
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kane County Board met Feb. 13

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Kane County Board met Feb. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

The Adjourned Meeting of the Kane County Board was held at the Kane County Government Center, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134 on February 13, 2018. Chairman Lauzen called the meeting to order at 9:45 a.m.

2. Roll Call

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Deborah Allan Board Member Present

Margaret Auger Board Member Present

Theresa Barreiro Board Member Present

Brian Dahl Board Member Present

Mark Davoust Board Member Absent

Drew Frasz Board Member Present

Rebecca Gillam Board Member Present

Barbara Hernandez Board Member Present

John Hoscheit Board Member Present

Don Ishmael Board Member Present

Michael Kenyon Board Member Present

Kurt R. Kojzarek Board Member Present

Bill Lenert Board Member Present

Philip Lewis Board Member Present

John Martin Board Member Present

Myrna Molina Board Member Present

Jarett Sanchez Board Member Present

Douglas Scheflow Board Member Present

Monica Silva Board Member Present

Thomas Smith Board Member Absent

Susan Starrett Board Member Present

Angela C Thomas Board Member Present

Penny Wegman Board Member Present

Barbara Wojnicki Board Member Present

Christopher J Lauzen Chairman Present

Present: Co. Bd. staff Duffy; Clerk Dpty. Weilandt; Finance staff Todd-Cave; KDOT staff T. Rickert, Coffinbargar; Public Health Dir. Jeffers & staff Snowden; Auditor Hunt; Development Dir. VanKerkhoff; Environmental & Water Resources Dir. Anderson; Treasurer D. Rickert; Sheriff Kramer & Lt. Baumgarner; State's Atty. McMahon & staff Brady, Lulves; Workman's Comp. Atty. Collison; ITD Exec. Dir. Fahnestock & staff Lasky, Peters; members of the press & public.

3. Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer

The chairman invited Jack Kirtley with the St. Charles Rowing Club to lead the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Craig Steiner, from Harvest Bible Chapel in Aurora, said the prayer.

4. Approval of Minutes: January 9, 2018

Motion by Dahl, second by Kojzarek to approve the meeting minutes dated January 9, 2018.

Motion carried unanimously by voice vote of 22-0.

5. New And Unfinished Business

A. Presentations/Discussion

Chairman's Short Program


B. Speakers (Agenda Items)

City of Geneva Mayor, Kevin Burns, addressed and thanked the county board for their future vote upon the Settlers Hill landform and its transformation to a national recognized attraction for cross country. He acknowledged the leadership of the board chairman, Development Committee Chairman Martin and former County Board member Mike Donahue on the redevelopment of the landfill site.

C. Resolutions/Ordinances

Consent Agenda

The chairman asked if there were any items to be pulled off the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Resolution #18-51 was removed by Scheflow; Resolution #18-14 was removed by Thomas; Resolution #18-42 was removed by Molina; and Resolution #18-48 was removed by Silva. The chairman entertained a motion that the Consent Agenda (#18-13 through #18-58, with the exception of Resolution Nos. 18-14, 18-42, 18-48 and 18-51) be adopted.

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Res. 18 - 13 Authorizing Certain Actions Relative to the Tax Agent

Res. 18 - 15 Approving Transfer of Funds Human Resources Management Insurance Liability Contractual Services and State's Attorney Personnel to State's Attorney Insurance Liability Personnel

Res. 18 - 16 Amending the 2018 Fiscal Year Budget for Fund 232 - State's Attorney Records Automation Fund

Res. 18 - 17 Authorizing Funding for Contract Conflict Counsel for Trial Cases

Res. 18 - 18 Approving Personnel Replacement of Two 9-1-1 Telecommunicators

Res. 18 - 19 Authorizing an Emergency Purchase Affidavit for Kane County Adult Corrections Domestic Water Booster Pump Assembly Unit

Res. 18 - 20 Authorizing a Contract for Kane County Judicial Center Parking Lot Improvements Project

