
Kane County Reporter

Monday, February 24, 2025

Village of South Elgin Committee of the Whole met May 1.

Webp meeting 10

Village of South Elgin Committee of the Whole met May 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Village President Steven Ward at the South Elgin Village Hall, 10 North Water Street, South Elgin, lllinois.

2. Roll Call

The following were present: Steven Ward, Village Presiden! Margaret Gray, Village Clerk; and Trustees Scott Richmond, Greg Lieser, Jennifer Barconi, Mike Kolodziej, Lisa Guess and John Sweet.

Staff present were: Steven Super, Village Administrator; Megan Golden, Director of Administrative Services and Deputy Village Administrator; Kim Wascher, Director of Parks & Recreation, Jerry Krawczyk, Police Chief; Richard Gallas, Director of Public Works and Marc McLaughlin, Director of Community Development.

Also present: Village Attorney, Derke J. Price

3. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Balsamo

4. Appointments and Presentations

a. Oaths of Office - Village President, Village Clerk and Village Trustees - The honorable David Akemann, Judge of the Circuit Court, administered the oaths of office to Village President, Steve Ward; Village Clerk, Margo Gray and Trustees Barconi, Lieser and Sweet.

A motion to recess the meeting was made by Trustee Kolodziej and seconded by Trustee Barconi. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried. The meeting recessed at 7:09 pm.

The meeting reconvened at 7:24 pm with all present as in Roll Call.

b.Appointments: Planning & Zoning Commission - President Ward announced that he has selected Cynthia Tarka, Tom Kusswurm, Jason Micklevitz and Leo Metz for reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission for terms expiring on April 30, 2019.

A motion made by Trustee Kolodziej was seconded by Trustee Richmond to reappoint Cynthia Tarka, Tom Kusswurm, Jason Miklevitz and Leo Metz to the Planning and Zoning Commission for terms expiring on April 30,2019. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

c. Appointment: Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund - President Ward announced that he has selected Stan Helgerson for reappointment to the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund for a two year term expiring April 21,2019.

A motion made by Trustee Lieser was seconded by Trustee Kolodziej to reappoint Stan Helgerson to the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund for a term expiring on April 21, 2019. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

d. Appointments: Board of Directors of the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association - President Ward announced that he has selected Kimberly Wascher to serve as the Village-appointed Director and Shane Hamilton to serve as the Alternate Director of the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association for a two year term expiring April 30, 2019.

A motion made by Trustee Guess was seconded by Trustee Kolodziej to appoint Kimberly Wascher to serve as the Village-appointed Director and Shane Hamilton as the Alternate

Director of the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association for a two year term expiring on April 30, 20L9. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried

5. Communications and lnformation ltems

a. Proclamation - May 7-13 is Municipal Clerk's Week - President Ward read the annual Municipal Clerk's Week proclamation honoring Village Clerk, Margo Gray.

b. Proclamation - May is Building Safety Month - President Ward read the annual Building Safety Month proclamation honoring the Village's building and safety inspection team.

c. Proclamation - May 15-21,2017 is National Police Week - President Ward read the annual National Police Week proclamation honoring the men and women of law enforcement.

d. Proclamation - May 21-27,2017 is National Public Works Week - President Ward read the annual National Public Works Week proclamation honoring the Village's Public Works employees.

6. Public Comment

President Ward explained this portion of the meeting is for comments on items on the Agenda Other comments should be held to later in the meeting for the Addresses from the Audience. There were no comments.

