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Gail Borden library board presents emergency response system

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The Gail Borden Public Library Board of Trustees met Sept. 13 to present an emergency response system.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

Meets generally the second Tuesday of the month at 7p.m. at 270 N. Grove Ave, Elgin, IL

GAIL BORDEN PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, IL September 13, 2016

7:00 p.m.

President Bednar was physically present as well as Secretary Harkin and Trustees Gross, Kline, Kruger, Moylan, Wegman. Executive Director Medal, various members of the public, press and staff were present.

The meeting was videotaped by Ralph DeMott and Denise Raleigh.

President Bednar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Public Comment Randy Hopp commented on customer access to the computer training room, November Board meeting date change, and Executive Director compensation.

Gross motioned to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting as presented; seconded by Kruger. There was no discussion. Roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays. Kline motioned to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2016 Closed Executive Session as presented; seconded by Moylan. There was no discussion. Roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays.

Treasurer Moylan motioned to approve payment of the all the bills as presented including those over $10,000 each; seconded by Harkin. Following discussion, roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays.

Various thank you notes were received by the library, including U- 46’s Tony Sanders thanking the library for supporting the U-46 Summer Reading Camps; the Community Crisis Center for fresh vegetables from the library’s gardens; All Peoples Food Pantry for the Food for Fines donation; and the Elgin Patriotic Memorial Association for maintenance staff help with logistics for the Memorial Day Event.

Foundation Report Foundation met on September 9th and approved a $1,000 donation to the Elgin History Museum’s new project “Diaries to Prairies.” A Robot Zoo reception will be held on October 7th with tickets approximately $25 - $30 per person. The Annual Book Sale will be held September 15th thru September 18th.

Executive Director’s Report South Elgin branch statistics show over 5,600 visitors, and a total of 5,926 checkouts for the first month. Compared to last year August’s entire circulation increased 6.6% while visits to all 3 locations were up by 8%. Market Place checkouts are reported at 58% each month. A new Career Online High School program in partnership with RAILS will begin on September 20th. Hispanic Celebration was well-attended on September 10th. Executive Director Medal and U-46’s Tony Sanders presented the Summer Reading Challenge trophies to the winning schools at I-Fest. Highland School won for having the highest percentage of finishers; Sycamore Trails in Bartlett had the best improved number of finishers. The adult summer reading challenge saw a 195% increase with over 700 adults participating. The Elgin Garden Club donated a Burr Oak tree that was planted on the west side lawn at the Main Library. A $10,000 grant from Comcast was awarded to the library to be used to fund basic technology classes. A workshop for anyone interested in becoming a Library Board Trustee will be held on October 13th at 6:30pm in the Elgin Room. Executive Director Medal will moderate the panel which will include attorneys from Ancel Glink, President Bednar, and Trustee Kline.

John Shales gave a presentation on “BluePoint Alert Solutions” a rapid emergency response system. Similar to the fire alarm system, Blue Point is immediate communication to the police. The system uses strobe lights, a public announcement and/or phone system to inform staff and customers of an emergency.

Kruger motioned to approve the 2016-2017 Working Budget as presented; seconded by Gross. Following discussion, roll call resulted in 6 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Moylan), and 1 nay (Wegman).

Moylan motioned to approve Ordinance 2016-9-1: Budget and Appropriation as presented; seconded by Kline. There was no discussion. Roll call resulted in 6 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Moylan), and 1 nay (Wegman).

Gross motioned to approve Resolution 2016-9-A, giving permission to prepare the Levy Determination; seconded by Kruger. There was no discussion. Roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays.

The library’s health insurance renewal date is September 15th. Due to the increase of Blue Cross Insurance premiums, a decision was made to change carriers to United Health Care. This change saves money for the library and staff with very similar coverage. There was also a small increase in the Dental premiums.

Moylan motioned to approve the Personnel Policy Change – Bereavement Leave as presented; seconded by Kline. Following discussion, roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays.

President Bednar asked for a motion adding 5 additional vacation days to the approved August 9, 2016 agreed upon 2% raise and $1,000 bonus for the Executive Director. Harkin made the motion; seconded by Gross. Following a discussion regarding the addition of 5 vacation days, Harkin changed her motion to ratify the 2% increase and $1,000 bonus for the Executive Director and not to include the 5 additional vacation days. Gross amended his original 2nd to also exclude the 5 additional vacation days. Following further discussion roll call resulted in 6 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Moylan), and 1 nay (Wegman). Moylan motioned to place the 5 additional vacation days for the Executive Director on the October 11th agenda; seconded by Gross.

Kruger motioned to change the November Board meeting date from Election Day to Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.; seconded by Moylan. Following discussion, roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays.

Kruger motioned to approve the Security Report as presented; seconded by Kline. Following discussion, roll call resulted in 7 ayes (Bednar, Gross, Harkin, Kline, Kruger, Wegman), and 0 nays.

Other The availability of restrooms for transgender individuals, both customers and staff was discussed. It was noted that all 3 facilities have family washrooms and staff have a unisex bathroom with shower available at the Main Library. The Annual Book Sale begins Thursday, September 15th with a $10 Preview Night and will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Kruger motioned to adjourn; seconded by Harkin. A voice vote indicated no nays.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm

Approved October 11, 2016

a/k/a Patricia Harkin, Secretary Gail Borden Public Library District Board of Trustees