
Kane County Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Batavia Public Library Finance Committee discusses 2016-17 working budget

Webp budget 03

At a recent meeting, the Batavia Public Library District Board's Standing Committee on Finance discussed its 2016-17 working budget.


Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the committee.

Agenda Item # 4

w w w. B a t a v i a P u b l i c L i b r a r y. o r g

10 South Batavia Avenue • Batavia, IL 60510-2449 • (630) 879-1393 • FAX (630) 879-9118


Standing Committee on Finance ? Board of Trustees ? Batavia Public Library District

Special Meeting

Thursday ? 5 May 2016

1. Call to Order

Trustee Von Lunen called the meeting to order at 7:23 p.m. in the Elizabeth L. Hall Conference

Room of the Batavia Public Library.

2. Call the Roll

Committee Members Present: Andrew R. Deitchman, Douglas S. Sullivan, and J. Thomas VonLunen

Committee Members Absent: None

Other Trustees Present: None

Staff Members Present: Director George H. Scheetz, H. Joseph McKane, Leandra E. Pottle,and Joanne C. Zillman

Visitors Present: None

3. Approve the Agenda

Trustee Von Lunen asked whether there were any changes to the agenda.

Motion by Trustee Deitchman to approve the agenda, as presented. Seconded by Trustee

Sullivan. All: Aye. The motion carried.

4. Approve the Minutes: Special Meeting, Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Trustee Von Lunen asked whether there were any changes to the minutes.

Motion by Trustee Sullivan to approve the minutes of the special meeting, as presented.

Seconded by Trustee Deitchman. All: Aye. The motion carried.

5. Group Medical Insurance

Trustee Von Lunen stated that the purpose of this agenda item was to recommend a groupmedical insurance plan for the Batavia Public Library for the year beginning 1 June 2016, asfollows:—


? Maintain the three current plan options with the current provider (BlueCross BlueShield

of Illinois).

? Change the in-network deductible (for the BlueChoice Select and BluePrint PPO plan

options) from $250 to $500.

Director Scheetz noted that the Library received renewal information on its group medical

insurance plans from the Buttrey-Wulff-Mamminga Agency. The total “health renewal premiumchange” percentage for the Library is +10.93 (overall) effective 1 June 2015.In response to a question from Trustee Von Lunen, discussion followed on the in-networkdeductible.

Director Scheetz noted that, without the change to the in-network deductible, the total “healthrenewal premium change” percentage for the Library (+15.32%) was untenable.

Discussion ensued on a variety of topics, including contribution rates, the taxes and fees

established by the Affordable Care Act, and the impact on the Library’s budget for insurance ofall kinds.

Motion by Trustee Sullivan to recommend that the Board of Library Trustees approve the groupmedical insurance plan, as presented. Seconded by Trustee Deitchman. All: Aye. The motioncarried.

The Committee requested that Director Scheetz place this item on the Consent Agenda.

6. Working Budget for 2016–2017

As the process of preparing next year’s budget begins on the staff level, Director Scheetz and H.Joseph McKane, the Library Accountant / Finance Specialist, requested a review and/oraffirmation of the following guidelines:—

? Books and Other Materials: Budget at least 12% of the operating budget for books and

other materials—Note: The 2014 standards include the following statement: “The library

spends a minimum of 12 percent of its operating budget on materials for patrons.”

(Collection Management and Resource-Sharing Standard 1).

The consensus of the Committee was to budget 12% of the operating budget for books

and other materials.

In response to a comment by Trustee Sullivan, discussion followed on a recent article in

the Daily Herald (“Did your library increase spending on books or staff?” by Jake

Griffin, Wednesday, 27 April 2016).

? Salary Issues: Budget a “salary pool” in the range of 2.0% to 3.5% of the expenditure line

for salaries (in the Working Budget for 2016–2017) for merit pay, contingent upon

available revenue

The consensus of the Committee was to budget a “salary pool” in the proposed range,

contingent upon available revenue.

? Personnel Complement: Present options for additional staff positions and/or hours,

contingent upon available revenue


In response to a question from Trustee Von Lunen, discussion followed on the Library’s

personnel complement, the need for additional staff members, and whether changes were


The consensus of the Committee supported this guideline.

? Reserve Funds: Budget 2.0% of the revenues in the Library Fund for the Special ReserveFund

In response to a question from Trustee Sullivan, discussion followed on the 2.0%

guideline in comparison to the actual amount transferred to the Special Reserve Fund

each year.

The consensus of the Committee supported this guideline.

? Overall: Make a good faith effort to control expenditures and improve revenues without

diminishing the overall quality of service

The consensus of the Committee supported this guideline.

