Anaïs Bowring, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
Anaïs Bowring, 1st Ward Alderman | City of Geneva
City of Geneva Committee of the Whole met Feb. 18
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Elected Officials Present: Mayor Burns, Ald. Bowring, Ald. Bruno, Ald. Kilburg, Ald. Kosirog, Ald. Malecki, Ald. Mayer, Ald. Paschke, Ald. Swanson, Clerk Kellick.
Elected Officials Attending by Teleconference: None.
Elected Officials Absent: Ald. Hruby, Ald. Marks.
Others Present: Asst. City Admin. McCready, City Attny. Sandack, Supt. Van Gyseghem, Dir. Babica, Chief Antenore.
Others attending by video or teleconference: None.
Call to Order
Ald. Malecki serving as chair, called the meeting to order at 8:44 PM noting all council members were present save for Ald. Hruby and Ald. Marks.
Approve Committee of the Whole Minutes from January 21, 2025
Moved by Ald. Bowring, seconded by Ald. Kosirog.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 8-0.
Items of Business
Consider Draft Ordinance Amending Title 3 (Boards and Commissions), Chapter 4 (Board of Fire and Police Commissioners), Section 3 (Application Fee) and Section 4 (Emergency Medical Technician Licensure Required).
Moved by Ald. Paschke, seconded by Ald. Bowring.
On a question by Ald. Kosirog, Chief Antenore explained that there is intense competition in the area for firefighters and paramedics. Requiring that firefighters be licensed paramedics at the time of hiring is more restrictive than the competition. If a candidate is in paramedic school, the City requests that it hire the candidate as a firefighter and let the candidate finish school. When candidates are more plentiful, the City can return to requiring that firefighters be licensed paramedics at the time of hire.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 8-0.
Consider Draft Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Replacement Computers from Saitech, Inc. in the Amount of $126,004.00.
Moved by Ald. Bowring, seconded by Ald. Bruno.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 8-0.
Consider Draft Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Negotiate Temporary Construction Easements for Certain Properties for the Purpose of Replacing Lead and Galvanized Water Services Contingent Upon Review by the City Attorney.
Moved by Ald. Bruno, seconded by Ald. Paschke.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 8-0.
Consider Draft Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Dahme Mechanical Industries, Inc. for Wastewater Plant Waste Activated Sludge Pump Replacement for a Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of $54,876.80.
Moved by Ald. Bowring, seconded by Ald. Mayer.
MOTION CARRIED by voice vote 8-0.
Public Comment
New Business
On a motion by Ald. Kilburg, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous voice vote at 8:56 PM.