Res. 18 - 21 Authorizing a Contract for Kane County Government Center, Building "B" RTU Replacement

Res. 18 - 22 Authorizing a Contract for Kane County KBC Circuit Clerk RTU Replacements

Res. 18 - 23 Authorizing Participation in the Appellate Prosecutor Program

Res. 18 - 24 Authorizing a Interim Contract Extension for Kane County HVAC Services

Res. 18 - 25 Amending the 2018 Capital Improvement Projects Fund

Res. 18 - 26 Authorizing Budget Adjustment to Balance the Building Management FY2017 Budget 18 - 27 Approving Contract to Construct Cross Country Course at Settlers Hill Landfill

Res. 18 - 28 Amending the 2018 Capital Improvement Projects Fund Judicial Center Parking Lot Improvements Project

Res. 18 - 29 Authorizing Personnel Replacement Hiring, Kane County Health Department Community Health Specialist III Data & Quality Coordinator

Res. 18 - 30 Authorizing the Purchase of a Skid Steer Loader 18 - 31 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with Kendall County for Juvenile Detention Services

18 - 32 Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with McHenry County for Juvenile Detention Services

Res. 18 - 33 Amending the 2018 Fiscal Year Budget - Rollover of Radio and Fiber Project Funds

Res. 18 - 34 Amending 2018 Fiscal Year Budget - Rollover of Web Technical Funds

Res. 18 - 35 Amending the 2018 Fiscal Year Budget - Rollover of Capital Project Funds for Communication/Technology

Res. 18 - 36 Amending 2018 Fiscal Year Budget - Rollover of Funds - IL Counties Information Management

Res. 18 - 37 Authorizing Budget Adjustment for Emergency Generator Repairs

Res. 18 - 38 Requesting Consideration of a Budget Adjustment from the Capital Fund to Information Technologies Capital Budget for Capital Equipment 18 - 39 Authorizing Change Order for Additional Professional Services for Settlers Hill Cross Country Course Phase III Engineering

Res. 18 - 40 Approving of Personnel Hiring and Replacement, Kane County Division of Transportation - Maintenance (2)

Res. 18 - 41 Authorizing Personnel Replacement Hiring, Kane County Health Department Community Health Specialist II Public Health Nurse

Res. 18 - 43 Approving December 2017 Payment of Claims Ord. #18 - 44 Repealing Sec. 2-196(A) of the Kane County Code and Replacing it with a New Sec. 2-196(A) (Depositories for Funds of County Treasurer/Collector)

Res. 18 - 45 Adopting Revised Policy Regarding Use of County-Owned Vehicles and Taxation of Use

18 - 46 Amending the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget for Sheriff's Office Adult Prisoner Board & Care

18 - 47 Authorizing 2017 Budget Adjustment to Replenish Health Insurance Reserve from General Fund

Res. 18 - 49 Authorizing Contracting for Rapid Response Employment Services for Workers Impacted at Caterpillar

Res. 18 - 50 Authorizing the Executive Director of the Kane County Health Department to Enter Into Standardized Non-Monetary Internship/Volunteer Affiliation Agreements

Res. 18 - 52 Approving a Phase III Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Tecma Associates Inc. of Chicago, Illinois for Peplow Road over Tributary of Virgil Ditch No. 3, Kane County Section No. 08-00383-00-BR

Res. 18 - 53 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for Phase III Construction for Huntley Road at Galligan Road, Kane County Section No. 08-00112-00-CH

Res. 18 - 54 Approving a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement with HDR Engineering Inc. of Chicago, Illinois for Randall Road at Weld Road/US 20 Intersection Improvements, Kane County Section No. 14-00446-00-CH

Res. 18 - 55 Approving a Phase II Engineering Services Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for Stearns Road (Stage 5A) at Randall Road Intersection Improvement, Kane County Section No. 14-00214-28-CH

Res. 18 - 56 Approving Acquisition of Highway Right of Way, Kirk Road at Fabyan Parkway Intersection Improvement, Kane County Section No. 11-00201-04-CH, Parcel No. 0004

