Village of Campton Hills Corporate Authorities Met March 7.
Here is the agenda as provided by the Village:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comments- Sign-up sheets are at the rear of the room. Please limit remarks to 3 minutes per person and please do not repeat topics previously discussed; total time allotted is 30 minutes. Please note, questions will not be answered during this time.
5. Consent Agenda [By a single unanimous vote, called an omnibus vote, the Board may approve a number of unrelated items. There may be no discussion, but any Trustee may remove any one or more items from the Consent Agenda, whereupon that item goes on the agenda below.]
a. Motion to approve the minutes of the February 2 I, 20 I 7 Regular Meeting
b. Motion to approve payment of bills per Warrant List #I 7-21
c. Motion to advise and consent to the Village President's appointment of Silvana King to the Community Relations Committee, term expiring 3/7/20
d. Motion to approve location of bicycle safety signage
6. Police Report- February 20I 7
7. Fox Mill Update
8. Discussion and consideration of rescheduling the April4, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
9. Discussion and consideration of the Reserves rezoning and subdivision ordinance
I 0. Discussion and consideration of Employee Handbook
I I. Additional Items, Updates and Follow-up Reports from the Village President, Trustees, Village Administrator, Village Attorney or Staff
a. Newltems
b. Updates
I. Maxxam
2. Viilage Investment Policy (In process)
3. Viilage Administrator Code (In process)
4. Web Site- Transparency Project (In process- Ongoing)
5. FY 2017-18 Budget Process (In process)
6. Contcae!IAgreements Tcaeking (Complete- Ongoing)
7. Village Investment Policy (In process)
8. Fiaaaeial Alieit Reeammeaaatiaas MatriJ< (Complete - Ongoing)
9. Campton Highway District IGA (Expires June I, 2017) (In process)
10. Watershed Management Plan
c. Follow-up
1. Training Report Policy Development
2. E!RfJleyee Matrix (Complete -Ongoing)
3. Strategic Plan Goals- Review (Correlate Desired Outcomes with Budget)
4. Committee/Commission Members Handbook/Orientation
12. CLOSED SESSION: Move that the Village Board go into closed session as permitted by the Open Meetings Act to discuss one or more of the following matters:
a. Litigation that is filed and pending, or is probable or imminent. 2(c)(ll)
b. Collective negotiating matters. 2( c )(2)
c. Closed session meeting minutes. 2( c )(21)
d. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or officials, including legal counsel. 2( c)( I) & (3)
13. Adjournment