
Kane County Reporter

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kane County County Development Committee met Feb. 20

Kane County County Development Committee met Feb. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

p1. Call to Order

Chairman Kojzarek called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Margaret Auger Board Member Present

Theresa Barreiro Board Member Present

Brian Dahl Board Member Present

Drew Frasz Ex-Officio (Transportation Chairman) Present

Michael Kenyon Ex-Officio (Forest Preserve President) Present

Bill Lenert Board Member Present

John Martin Vice Chair Present

Thomas Smith Board Member Absent

Kurt R. Kojzarek Chairman Present

Also present: Co. Bd. member Gillam, Sanchez & staff Nagel; Finance staff Waggoner, Dobersztyn; Development Dir. VanKerkhoff & staff Berkhout, Farruggia; Environmental/Water Resources Dir. Anderson & staff Wollnik; KDOT staff Rickert, Benda; ITD staff Peters; and members of the press and public.

2. Approval of Minutes: January 16, 2018

Result: Approved With Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Brian Dahl, Board Member

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, John Martin,

Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

3. Monthly Financials

Monthly financial reports were included in the agenda packet. Finance staff Waggoner reported there were no FY18 budget concerns at this time. Any overages are due to transfers that came out at the beginning of the year, expenditures due, or encumbrances.

4. Public Comment

Curtis Haug, GM for the Kane County Cougars, presented a request to extend their fireworks curfew from 10:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for five nights per season. The Cougars have lost an average of three firework shows each season because of the curfew. They are in a competitive entertainment market and do not want to lose customers because of the fireworks being cancelled. Chair Kojzarek stated that because this is not on the agenda, it could not be voted on today. It will be presented at the March meeting for vote.

5. Building & Zoning Division

A. Building & Zoning Report

Development Dir. VanKerkhoff reported activity has begun for the spring season, they have already started to see pool permits. The apartments in Mill Creek are in the rough framing stage.Improvements to the building permit function of their CityView software is still underway.

B. Zoning Petitions

Staff Farruggia presented the following zoning petitions:

C. PETITION NO. 4436: The Perkiser Family Trust

The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from F-District Farming to E-1 District Estate Residential. The ZBA recommends approval. There are no objectors.

Result: Moved Forward By Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/13/2018 9:45 A.M.

To: County Board

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

D. Petition No. 4437: Michael Shea

The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from F-District Farming to F-1 District Rural Residential. The ZBA recommends approval. There are no objectors.

Result: Moved Forward By Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/13/2018 9:45 a.m.

To: County Board

Mover: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

E. Petition No. 4438: Jerry Youngren, et ux

The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from F-District Farming to E-1 District Estate Residential. The ZBA recommends approval. There are no objectors.

Result: Moved Forward By Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/13/2018 9:45 Am

To: County Board

Mover: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

F. Petition No. 4439: Jeff Drendel

This was tabled until the March committee meeting per Dev. Dir. VanKerkhoff.

Result: Tabled [Unanimous] Next: 3/20/2018 10:00 a.m.

To: County Board

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: John Martin, Vice Chair

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

G. Review of Building Permit fees

Referencing a document included in the agenda packet, Development Dir. VanKerkhoff discussed a comparison on Kane County’s building permit fees with the surrounding counties. He shared his recommendations with potential next steps for the committee's consideration. Chair Kojzarek stated it has been 14 years since the county had reviewed their permit fees. A couple of options to consider would be bringing the fees up to the same level of the surrounding counties or to re-evaluate all of the fees. He recommended a complete evaluation that would include the cost to the county, man-hours invested, and a comparison on the fees for the surrounding counties. Environmental Dir. Anderson agreed a full evaluation should be done since each permit goes through a series of reviews by several different departments. Kojzarek read a recommendation from Lewis proposing fee increases and the removal of the not-for-profit category. Kojzarek suggested they move forward by having VanKerkhoff ask the consultant from the mandated study for their scope of work. There was a consensus amongst the committee members to move forward.

H. Multiple Property Demolition Presentation

Referencing a PowerPoint presentation included in the agenda packet, Development Dir. VanKerkhoff reviewed the demolition process for dangerous and unsafe buildings. He reported grant funds initially cover these projects then a lien is placed on each property to later recover the costs. He provided an overview of multiple properties recommended for demolition by the county.

A change in the agenda order followed. VanKerkhoff presented the following resolutions:

I. Resolution: Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe

Building Property Located at 7N060 Maple Ave , Township of St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 09-03-357-008

This authorizes a title search on the property and mailed notice to the owner(s) of the unsafe building, including the lien holders of record that the county desires to demolish the building. It also authorizes the State’s Attorney’s Office to file an application for an order authorizing the demolition in the event that the owner does not comply. All recovered costs related to the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal incurred by the county, including court costs, attorney’s fees, and all other costs will be reimbursed to this fund when the liens are paid off to pay for future demolitions, repairs, and enclosures.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/7/2018 9:00 a.m.

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

J. Resolution: Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe

Building Property Located at 06N909 Fox River, Township of St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 09-11-129-007

This authorizes a title search on the property and mailed notice to the owner(s) of the unsafe building, including the lien holders of record that the county desires to demolish the building. It further authorizes the State’s Attorney’s Office to file an application for an order authorizing the demolition in the event that the owner does not comply. All recovered costs related to the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal incurred by the county, including court costs, attorney’s fees, and all other costs will be reimbursed to this fund when the liens are paid off to pay for future demolitions, repairs, and enclosures.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/7/2018 9:00 a.m.