7. Consent Agenda

a. Motion to Accept the Consent Agenda of May L,2OL7

A motion made by Trustee Richmond was seconded by Trustee Sweet to accept the items on the Consent Agenda. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Absta¡n: (0)

Motion carried.

b. Approval of the Consent Agenda ltems - The following items listed are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion:

1. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meetings of April 17,2017

2. Approval of Minutes: Closed Meeting of April 17,2017

3. Approvalof Consolidated Voucher: Warrant # 05-01

4. Approval: Authorizing the Release of the Annual Contribution to the South

Elgin Economic Development (Seed) Council

5. Ordinance: Approving a Real Estate Contract to Purchase 614 Riverside Avenue (Ord. 2017-221)

6. Ordinance: lncreasing the Maximum Number of Class B Alcoholic Liquor Dealers Licenses - L Times 2lnc., dlbla Hot Slots Café, 40 S. Mclean Boulevard (Ord. 2017 -231)

7. Ordinance: Naming and Renaming Streets within the Corporate Limits (Ord. 2017-241)

8. Approval: Accepting the Concept Plan for a Residential Planned Development Located at 1901 Silver Glen Road - Spectrum Retirement Communities L[C, South Elgin, lL

9. Resolution: Approving an Amended and Restated Flexible Spending Account Plan (Res. 2017-06)

10. Resolution: Approving an Amended and Restated Health Reimbursement Account Plan (Res. 2017-07)

11. Ordinance: Amending the Village Code of Ordinances Concerning the Office of Director of Administrative Services (assigning certain powers and functions of the former office of Finance Director) (Ord. 2017-251)

12. Ordinance: Establishing Springs at South Elgin Special Service Area Number One (Ord. 2017-261)

13. Ordinance: Accepting Public lmprovements - Prairie Pointe Phase 2 Subdivision (Or d. 2017 -27)

A motion made by Trustee Sweet was seconded by Trustee Barconi to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. All aye by voice vote. Motion carried.

8. General Business

a. Ordinance: Amending Title XV, 5154.015 Definitions and S154.017 Table of Permitted Uses Concerning Small Animal Day Care Establishments

Marc Mclaughlin reported that this item was last discussed under Public Comment at the March 20,2017 Board Meeting. Stephanie Jaramillo is proposing a Text Amendment for the definition of a Small Animal Day Care to accommodate her animal services and training business, SFK9 Dog Training. Currently, Small Animal Day Care is only allowed in the Village's industrial zoning districts, l1 and 12. Ms. Jaramillo is requesting to have this type of business be allowed in business districts as well as industrial districts. Additionally, the definition of Small Animal Day Care has been expanded to list training and other allowed uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and recommended acceptance of the amendment at the April 19, 2017 meeting. Ms. Jaramillo presented her request. President Ward asked if there will be any animals kept overnight. Ms. Jaramillo said that there will be no animals kept in her business over night and she will close by 9 pm daily. Her main hours will be 10 am to 5 pm and other hours by appointment for classes. President Ward commented that it is a good fit for the area. Trustee Barconi asked when she expects to open her business. Ms. Jaramillo said she expects to be open by June L't. Trustee Lieser commended her for going through the process.

A motion made by Trustee Guess was seconded by Trustee Barconi to approve an Ordinance amending Title XV Land Usage, Section 154.01-5 Definitions and Section 154.017 Table of Permitted Uses concerning Small Animal Day Care. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried. (Ord. 2017-28)

b. Approval: Awarding the Bid and Authorizing the Execution of the 2017 Annual Street Maintenance Program Construction Contract (MFT Section #17-00048-00- FP) - Plote Construction lnc., Hoffman Estates, lL

Richard Gallas reported that at the October t7 ,201.6 COTW Meeting, the Board reviewed the 2017 Road lmprovement Plan. Public Works staff discussed an expanded program at the March 13,201-7 Budget Workshop. Staff recommended the expansion to take advantage of competitive construction pricing. Per State Statute, a Notice to Bidders was published in the March 23,2017 edition of the Daily Heratd and the March 30th and April 6th edition of IDOT Bureau of Local Roods Contractor Bulletin and website. The project was bid with two options in order to be flexible and accommodate available budget funds. First, Option 1 which consists of resurfacing and reconstruction, curb & gutter and sidewalk, water main, storm sewer, street lighting, streetscape features, parkway restoration, and other miscellaneous work along River Street, Center Street, Cherry Street, East Plum Street, Locust Street, and South Street. The results of the open bid letting conducted on April 13, 2017 is as follows:

Bidder;Option 1; Option 2:

