sheriff Kramer presented Lucas with an “Honorary Junior Deputy” polo shirt and a medallion.

4H Government Day - Introduction of Students and Program:

Chairman Lauzen and members Smith and Allan welcomed the 4-H students who went around the board room introducing themselves. On a brief note, member Allan shared that 1400 individuals attended Maple Days at LeRoy Oaks to learn how to tap Maple trees for syrup.

(The Chairman returned to agenda Item No. 3.)

SolSmart Award Presentation:

Development Dir. Vankerkhoff, joined by planner Karen Miller and Development Committee Chair Kurt Kojzarek (Ishmael steps away 10:04 a.m.), presented the board with an award received from the Department of Energy recognizing the county's efforts in the SolSmart program. The county was recognized for its accomplishments regarding policies, zoning, and permitting processes, and for encouraging the use of solar energy in Kane County. Also presented was a proclamation signed by Governor Rauner re: same. (Ishmael returns 10:07 a.m.)

Chairman's Short Program:

The Chairman read a letter he received from member Brian Dahl (District 6) announcing his resignation from the board due to a residence relocation. The board recognized Mr.Dahl.

B. Speakers (Agenda Items)


C. Speakers (Non-Agenda Items)


Joan Solms - The Family

Ms. Solms was not present.

D. Zoning Petitions

Petition No. 4436: The Perkiser Family Trust

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

Petition No. 4437: Micheal Shea

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member

Seconder: Thomas Smith, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

Petition No. 4438: Jerry Youngren, Et Ux

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

E. Resolutions/Ordinances

--------------------------------------------------- Consent Agenda ----------------------------------------------

The chairman asked if there were any items to be pulled off the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Resolution No. 18-92 was removed by Sanchez. Hearing no further requests, the Chairman entertained a motion to adopt the Consent agenda (#18-59 through #18-97, with the exception of Resolution #18-92).

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Deborah Allan, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

18 - 59 Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe Building Property Located at 7N060 Maple Ave , Township of St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 09-03-357-008

18 - 60 Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe Building Property Located at 06N909 Fox River, Township of St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 09-11-129-007

18 - 61 Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe Building Property Located at 07N307 Falcons Trail, Township of St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 09-06-353-016

18 - 62 Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe Building Property Located at 38W580 Illinois Route 20, Township of Elgin, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 06-18-100-028 and 06-07-300- 011

18 - 63 Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe Building Property Located at 36W346 South Street, Township of Elgin, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 06-21-202-009

Res. #18 - 64 Authorizing the Consumer Electronics Recycling Act Opt-In

Res. #18 - 65 Authorizing Certain Actions Relative to the Tax Agent

Res. #18 - 66 Authorizing an Amendment to the Kane County Coroner's Office FY2017 Budget

Res. #18 - 67 Approving a Contract for Low Voltage Wiring with Applied Communications Group

Res. #18 - 68 Authorizing a Procedure for Employees in Building Management’s Pay

Rate for Holiday, On Call and After Hours Worked

Res. #18 - 69 Authorizing Contract for Health Insurance Broker/Consultant

Res. #18 - 70 Authorizing a Contract for Kane County 3rd Street Courthouse Mechanical Improvements Project

Res. #18 - 71 Authorizing a Contract for Lawn Maintenance Services for Kane County Facilities

Res. #18 - 72 Authorizing a Contract for Kane County HVAC & Plumbing Maintenance & Repair Services

Res. #18 - 73 Amending the FY2018 Capital Improvement Projects Fund 3rd Street Courthouse Mechanical Improvements Project

Res. #18 - 74 Amending the 2018 Fiscal Year Budget - Roll Over of 2017 Crisis Intervention Team Training Funds

Res. #18 - 75 Authorizing Personnel Replacement Hiring, Kane County Health Department Community Health Specialist II - Community Health Practitioner

Res. #18 - 76 Authorizing Personnel Replacement Hiring, Kane County Health Department Assistant Director for Communicable Disease

Res. #18 - 77 Authorizing FY17 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program

18 - 78 Declaring Intent to Create the Kane Energy Efficiency Program (Keep) as a "Property Assessed Clean Energy" Program for Kane County

18 - 79 Approving Professional Construction Phase Services Contract for Construction Observation, Environmental Services and Survey Work with Weaver Consultants Group North Central, LLC., Related to the Construction of Settlers Hill Cross Country Course (attached)

Res. #18 - 80 Approving January 2018 Payment of Claims

Res. #18 - 81 Approving Office Supplies & Toner Cartridges Contract Renewal

Res. #18 - 82 Amending Resolution No. 02-221: Departmental Petty Cash Policies & Procedures

Res. #18 - 83 Authorizing Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Allocations

Res. #18 - 84 Authorizing Contract with Financial Advisor

Res. #18 - 85 Approving County Board Travel/Meal/Lodging Reimbursement Request

Res. #18 - 86 Approving Adopt-A-Highway Program Applicants

Res. #18 - 87 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Phase III Construction for Kirk Road at Pine Street, Kane County Section No. 15-00342-01-CH

Res. #18 - 88 Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Phase II Engineering Services for Stearns Road at Randall Road (Stage 5A), Kane County Section No. 14-00214-28-CH

Res. #18 - 89 Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Construction and Phase III Construction Engineering Services for Walker Road over Burlington Creek, Kane County Section No. 08-00133-01-BR

Res. #18 - 90 Approving Contract for Construction with D. Construction, Inc. of Coal City, Illinois for Silver Glen over Otter Creek Bridge Repair, Kane County Section No. 17-00115-04-BR

Ord. #18 - 91 Approving Establishment of School Entrance Speed Limit - Kane County - Keslinger Road

Res. #18 - 93 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Kane and the Forest Preserve District of Kane County for Cartegraph LLC Software & Services

Res. #18 - 94 Approving a Software and Implementation Services Agreement with Cartegraph Systems LLC of Dubuque, Iowa

Ord. #18 - 95 Approving Alteration of Statutory Speed Limit - Sugar Grove Township - Wildwood Drive

Res. #18 - 96 Approving Supplemental Appropriation for Construction of Kirk Road at Illinois Prairie Path, Kane County Section No. 13-00430-00-SP

Ord. #18 - 97 Amending Ordinance No. 17-92, Kane County Road Improvement Impact Fee Ordinance 

---------------------------------------------End Of Consent Agenda ----------------------------------------

Res. #18 - 92 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Kane

and the State of Illinois for Transfer of Highway Right of Way, Longmeadow Parkway Bridge Corridor, Kane County Section No. 94- 00215-01-BR, Parcel No. 1LN0012

Referring to the topic of smart growth within the county's 2040 Plan, Sanchez reminded the board that it was not the county's responsibility to tell municipalities how to develop. In response, Frasz explained that the Longmeadow Parkway was a result of 20 years of land planning and meetings involving the communities, moving forward with 9 resolutions from those communities.

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [21 To 1]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Board Member

Seconder: Brian Dahl, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust,

Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Nays: Jarett Sanchez

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

6. Executive Session (if needed)

The chairman asked for a motion to go into executive session at 10:18 a.m. to discuss personnel, settlement of claims and pending litigation. Per Allan's request, Clerk Cunningham addressed the 4-H students, inviting them to apply to become election judges.

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

Return to Open Session:

The board returned to open session at 10:23 a.m.

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Seconder: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Mark Davoust, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: John Hoscheit, Penny Wegman

This meeting was adjourned at 10:24 am.




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