Village of Campton Hills Water Resource Committee met April 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
7:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comments -- Sign up sheets are at the rear of room. Please limit remarks to 3 to 5 minutes per person and please do not repeat topics previously discussed -- total time allotted is 30 minutes.
4. Approval of meeting minutes - August 23, 2016
5. Discussion and consideration of a motion to approve priority projects for the protection or enhancement of water resources in the Village of Campton Hills and within its jurisdiction
6. Discussion and consideration of approval of reviewing resources and agency's available to offer water resources counsel to aid planning and preservation
7. Status update on the Kane County initiative
8. Additional items from Chairman, Committeemen, or Staff
9. Adjournment