In response to a question from Trustee Von Lunen, discussion followed on sources of revenue.

Director Scheetz asked whether the Committee would like to add any other guidelines. Therewere no additional guidelines.

Director Scheetz stated he and the Finance Manager would prepare that the Working Budget inaccordance with these guidelines (summarized below).

Director Scheetz reminded the Committee that the Working Budget for 2016–2017 was subjectto revision (and recommendation of approval to the Board of Library Trustees) by the StandingCommittee on Finance, as well as final approval by the Board of Library Trustees (in June).

In summary, the consensus of the Committee was as follows:—

? Books and Other Materials: Budget at least 12% of the operating budget for books andother materials—Note: The 2014 standards include the following statement: “The libraryspends a minimum of 12 percent of its operating budget on materials for patrons.”

(Collection Management and Resource-Sharing Standard 1).

? Salary Issues: Budget a “salary pool” in the range of 2.0% to 3.5% of the expenditureline for salaries (in the Working Budget for 2016–2017) for merit pay, contingent uponavailable revenue

? Personnel Complement: Present options for additional staff positions and/or hours,contingent upon available revenue

? Reserve Funds: Budget 2.0% of the revenues in the Library Fund for the Special

Reserve Fund

? Overall: Make a good faith effort to control expenditures and improve revenues without

diminishing the overall quality of service

No further action is required by the Board of Library Trustees, which will take action on the

Working Budget in June.


7. Future Agenda Items

Director Scheetz reported that a list of future agenda items was included in the Committee packetfor purposes of information and planning.

8. Comments from the Committee

There were no additional comments from the Committee.

9. Next Meetings or Events

a. 150th Anniversary of Library Service in Batavia (1866–2016), January–December 2016 —

Theme: “A new story… 150 years in the making”

b. Children’s Book Week (98th Annual Observance), Monday–Sunday, 2–8 May 2016 — “Agreat nation is a reading nation.”—Melcher [Note: Effective 2015, permanent change tostart on Monday of the 1st full week in May.]

c. Board of Library Trustees (Regular Meeting), Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 7:00 p.m., Elizabeth L.

Hall Conference Room, Batavia Public Library

d. Sunday before Memorial Day, Sunday, 29 May 2016, Library Closed

e. Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Monday, 30 May 2016, Library Closed

f. Summer Library Hours on Sunday Begin (1:00–4:00 p.m.), Sunday, 5 June 2016

g. Standing Committee on Finance, Tuesday, 7 June 2016, 7:00 PM (or immediately

following the Standing Committee on Facilities), Elizabeth L. Hall Conference Room,

Batavia Public Library

h. Board of Library Trustees (Regular Meeting), Tuesday, 21 June 2016, 7:00 p.m., Elizabeth L.

Hall Conference Room, Batavia Public Library

i. ALA Annual Conference (Orlando), Thursday–Tuesday, 23–28 June 2016

j. Independence Day, Monday, 4 July 2016, Library Closed

k. Standing Committee on Finance, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 — No Meeting

l. Board of Library Trustees (Regular Meeting), Tuesday, 19 July 2016, 7:00 p.m., Elizabeth L.

Hall Conference Room, Batavia Public Library

m. Standing Committee on Finance, Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 7:00 PM (or immediately

following the Standing Committee on Facilities), Elizabeth L. Hall Conference Room,

Batavia Public Library

n. Board of Library Trustees (Regular Meeting), Tuesday, 16 August 2016, 7:00 p.m., Elizabeth

L. Hall Conference Room, Batavia Public Library

o. Staff Development Day (4th Friday in August), Friday, 26 August 2016, Library Closed

p. Library Card Sign-Up Month, September 2016 — launched in 1987 as a national campaign:

“every child should obtain a library card”

q. Sunday before Labor Day, Sunday, 4 September 2016, Library Closed

r. Labor Day (1st Monday in September), Monday, 5 September 2016, Library Closed


s. Standing Committee on Finance, Tuesday, 6 September 2016, 7:00 PM (or immediately

following the Standing Committee on Facilities), Elizabeth L. Hall Conference Room,

Batavia Public Library

t. Regular Library Hours on Sunday Begin (12:00 noon–5:00 p.m.) (Sunday after Labor Day),

Sunday, 11 September 2016

u. Board of Library Trustees (Regular Meeting), Tuesday, 20 September 2016, 7:00 p.m.,

Elizabeth L. Hall Conference Room, Batavia Public Library

10. Adjournment

Motion by Trustee Sullivan to adjourn the special meeting. Seconded by Trustee Deitchman. All:

Aye. The motion carried.

Trustee Von Lunen declared the meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

George H. Scheetz
