
Kane County Reporter

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

City of St. Charles Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met November 13.


City of St. Charles Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met Nov. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commissioners:

Present: Chairman Keith Rollins, Mr. Don Haines, Ms. Dianne Kellett

Absent: Mr. John Kennedy, Dr. Steven Baginski

Also Present: Ms. Denice Brogan; Human Resources, Fire Chief Joe Schelstreet, Deputy Chief Dave Kintz; Police Department, Commander Steven Bedell; Police Department, Carole Murphy; Recording Secretary

1. Call to Order

Chairman Keith Rollins called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm.

2. Roll Call

Roll was called with three members present.

3. Public Forum

No Report

4. Approval of Minutes

a. A motion was made by Mr. Don Haines and seconded by Ms. Dianne Kellett to accept the minutes of the October 9, 2017 regular meeting. The minutes were passed as presented by a unanimous voice vote of all members present. b. A motion was made by Mr. Don Haines and seconded by Ms. Dianne Kellett to accept the minutes of the October 23, 2017 Special Meeting. The minutes were passed as presented by a unanimous voice vote of all members present.

5. Other Business

a. Approval of Firefighter Applicant Background

Chief Schelstreet presented the background investigation of Firefighter/Paramedic applicant #5 to the Board for approval. A motion was made to accept the background of applicant #5 by Mr. Haines and seconded by Ms. Kellett. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote of all members present.

b. Approval of Two Police Sergeant Promotions

Deputy Chief Kintz explained the re-organization for the Police Department and would like to ask the Board for acceptance for promotion of the next 2 candidates on the Sergeants list. These promotions will be effective December 4, 2017.

A motion was made to accept the promotion of candidate #1 on the Sergeants list by Mr. Haines and seconded by Ms. Kellett. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote of all members present. A motion was made to accept the promotion of candidate #2 on the Sergeants list by Mr. Haines and seconded by Ms. Kellett.

The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote of all members present.

c. Discussion only; Police Academics Waiting List Deputy Chief Kintz explained the process of the Police Department utilizing a lateral as well as a traditional hiring list using each list approximately 50% of the time. With waiting lists for the academies up to 6 months long with as much as an 80 person waitlist, there may be a need to utilize the lateral list more than past practice to maintain Police staffing.

6. Executive Session

No Executive Session

7. Adjournment

With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Mr. Don Haines and seconded by Ms. Dianne Kellett. The motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote of all members present. The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 pm.
