
Kane County Reporter

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Village of Carpentersville Audit and Finance Commission met June 27.

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Village of Carpentersville Audit and Finance Commission met June 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. & II. Call to Order and Roll Call

The regular meeting of the Audit and Finance Commission was called to order at 6:31 p.m. Those present for roll call were Members Rehberg, Gillette, McFeggan, Burroway, and President Skillman.

III. Approve minutes of the last meeting

Member McFeggan moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting, seconded by Burroway. The voice vote of the Commission members was unanimous, the motion passed.

IV. FY 2016 Audit presentation

Jim Savio from Sikich LLP gave a presentation on the 2016 audit report, single audit, TIF reports, and the required Board communication. The 2016 audit received an unqualified opinion, the highest level of assurance a government can receive. He also pointed out that the Village contributed 100% of the actuarial determined pension contribution to the Police, Fire, and IMRF pensions for the year.

Hitesh Desai, Finance Director, also gave a short presentation on the Village’s past audits pointing out that there were several years in the early 2000’s that the Village received NO audit opinion. For the next 10+ years, the Village worked hard to receive the highest marks in auditing including strengthening financial policies, internal controls, and preparing an award winning Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Budget.

V. Water and Sewer Rate Study presentation

Public Works Director Bob Cole introduced Carolyn Grieves and Jim Sobbarber from Baxter & Woodman who gave the presentation. Sobarbber showed the Commission the current water and sewer rate structure. Grieves then went over the Village’s capital needs over the next 8 years.

Sobarbber presented 5 different rate structures, taking into consideration the Village’s current rate structure and fund balance. The first one included $500,000/year for maintenance and repair plus identified projects on an annual basis. The last one was only the projects that were identified as critical.

There was discussion among the trustees and it was decided the rate study would be discussed further at the July meeting. No recommendations were made.

VI. Special Events/Parks Update

Bob Cole gave an update on the Community Yard sale that took place June 24, 2017 which had over 80 vendors signed up. Director Cole also briefed about the following:

Keith Andres memorial improvements have also been completed and was dedicated on the evening of June 24. Carpenter Park improvements have been fully completed and there will be a grand opening kickoff on August 5th with the Civil War reenactment group.

The Park District is considering building a splash pad on Route 25. They would like an intergovernmental agreement where the Village provides free water usage for the splash pad.

Member Gillette motioned a recommendation for the Village to negotiate with the Park District for water usage at the splash pad, seconded by Burroway. The voice vote of the Commission members was unanimous, the motion passed.

Director Cole also spoke about Carpenter Park bleachers and requested $4,000 in additional funds to use for new 4‐tier bleachers. He requested authority to spend.

Member Burroway motioned to approve the $4,000 in additional funding for bleachers, seconded by President Skillman. The voice vote of the Commission members was unanimous, the motion passed.

VII. CIP Projects update/changes

Kevin Gray, Assistant Director of Public Works, gave a general update on the Village’s 2017 CIP projects.

Gray also spoke on the Village’s tree replacement program. He requested an additional $20,000 to $30,000 to complete the removal of Ash trees.

Member Gillette motioned to approve the $20,000 ‐ $30,000 in additional funding for Ash tree removal, seconded by member Burroway. The voice vote of the Commission members was unanimous, the motion passed.

Gray also identified an additional road project for the FY 2017 CIP funding, Lowell Ave. He requested $130,000 in funding to complete this project.

Member Burroway motioned to approve the $130,000 to fund Lowell Ave, seconded by member McFeggan. The voice vote of the Commission members was unanimous, the motion passed.

VII. NICOR Agreement update

Finance Director Desai briefed the members about accepting a pending agreement with NICOR Gas including annual allocation of 81,949 franchise therms to the village.

Member McFeggan motioned to recommend adoption of NICOR agreement, seconded by member Gillette. The voice vote of the Commission members was unanimous, the motion passed.

IX. Partial reimbursement of redevelopment costs – Walmart

Director Desai gave an update on the status of Walmart reimbursement. The Finance Department is still waiting for a reimbursement request from Walmart.

X. Other Items

Staff gave an update on Randall Roadhouse restaurant followed by a discussion.

XI. Adjournment

Member McFeggan motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by President Skillman. The Commission’s voice vote was unanimous, motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