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Theresa Barreiro, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

K. Resolution: Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe

Building Property Located at 07N307 Falcons Trail, Township of St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 09-06-353-016

This authorizes a title search on the property and mailed notice to the owner(s) of the unsafe building, including the lien holders of record that the county desires to demolish the building. It further authorizes the State’s Attorney’s Office to file an application for an order authorizing the demolition in the event that the owner does not comply. All recovered costs related to the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal incurred by the county, including court costs, attorney’s fees, and all other costs will be reimbursed to this fund when the liens are paid off to pay for future demolitions, repairs, and enclosures.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/7/2018 9:00 a.m.

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Seconder: John Martin, Vice Chair

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

L. Resolution: Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe

Building Property Located at 36W346 South Street, Township of Elgin, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 06-21-202-009

This authorizes a title search on the property and mailed notice to the owner(s) of the unsafe building, including the lien holders of record that the county desires to demolish the building. It also authorizes the State’s Attorney’s Office to file an application for an order authorizing the demolition in the event that the owner does not comply. All recovered costs related to the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal incurred by the county, including court costs, attorney’s fees, and all other costs will be reimbursed to this fund when the liens are paid off to pay for future demolitions, repairs, and enclosures.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/7/2018 9:00 a.m.

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

M. Resolution: Authorizing Application to Circuit Court for Demolition of Dangerous and/or Unsafe

Building Property Located at 38W580 Illinois Route 20, Township of Elgin, Kane County, Illinois Parcel No.: 06-18-100-028 and 06-07-300-011

This authorizes a title search on the property and mailed notice to the owner(s) of the unsafe building, including the lien holders of record that the county desires to demolish the building. It also authorizes the State’s Attorney’s Office to file an application for an order authorizing the demolition in the event that the owner does not comply. All recovered costs related to the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal incurred by the county, including court costs, attorney’s fees, and all other costs will be reimbursed to this fund when the liens are paid off to pay for future demolitions, repairs, and enclosures.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 3/7/2018 9:00 a.m.

To: Executive Committee

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

6. Planning & Special Projects

A monthly report was included in the agenda packet.

A. Kane Energy Efficiency Program

Referencing a PowerPoint presentation included in the agenda packet, Development Dir. VanKerkhoff provided an overview of the Kane Energy Efficiency Program (KEEP), which is part of the national program known as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE). KEEP offers a funding option for commercial properties to make energy saving improvements. VanKerkhoff shared an overview of the process. He listed several benefits for both the property owner and local government. Nationally the program has been adopted in 16 states. He reviewed program guidelines. VanKerkhoff discussed the county's options for program development and shared the next steps. Staff has recommended using a third-party administrator for the program. Gillam noted the state has only adopted this program for existing buildings; other states have included new construction. She asked committee members to talk with their state representatives about including new construction. Chair Kojzarek felt this would also be a great topic for the Legislative Committee. He would like to see the program expanded to include multifamily housing such as the condominium market. There was a consensus amongst the committee members to move forward with the next steps as outlined by VanKerkhoff with a motion by Barreiro, seconded by Lenert.

B. Resolution: Declaring

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Margaret Auger, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

8. Environmental Resources


9. Water Resources

Referencing a document included in the agenda packet, Dir. Wollnik presented the following for approval:

A. Approval Stonecrest Storm Sewer Replacement Phase 2 Cost-Share 2018-001

The Stonecrest HOA will be completing Phase 2 of the sewer replacement project in 2018 to replace the high priority 30" diameter and 36" diameter storm sewers that were constructed improperly and are in failure. Phase 1 of the project to replace the very high priority storm sewers was completed in 2017.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Bill Lenert, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

10. Office of Community Reinvestment


11. Settlers Hill End Use Update

A. Resolution: Approving Professional Construction Phase Services Contract for Construction

Observation, Environmental Services and Survey Work with Weaver Consultants Group North Central, LLC. Related to the Construction of Settlers Hill Cross Country Course (attached)

This executes a professional construction services agreement with Weaver Consultants Group North Central, LLC. for work related to the Settlers Hill Cross Country Course. The contract shall not exceed the lump sum of $413,500.00 from Fund 651.670.670.50150 Contractual/Consulting Services.

Result: Moved Forward With Voice Vote [Unanimous] Next: 2/28/2018 9:00 a.m.

To: Finance And Budget Committee

Mover: John Martin, Vice Chair

Seconder: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert,

John Martin, Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

12. New Business


13. Reports Placed On File

Result: Place Written Reports On File [Unanimous]

Mover: Drew Frasz, Ex-officio (Transportation Chairman)

Seconder: Brian Dahl, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, John Martin,

Kurt R. Kojzarek

Absent: Thomas Smith

14. Executive Session (If Needed)


15. Adjournment

Result: Adjourned By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Michael Kenyon, Ex-officio (Forest Preserve President)

Seconder: Theresa Barreiro, Board Member

Ayes: Margaret Auger, Theresa Barreiro, Brian Dahl, Drew Frasz, Michael Kenyon, Bill Lenert, John Martin,

Thomas Smith, Kurt R. Kojzarek

This Meeting Was Adjourned at 11:14 a.m.

Christie Duffy

Recording Secretary




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