Village President Liquor Commissioner Mike Reid, Jr. | Facebook
Village President Liquor Commissioner Mike Reid, Jr. | Facebook
Village of Hampshire Village Board met Dec. 5
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
Village Clerk Karen Stuehler called to order the Village Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Village of Hampshire Village Board Room, 234 S. State Street, on Thursday, December 5, 2024.
2. Roll Call by Village Clerk, Karen Stuehler:
Present: Trustee Fodor, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Koth, Trustee Lionel Mott, Trustee Pollastrini, Trustee Robinson.
Absent: Village President Michael J. Reid, Jr., Assistant Village Manager for Development Mo Khan
A Quorum was Established.
Others Present: Village Manager Jay Hedges, Village Clerk Karen Stuehler, Chief Pann, Village Attorney James Vasselli. Finance Director Lori Lyons and Tim Paulson from EEI joined remotely.
Village Clerk, Karen Stuehler requested a motion to appoint Trustee Koth as President Pro Tem.
Trustee Kelly moved to appoint Trustee Koth as President pro Tem.
Seconded by: Trustee Robinson.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly Koth, Mott, Pollastrini.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: Robinson.
Motion Approved.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
President Pro Tem Koth led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Public Comments
5. A Motion to Approve the Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2024.
Trustee Robinson moved to approve the Meeting Minutes with corrections from November 21,2024.
Seconded by: Trustee Fodor.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly Koth, Mott, Pollastrini.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: Robinson.
Motion Approved.
6. Swearing in of Officer Joseph Tiedel by Chief Pann.
7. Village Manager’s Report
a. A Motion to Approve Ordinance 24-42 the Annexation of the Property Located at the Southeast corner of U.S. Route 20 and Interstate 90 commonly known as the Ziegler Land.
Trustee Robinson moved to approve Ordinance 24-42 the Annexation of the Property Located at the Southeast corner of U.S. Route 20 and Interstate 90 commonly known as the Ziegler Land.
Seconded by: Trustee Mott.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
b. A Motion to Approve Ordinance 24-43 Approving a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of the Property Located at the Southeast corner of U.S. 20 and Interstate 90 commonly known as the Ziegler land from E-1, Estate, District to M-2, General Industrial District.
Trustee Fodor moved to Approve Ordinance 24-43 Approving a Map Amendment (Rezoning) of the Property Located at the Southeast corner of U.S. 20 and Interstate 90 commonly known as the Ziegler land from E-1, Estate, District to M-2, General Industrial District.
Seconded by: Trustee Robinson.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
c. A Motion to Approve Ordinance 24-44 Approving a Text Amendment to Sec. 6-9-3-C of the Hampshire Zoning Ordinance to permit Automobile Sales Lot as a Special Use in the M-2, General Industrial, District.
Trustee Kelly moved to approve Ordinance 24-44 Approving a Text Amendment to Sec. 6-9-3-C of the Hampshire Zoning Ordinance to permit Automobile Sales Lot as a Special Use in the M-2, General Industrial, District.
Seconded by: Trustee Fodor.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
d. A Motion to Approve Ordinance 24-45 Approving a Special Use for 167 Flannigan Rd. to permit an Automobile Sales Lot.
Trustee Fodor moved to Approve Ordinance 24-45 Approving a Special Use for 167 Flannigan Rd. to permit an Automobile Sales Lot.
Seconded by: Trustee Kelly.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
e. A Motion to Approve Ordinance 24-46 Authorizing Renewal of Aggregation Program for Electrical Load.
Trustee Robinson moved Approve Ordinance 24-46 Authorizing Renewal of Aggregation Program for Electrical Load.
Seconded by: Trustee Pollastrini.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Koth, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: Fodor, Kelly, Mott.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Failed.
f. A Motion to Approve Resolution 24-46 Authorizing Participation as a Member in the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System Response.
Trustee Kelly moved to Approve Resolution 24-46 Authorizing Participation as a Member in the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System Response.
Seconded by: Trustee Mott.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
g. A Motion to Approve Resolution 24-47 Authorizing Expenditure for Snowplow Truck Upfit in the Amount not to exceed $130,748.
Trustee Fodor moved to approve Resolution 24-47 Authorizing Expenditure for Snowplow Truck Upfit in the Amount not to exceed $130,748.
Seconded by: Robinson.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
h. A Motion to Approve Resolution 24-48 Awarding Bid for Wastewater Treatment Facility Ultraviolet (UV) System Replacement Project to Boiler Construction Company in the Amount not to Exceed $596,293.
Trustee Mott moved to approve Resolution 24-48 Awarding Bid for Wastewater Treatment Facility Ultraviolet (UV) System Replacement Project to Boiler Construction Company in the Amount not to Exceed $596,293.
Seconded by: Trustee Fodor.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
i. A Motion to Approve Resolution 24-49 Approving Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for Construction Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Facility Ultraviolet (UV) system Replacement Project in the Amount to not Exceed $34,718.
Trustee Robinson moved to Approve Resolution 24-49 Approving Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for Construction Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Facility Ultraviolet (UV) system Replacement Project in the Amount to not Exceed $34,718.
Seconded by: Mott .
All Call Vote:
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
j. Lori Lyons gave a presentation on Special Service Area Tax Levies.
8. Staff Reports
a. Building Report:
Trustee Fodor inquired how many permits were issued within the year.
Village Manager, Jay Hedges responded that approximately 300 permits have been issued.
b. Engineering Report:
9. Accounts Payable
a. A Motion to Approve December 5, 2024, Account Payable to Personnel in the amount of $1,048.83.
Trustee Kelly moved to Approve December 5, 2024, Account Payable to Personnel in the amount of $1,048.83.
Seconded by: Trustee Mott.
Roll Call Vote.
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Motion Approved.
b. A Motion to Approve December 5, 2024, Regular Accounts Payable in the amount of $132,237.08.
Trustee Kelly moved to Approve December 5, 2024, Regular Accounts Payable in the amount of $132,237.08.
Seconded by: Trustee Robinson.
Roll Call Vote.
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Motion Approved.
10. Village Board Committee Reports
a. Business Development Commission
Trustee Kelly reported that there will be a meeting on December 11, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall.
11. New Business
No discussion.
12. Announcements
It was asked if there could be some communication put in the Newsletter as a friendly reminder to have residents check their electricity rates and compare them to Com Ed. It was brought to our attention that 14% of our residents are paying higher rates with other companies.
Village Manager Jay Hedges would like to remind everyone of the Jingle Fest Parade on Saturday December 7 from 5-6 p.m.
13. Executive Session
No discussion.
14. Adjournment
Trustee Kelly moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.
Seconded by: Trustee Robinson.
All Call Vote.
Ayes: Fodor, Kelly, Koth, Mott, Pollastrini, Robinson.
Nayes: None.
Absent: None.
Motion Approved.