Res. 18 - 57 Approving Acquisition of Highway Right of Way, Kirk Road at Fabyan Parkway Intersection Improvement, Kane County Section No. 11-00201- 04-CH, Parcel No. 0005 & 0005TE

Res. 18 - 58 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and the County of Kane for I-88 Bridge Improvements, Kane County Section No. 17-00483-00-BR

End of Consent Agenda

Res. 18 - 14 Authorizing Personnel Replacement for the Receptionist/Recording Secretary Position in the Kane County Board Office Board member Thomas thanked County Board receptionist/recording secretary Christie Duffy for her services to the board office.

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C. Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Res. 18 - 42 Approving County Board Travel/Meal/Lodging Reimbursement Request Member Molina expressed objection over the chairman's reimbursements stating inconsistencies existed between the county's reimbursement policy and the request before the board. She asked that the chairs of the Human Services Committee, Administration Committee and Finance Committee revisit the policy's inconsistencies. The chairman proceeded to explain the break downs of his business expenses.

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [14 To 8]

Mover: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Seconder: Deborah Allan, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, John Hoscheit, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Barbara Wojnicki

Nays: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Barbara Hernandez, Don Ishmael, Myrna

Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

18 - 48 Authorizing 2017 Budget Adjustment to Replenish Insurance Liability Reserve from Excess Tax Sale in Error Funds Dr. Silva shared her reasons for support of this resolution, while Member Lewis suggested to earmark an estimated $500K to reinstate the GPS monitoring program, highlighting that the board will need to discuss the allocation of funds from 2017, in general, and where they could be applied in the 2018 budget. Barreiro raised concern that the funds, if transferred into the insurance liability fund, could not be transferred again. However, Hoscheit confirmed the funds could be reallocated, if necessary. He, too, agreed a discussion regarding the allocation of funds needed to take place. Regarding the reinstatement of the GPS monitoring program,

Chairman Lauzen suggested that board members attend the upcoming Judicial Public Safety Committee meeting.

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [21 To 1]

Mover: Penny Wegman, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Nays: Don Ishmael

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Res. 18 - 51 Appreciation of County Staff Member Scheflow extended the board's appreciation to the Treasurer Office's staff and to other elected official staff for assisting Treasurer Rickert in the processing of the public's prepayment of property taxes. Over 7,400 county customers were served.

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Douglas Scheflow, Board Member

Seconder: John Hoscheit, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C. Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

D. Appointments

KaneComm Board Appointment (attached)

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Barbara Wojnicki, Board Member

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

6. Executive Session (if needed)

Member Martin thanked the board for its vote on the Settler's Hill resolution and shared his appreciation to those who worked on the long-term project. The chairman entertained a motion to go into executive session to discuss settlement of claims, personnel, and other pending litigation. The board entered into closed session at 10:19 a.m.

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brian Dahl, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Return to Open Session

(Lewis leaves 10:58 AM) The board returned to open session at 11:27 a.m.

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [21 To 0]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Board Member

Seconder: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Away: Philip Lewis

7. Settlement of Claims

1. Approval of five resolutions

The chairman entertained a motion to approve settlement for the following cases:

17CV5506, 16WC10202, 16WC31264, 17D45F041427, and 11WC25240, 12WC007196 & 14WC19378 (consolidated).

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [21 To 0]

Mover: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Seconder: Kurt R. Kojzarek, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Away: Philip Lewis

17 CV 5506

Moved all by




11WC25240, 12WC007196, 14WC19378 (Consolidated)

8. Speakers (Non-Agenda Items)


1. Adjournment

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [21 To 0]

Mover: Susan Starrett, Board Member

Seconder: Penny Wegman, Board Member

Ayes: Deborah Allan, Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Douglas Scheflow, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Mark Davoust, Thomas Smith

Away: Philip Lewis

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

This meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Celeste Weilandt

Recording Secretary




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