Plote Construction, Inc.; $ 3,401.193.65; $ 3,535,780.63

A Lamp Concrete Contractors; $ 3,495,159.44; $ 3,614,614.34 

Swallow Construction Corp.; $ 3,726,692.95; $ 3,859,733.95

Landmark Contractors, lnc.; $ 3,769,733.89; $ 3,892,083.18

Schroeder Aspha lt Services; $ 3,816,787.30; $ 3,956,040.60

Copenhaver Construction; 5 3,868,125.44; $ 4,007,071.99

Martam Construction, lnc.; $ 3,945,943.95; $ 4,096,371.75

H. Linden & Sons Water and Sewer; $ 4,445,759.00; $ 4,621,633.00

The $3,320,263.60 cost for Option 1 is 5779,736.40 lower than the $4,100,000 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost for the project. Second, Option 2 includes all work in Option 1 and adds resurfacing on Riverside Avenue, Crystal Avenue, Spring Avenue, and Pickerel Point parking lot. The $3,535,780.63 cost for Option 2 is $564,219.37 lower than the $4,100,000 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost for the project. Trustee Kolodziej suggested that the saved amount of $600,000 over projected be earmarked for next year. President Ward said the extra leaves money in the budget to be spent elsewhere. Rich Gallas explained that it also includes $150,000 for patching and $75,000 for concrete repairs. Steve Super commended Mr. Gallas for bringing his way of resurfacing streets all in one area at the same time instead of working all over town. Trustee Sweet asked when street construction will start. Rich Gallas said that ComEd will begin May 15th. Trustee Guess said she has been contacted by concerned residents who have asked about getting A yellow flashing light for leftturns atthe intersection of Stearns Road and Mclean Boulevard. Frequently, there is no oncoming traffic and cars cannot make left turns because of a red arrow. Steve Super said traffic will change there and KDOT is monitoring the area.

A motion made by Trustee Lieser was seconded by Trustee Sweet to accept the bid of $3,535,780.63 from Plote Construction, lnc., Hoffman Estates, lllinois for the 2017 Annual Road Construction & Street Maintenance Program and authorize the Village President to execute the construction contract as prepared by Baxter & Woodman. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

c. Approval: Authorizing the Execution of a Construction Engineering Agreement for 2017 Street lmprovements - Baxter & Woodman lnc., Crystal Lake, lL

Richard Gallas reported that Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers of Crystal Lake, lllinois submitted a proposal to perform the construction engineering services for the 201-7 Street lmprovements Project. The scope of services includes project initiation, construction administration, field observation, and project closeout. The $198,858 lump sum cost is budgeted in the FY2018 Operating & Capital lmprovements Budget. In addition, two summer engineering interns will be hired to assist with the management of the roadway program in conjunction with Baxter & Woodman to make the program cost efficient and furnish adequate coverage for the amount of work being performed. President Ward asked if Baxter & Woodman employees will be present the entire time. Rich Gallas replied that they will be.

A motion made by Trustee Kolodziej was seconded by Trustee Barconi to authorize the execution of a construction engineering agreement with Baxter & Woodman, lnc., Crystal Lake, lllinois for the 2017 Street lmprovement Project. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried

d.Resolution: For lmprovement of Streets and Highways Under the lllinois Highway Code - 2017 Annual Road Construction and Street Maintenance Program - (MFT Section #17-00048-00-FP)

Richard Gallas reported that on October 17,2016 at the COTW meeting the Board reviewed the 2017 Road lmprovement Plan. IDOT Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the lllinois Highway Code is a routine requirement to appropriate the allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the 2017 Annual Road Construction & Street Maintenance Program. This year's annual allotment is 5600,000 as budgeted.

