City of Aurora Planning Council met August 1.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Others Present
Approval of Minutes:
17-00721 Approval of the Minutes for the DST Staff Council (Planning Council) meeting of July 25, 2017.
17-00519 Requesting a Plan Description Revision to the Special Use Planned Development on the property located at 245 N. Eola Rd being south of Diehl Road and east of Eola Road to add one General Contractor, or special trade contractor (off site work) (2900) as a permitted use (Scientel Solutions, LLC - 17-00519 / NA07/1-16.162-Su/PD/Ppn/Psd/R - TV - Ward 10)
17-00520 Requesting approval of a Special Use for a Communications Facility (4211) use on the easterly 75 feet of 245 N. Eola Rd being south of Diehl Road and east of Eola Road (Scientel Solutions, LLC - 17-00520 / NA07/1-16.162-Su/PD/Ppn/Psd/R - TV - Ward 10)
17-00521 Requesting approval of a revision to the Preliminary Plan and Plat for Diehl Industrial Park Subdivision located south of Diehl Road and east of Eola Road for a Communications Facility (4211) use (Scientel Solutions, LLC - 17-00521 / NA07/1-16.162-Su/PD/Ppn/Psd/R - TV - Ward 10)
17-00639 Requesting approval of a Final Plan Revision for Hometown Farnsworth Subdivision, Phase One and Two located north of Montgomery Road, between Hill Avenue and Farnsworth Avenue for new building elevations and footprint change (Bigelow Farnsworth, LLC - 17-00639 / AU35/2-17.024-Fpn/R - SB - Ward 3)
17-00649 Requesting approval of an Annexation Agreement for 22.47 acres located south of Diehl Road north and south of the Prairie Path west of 2905 Diehl Road (CyrusOne - 17-00649 / NA07/2-16.165-PA/A/Rz - TV - Ward 10)
17-00650 Requesting the Annexation, pursuant to an Annexation Agreement, of 22.47 acres located south of Diehl Road north and south of the Prairie Path west of 2905 Diehl Road (CyrusOne - 17-00650 / NA07/2-16.165-PA/A/Rz - TV - Ward 10)
17-00651 Requesting to rezone the property located south of Diehl Road north and south of the Prairie Path west of 2905 Diehl Road from R-1 One Family Dwelling District zoning to ORI Office, Research, and Light Industrial, E Estate Single Family Detached Dwelling District, and OS-1 Conservation, Open Space, and Drainage District (CyrusOne - 17-00651 / NA07/2-16.165-PA/A/Rz - TV - Ward 10)
17-00652 Requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat for CyrusOne Subdivision, Phase 2 located south of Diehl Road and west of Eola Road (CyrusOne - 17-00652 / NA07/2-17.130-Ppn/Psd - TV - Ward 10)
17-00653 Requesting approval of a Preliminary Plan for Lots 1 and 2 of CyrusOne Subdivision, Phase 2 located south of Diehl Road and west of Eola Road for an Electronic Data Storage Center (3301) Use (CyrusOne - 17-00653 / NA07/2-17.130-Ppn/Psd - TV - Ward10)
17-00654 Requesting approval of a variance for Lot 1 of CyrusOne Subdivision, Phase 2 located south of Diehl Road and west of Eola Road to allow two principal buildings on a zoning lot (CyrusOne - 17-00654 / NA07/2-17.134-V - TV - Ward 10)