
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kane County Forest Preserve District Commission met Feb. 13

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Kane County Forest Preserve District met Feb. 13.

Here is the provided minutes by the Commission:

I. Call to Order

The Forest Preserve Commission meeting was held Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 9 a.m. at the County Board Room located at 1996 S. Kirk Road, Suite 320, Geneva, IL 60134. The meeting was opened by President Michael Kenyon at 9 a.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Lead by Commissioner Margaret Auger

III. Roll Call

Members Present:

Attendee Name: Status:

Commissioner Deborah Allan Absent

Commissioner Margaret Auger Present

Commissioner Theresa Barreiro Late

Commissioner Brian Dahl Present

President Pro Tem Mark Davoust Absent

Commissioner Drew Frasz Present

Commissioner Rebecca Gillam Present

Commissioner Barbara Hernandez Present

Commissioner John Hoscheit Present

Commissioner Don Ishmael Present

President Michael Kenyon Present

Commissioner Kurt Kojzarek Present

Commissioner Bill Lenert Present

Secretary Philip Lewis Present

Commissioner John Martin Present

Commissioner Myrna Molina Present

Commissioner Jarett Sanchez Present

Commissioner Douglas Scheflow Absent

Commissioner Monica Silva Present

Commissioner Thomas Smith Absent

Commissioner Susan Starrett Late

Commissioner Angela Thomas Present

Commissioner Penny Wegman Present

Commissioner Barbara Wojnicki Present

Others Present:

Monica Meyers, Executive Director

Ken J. Stanish, Director of Finance

Ben Haberthur, Director of Natural Resources

Jerry Culp, Director of Planning and Development

Laurie Metanchuk, Director of Community Affairs

John Goreth, Director of Operations

Tracey Smith, Director of Human Resources

Mike Gilloffo, Director of Public Safety

Caitlin Rodeghero, Administrative Assistant

Brittany Kovach, Community Affairs Specialist

Patrick Chess, Restoration Ecologist

Jerry Hodge, Attorney

Ellen J. Maglio, Recording Secretary

IV. Public Comment (Each Speaker is limited to 3 minutes) None.

V. Presentation of the 2017 Seed Harvest Report

Restoration Ecologist Patrick Chess made a presentation of the 2017 Seed Harvest Report.

VI. Presentation and Approval of the Minutes from January 9, 2018

Result: Accepted [17 To 0]

Mover: John Martin, Commissioner

Seconder: Monica Silva, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas

VII. Presentation and Approval of the Bills for January 2018

Result: Approved By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brian Dahl, Commissioner

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas

VIII. Land Acquisitions

FP-R-18-02-2599 Resolution Authorizing Land Acquisition of 63.23 Acres in Campton Township

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas

FP-R-18-02-2600 Resolution Authorizing Land Acquisition of 74.21 Acres in Blackberry Township

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas

FP-R-18-02-2601 Resolution Authorizing Land Acquisition of 110 Acres in Plato Township

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Barbara Wojnicki, Commissioner

Seconder: Jarett Sanchez, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Theresa Barreiro, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas

IX. Bids

FP-R-18-02-2602 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Four Propane Fueled Zero Turn Mowers for Use by the Operations Department

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Abstain: Philip Lewis

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett,Angela C Thomas

FP-R-18-02-2603 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two Pickup Trucks and Two Dump Trucks for Use by the Operations Department through the State of Illinois

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Philip Lewis, Secretary

Seconder: Brian Dahl, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

FP-R-18-02-2604 Resolution Authorizing a Contract for Services to Repave the Parking Lot and Entrance Drive at the Fabyan Forest Preserve

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: John Martin, Commissioner

Seconder: Rebecca Gillam, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

FP-R-18-02-2605 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Replacement Steel Shelter Kit for the Hampshire Forest Preserve

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Margaret Auger, Commissioner

Seconder: Rebecca Gillam, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

X. Agreement

FP-R-18-02-2606 Resolution Authorizing a Naming Rights, Signage, and Promotion Agreement with Northwestern Memorial Health Care and the Chicago Area Track and Field Organizing Committee for the Settler's Hill Cross Country Events Center

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: John Martin, Commissioner

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

XI. Intergovernmental Agreements

FP-R-18-02-2607 Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for the River Obstruction Removal Project

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: John Hoscheit, Commissioner

Seconder: Rebecca Gillam, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

FP-R-18-02-2608 Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with KDOT for the Sub-Licensing Use of Software Program

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

Seconder: Brian Dahl, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

XII. Use Ordinance

FP-O-18-02-0545 Ordinance Approving Revisions to the General Use Regulation Ordinance

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brian Dahl, Commissioner

Seconder: Rebecca Gillam, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

XIII. New Business

FP-R-18-02-2609 Resolution Approving the 2018 Update to the 2015 Comprehensive Master Plan

Result: Adopted By Roll Call Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: John Hoscheit, Commissioner

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith, Susan Starrett

XIV. Communications

Maple Sugaring Days will be March 3 and 4 at the LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve from 1-4 pm. This is a family friendly event celebrating spring. The Naturalists will teach how to tap a maple tree, conduct hikes and sample some pure local syrup. This is a free event.

XV. Executive Session to Discuss Land Acquisition, Contracts, Litigation, and Personnel None.

XVI. President's Comments

President Kenyon recognized Commissioner John Hoscheit, as the 2018 Chair for the IAPD board. Commissioner Hoscheit thanked everyone and commented that the cross country course on the landfill will be an asset for the City of Geneva, fulfilling the recreation promise made to the community and thanked Commissioner Martin and former Commissioner Mike Donahue for all of their bringing the project to fruition.

XVII. Reports: Department Reports

Result: Placed On File By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Susan Starrett, Commissioner

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith

Xviii. Adjournment

Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Commissioner

Seconder: Penny Wegman, Commissioner

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Rebecca Gillam, Barbara Hernandez, John Hoscheit, Don Ishmael, Michael Kenyon, Kurt R. Kojzarek, Bill Lenert, Philip Lewis, John Martin, Myrna Molina, Jarett Sanchez, Monica Silva, Susan Starrett, Angela C Thomas, Penny Wegman, Barbara Wojnicki

Absent: Deborah Allan, Mark Davoust, Douglas Scheflow, Thomas Smith

President Michael Kenyon, Chairman

Forest Preserve Commission

Forest Preserve District of Kane County

Adjournment until: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9 a.m.

Kane County Government Center, Building A

719 Batavia Avenue, Geneva, Illinois

Respectfully Submitted,

Ellen J. Maglio

Ellen J. Maglio

Recording Secretary




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