A motion made by Trustee Lieser was seconded by Trustee Kolodziej to approve the IDOT Resolution for lmprovement of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the lllinois Highway Code for the 201-7 Annual Road Construction & Street Maintenance Program. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried. (Res. 2017-08)

e. Approval: Authorizing the Execution of a Design Engineering Service Agreement for the lL Route 31 Sidewalk lnstallation Project - Baxter & Woodman, lnc., Crystal Lake, lL

Richard Gallas reported that the FY2018 Operating & Capital lmprovements Budget includes $30,000 for the lL Route 31 Sidewalk lnstallation Project. Staff would like to install approximately 1,550 feet of sidewalk between Concord Avenue and the Fox River Trolley Museum entrance. Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers of Crystal Lake, lllinois has submitted a proposal to perform the design engineering services for the project. The scope of services includes early coordination and data collection, topographic survey, drainage analysis, environmental coordination and permitting, preliminary site investigation, geotechnical report, plan preparation, bidding assistance, and project management. This design effort is more challenging than it may appear; in particular, the property ownership, the State's right-of-way, and the adjacent trolley museum. Trustee Kolodziej asked if this is completed, how much of the Village remains without sidewalks. Mr. Gallas said he was not sure of the percentage, but added in the last few years the Village has made great strides in providing sidewalks.

A motion made by Trustee Lieser was seconded by Trustee Barconi to authorize the execution of a design engineering agreement with Baxter & Woodman, lnc., Crystal Lake, lllinois for the lL Route 31 Sidewalk lnstallation Project in an amount not to exceed 524,955. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried

F.Approval: Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for the Development of a Modelfor the Water Distribution System - Baxter & Woodman, lnc., Crystal Lake, IL

Richard Gallas reported that the FY201-8 Budget includes 535,000 for the development of a Village-wide water system model. Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers of Crystal Lake, lllinois has prepared a proposal to assist the Village in developing a water model to help prioritize future water system projects and gain a valuable tool in planning for future developments. The scope of services includes: project management, project kickoff meeting, existing conditions, history review, data transfer and presentation, model preparation, field hydrant testing, model calibration, model exhibits, and water model meeting. The cost for this work is a lump sum fee of 531,500.

A motion made by Trustee lieser was seconded by Trustee Barconi to authorize the execution of an agreement with Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers, Crystal Lake, lllinois for the development of A Village-wide water system model in an amount not to exceed $31,500. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

g. Ordinance: Authorizing the Trade-ln of a Surplus Vehicle and Authorizing the Purchase of Equipment for a 2017 Ford F550 Cab/Chassis for the Parks Department - Bonnell Industries lnc., Dixon, lL

Kim Wascher reported that the Board authorized the purchase of a 2Ot7 F550 Cab/Chassis at the March 20,2017 meeting. FY2018 Equipment Replacement Schedule includes 575,000 for the replacement of the 2003 Ford F550 and its equipment for the Parks Department. The purchase cost for the 2017 Ford F550 Cab/Chassis was $36,15L. Bonnell Industries, lnc., Dixon, lllinois has submitted a proposal of 542,925 to purchase equipment for the vehicle. Staff negotiated a trade-in value for the 2003 Ford F550 in the amount of 511,000 which brings the total cost of the equipment to 531-,925. The total cost of the vehicle and equipment is $68,076; $6,924 less than the budgeted amount.

A motion made by Trustee Guess was seconded by Trustee Sweet to approve an ordinance authorizing the trade-in of a surplus vehicle and authorize the equipment purchase for the 20L7 Ford F550 Cab/Chassis from Bonnell lndustries, lnc., Dixon, lllinois at a cost not to exceed 531,925. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried. (Ord. 2017 -29)

h. Approval: Authorizing the Execution of a Contract Agreement for the Cross Connection Control Program - Backflow Solutions, lnc., Alsip, lL

Richard Gallas reported that in 2014 the Village Board approved a three-year agreement with Backflow Solutions, lnc. (BSl) to manage the Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection. Program. This agreement expires on June 30,2017 Staff has been satisfied with the services provided by BSI and would like to continue the long-standing relationship by moving forward and choosing a one year contract with an option to renew for two additional years. BSI has agreed to send annual notifications, send non-compliance notifications, submit electronic test reports, on-line Village access, quality control of tester credentials, and customer service. BSI is recommending use of the BSI Online tracking system which is cost efficient, provides the same services, while decreasing overall costs. The contract term will begin on July 7,2017 and continue through June 30, 2018. Trustee Richmond asked if there have been any major complaints from residents. Mr. Gallas answered that he is unaware of any. Both Trustees Guess and Kolodziej said they have received calls from residents regarding the recent letters sent to them by BSl.

A motion made by Trustee Kolodziej was seconded by Trustee Richmond to authorize the Village President to execute the lndependent Contractor's Agreement with Backflow Solutions, lnc. (BSl), Alsip, lllinois for a term beginning July L,2Ot7 through June 30, 2018. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

i.Approval: Accepting a Proposalfor Fleet Management Software - Computerized Fleet Analysis Software lnc., Addison, lL

Richard Gallas reported that FY2018 Operating & Capital lmprovements Budget includes $14,551 to purchase a fleet management software program to assist the mechanic in managing Public Works vehicles and equipment. Computerized Fleet Analysis, lnc. (CFA) Software submitted a proposal to implement the inventory and maintenance software and provide on-site custom training. The software contains a full set of data collection tools to create master records, enter repair orders, enter fuel transactions, record and post purchase orders, perform physical inventories, and reporting operations. The software will assist in managing the equipment fleet and display the data necessary to make equipment replacement decisions.

A motion made by Trustee Lieser was seconded by Trustee Barconi to accept the proposal from Computerized Fleet Analysis, lnc. (CFA) Software, Addison, lllinois for the purchase of fleet management software program not to exceed 514,080. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

j. Approval: Authorizing the Execution of a Landscape Design Agreement for the Jim Hansen Renovation Project - Wight & Company, Darien, lL

Kim Wascher reported that this item was last discussed with the Board at February 27,20L7 Capital Budget Workshop. Wight & Company had worked with staff creating the Parks Needs Analysis Plan approved by the Village Board in FY 201-7. The plan included a replacement schedule tool which included Jim Hansen Park. Services include: project understanding & programming; conceptual & schematic design; design development; construction document; permitting; bidding and negotiation; and construction. Staff will work with Wight & Company throughout the process to ensure their services come in at or below costs. Wight & Company has a thorough understanding of the park system after completing the Parks Needs Analysis.

A motion made by Trustee Guess was seconded by Trustee Lieser to authorize the execution of a Landscape Design Agreement for the Jim Hansen Park Renovation Project not to exceed $27,000 with Wight & Company, Darien, lL. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried.

k. Approval: Accepting the Bid and Authorizing the Execution Contractors Agreement for Asbestos Abatement at 146-148 of West an lndependent Spring Street- Valor Technologies Inc., Bolingbrook, lL

Kim Wascher reported that this item was last discussed at the Capital Budget Workshop on February 27,2017. Midwest Environmental has been contracted to perform asbestos project management and air quality testing for the buildings owned by the Village located at 146-148 W, Spring Street. The company solicited bids from three companies to complete the asbestos abatement work. Results are as follows: Valor Technologies, lnc. - $21,200; Cove Remediation, LLC - $32,700 and Kinsale Contracting Group, lnc. $34,980. Midwest Environmental has worked with Valor Technologies, lnc. on similar projects and received positive feedback. The original cost estimate for this portion of the project was $30,000; the from $21,200 Valor Technologies, lnc. is a cost savings of $8,800. President Ward asked how soon the work will begin. Kim Wascher replied that work will start on May 3'd. President Ward mentioned that it will be completed by Riverfest.

A motion made by Trustee Sweet was seconded by Trustee Kolodziej to authorize the execution of an lndependent Contractor's Agreement with Valor Technologies, lnc., Bolingbrook, lL for the asbestos abatement at 146-148 W. Spring Street for a cost of SzL,zoo. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried

l. Ordinance: Amending the Stop lntersection at Spruce Street and Woodbury Street

Jerry Krawczyk reported that staff directed Baxter & Woodman to investigate the corners of Spruce Street and Woodbury Street to determine if additional stop signs were warranted for the intersection due to numerous complaints. Existing traffic control consists of a stop sign at the north leg of Woodbury Street for southbound traffic only. Northbound traffic travels through the intersection without stopping or yielding. The east leg of Spruce Street for westbound traffic has a "Through Traffic Does Not Stop" sign notice. The study from Baxter & Woodman recommends the following in accordance with Section 28.07 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices:

lntersection- Spruce Street at Woodbury Street

Stop Siqn and Rioht-of-Wav- Stop sign facing westbound Woodbury Street

ln addition, Baxter & Woodman recommends removing the existing stop sign at the north leg of Woodbury Street, installing a plaque below the new stop sign on Spruce Street that reads, "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop," and attach orange flags to the stop sign for the first two or more weeks to raise awareness of the change in the stop condition at the intersection. Trustee Richmond asked what warnings will be placed in the affected area. Chief Krawczyk explained that orange flags will be placed on the sign for two weeks and an additional permanent sign will be posted "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop." Trustee Richmond suggested leaving the flags up longer; adding the longer, the better.

A motion made by Trustee Kolodziej was seconded by Trustee Guess to approve direct staff to place an ordinance amending Chapter 72-Traffic Schedules of the Code of Ordinances to add a stop sign at Spruce Street and remove the stop sign at Woodbury Street. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried. (Ord. 2017-30)

m. Approval: Authorizing the Purchase of Budgeted Laptop Computers for the Police Department

Jerry Krawczyk reported that FYL8 Police budget includes $48,000 for the purchase of HP GETAC laptop computers for police vehicles. The purchase will upgrade the current five year old HP GETAC laptop computers. A quote received from CDW-G, Vernon Hills, lllinois provides for the purchase of 17 HP GETAC laptops for $36,040. Trustee Kolodziej asked if this item is under budget. Chief Krawczyk answered that it is under budget. Trustee Lieser asked what is different between these laptops and the ones which could be purchased at Costco. Chief Krawczyk explained these are much tougher and have a touch screen. Steve Super said that the constant vibration of being in the cars affects computers. Chief Krawczyk added that these are also rated for extreme heat and cold as well.

A motion made by Trustee Kolodziej was seconded by Trustee Guess to approve the purchase of 17 HP GETAC laptops from CDW-G, Vernon Hills, lllinois at a cost not to exceed $30,040. Vote as follows:

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (5)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: Trustee Barconi (1)

Motion carried.

9. Trustee Reports

Public Works: Trustee Richmond had no report.

Administrative Services: Trustee Lieser commented that the Village website upgrade looks nice.

Police: Trustee Barconi had no report

Community Development: Trustee Kolodziej had no report.

Parks & Recreation: Trustee Guess reported that delivery of the summer 2017 brochure will take place May 1st and 2nd. Trustee Guess also reported that if residents are interested in shelter rentals, Rec to your Deck or Rapid Response Recreation information can be found on the Village's website.

Special Events: Trustee Sweet reported that the next meeting is Wednesday May 3rd at 6:30 pm at Village Hall.

10. Village President Report

Steven Ward said he is glad the election is over so we can keep doing more of the same

11. New Business

Trustee Guess said that she has seen signs that hydrant flushing will begin tomorrow. She questioned the reasoning behind doing it right now with all the rain we have had recently and flooding in people's basements. She asked that it be postponed. Mr. Gallas said it could be postponed and added that other communities are still doing it on schedule. President Ward suggested it could be halted if there is a problem.

12. Addresses from the Audience

There were none at this time

At 8:19 pm a motion made by Trustee Kolodziej to adjourn to closed session was seconded by Trustee Richmond for a discussion regarding personnel matters, pending litigation and property acquisition.

Ayes: Trustees Richmond, Lieser, Barconi, Kolodziej, Guess and Sweet (6)

Nays: (0)

Absent: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Motion carried. The meeting recessed to Closed Session.

13. Closed Session

- Pursuant to 5lLCS 120/2 (c)(1] Personnel Matters; 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(11) Pending Litigation; and 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(5) Property Acquisition

The meeting reconvened at 8:51 pm with all present as at Roll Call.


A motion made by Trustee Kolodziej to adjourn the May 1,2017 Regular Meeting was seconded by Trustee Barconi. All aye by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:51 pm.




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