Anita Lewis, County Board Member - District 3 | Kane County
Anita Lewis, County Board Member - District 3 | Kane County
Kane County Agriculture Committee met Nov. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
KENYON, Roth, Allan, Juby, Lenert, Sanchez, Williams, ex-officios Pierog (County Chair) and Tepe (County Vice Chair)
1. Call To Order
Chairman Kenyon called today's meeting to order at 10:33 AM.
2. Roll Call
PRESENT Board Member Michael Kenyon
Board Member Bill Roth
Board Member Deborah Allan
Board Member Leslie Juby
Board Member Bill Lenert
Board Member Jarett Sanchez
Board Member Rick Williams
ABSENT Ex-Officio County Board Chair Corinne M. Pierog
Ex-Officio County Board Vice Chair Vern Tepe
Also present: Co. Bd. members Linder, Molina*; KCFB Mgr. Arnold; Dev. Dir. VanKerkhoff and staff Tansley, Thavong, McKenna, Castro; Environ. & Water Res. Dir. Wollnik; Food & Farm Consultant Janice Hill; Agriculture and Food Consultant Ellen Kamps; ASA Spec. Shepro; ITD staff Peters; and members of the press and public, including Kane County Farm Bureau President, Joe White.
3. Remote Attendance Requests
There were no remote attendance requests for today's meeting.
4. Approval of Minutes: October 17, 2024
MOVER: Bill Roth
5. Public Comment
6. Partners
A. Kane County Farm Bureau Updates (Steve Arnold, Manager)
KCFB Mgr., Arnold, announced that David Rodriguez of Elgin was the winner of the 1947 Vintage Dodge Truck Raffle. A 1948 Willys-Overland Jeep Pick-Up Truck will be raffled off in October 2025 to raise money for scholarships through the Kane County Farm Bureau. Arnold stated that the Farm Bureau Foundation has approved over $50K for college scholarships and agriculture literacy programs for 2025. The award also established a recurring scholarship for the most outstanding High School Senior who will receive $5K in their first year of college. If the student maintains an agriculture field of study and a 3.0 GPA, they will receive an additional $2,500 for the second, third, and fourth year. The Illinois Farm Bureau Annual meeting will be held in Chicago from December 7-10 to discuss several resolutions including topics on regenerative agriculture, vocational education, solar and wind energy, and farmland ownership. Lastly, effectively January 1, 2025, the Country Mutual Insurance Company, which is an affiliate of the Illinois Farm Bureau, is changing its membership and eligibility rules. Kane County Farm Bureau members and non-farm bureau members with only farm related policies will be eligible to purchase products for their property.
7. Presentations/Announcements
A. Master Urban Farmer Training Field Day Recap (Matt Tansley, Planner)
Dev. Dir. Planner, Tansley, provided an update on the Master Urban Farmer Training Field Day (MUFTP). (Committee Member Allan arrived at 11:00 a.m.) He stated that the University of Illinois Extension (U of I) organized a field day as part of the Urban Farmer Training Program. Extension's Small Farms Educator recruited Barbic Farms of Wayne, Illinois to lead the MUFTP on a tour and share growing methods and lessons. The Barbic Farms is an urban and micro farm with a production area of 0.5 acres. The farm is owned and operated by a veteran, Mike Barbic, and launched it in 2022. Tansley shared several pictures from the farm field day event. Tansley addressed questions and comments from the Committee. Much discussion ensued.
B. Healthy Farm Families: Child Care and Health in Farm Planning (Janice Hill, Consultant; Ellen Kamps, Consultant / Project Manager)
Food & Farm Consultant and Land Transfer Navigator, Janice Hill, stated that Kane County was selected to participate in a nation-wide program to develop a program for county farmer land transfer issues. The goal for the Land Navigators Program is to increase the transfer of farm and ranch land to a new generation of producers. The program is catalyzing practitioners from across the country to support equitable farm and ranch transfers that work for both retiring and aspiring generations. It is a four year program and is funded by Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Hill noted that in partnership with NRCS, the American Farmland Trust has developed a multi-year, multi-faceted program to address the challenges affecting retiring landowners struggling to transfer their land and operations, and diverse, new generation of farmers and ranchers looking to access land.
Agriculture and Food Consultant, Ellen Kamps, shared information on the Healthy Farm Families: Health Care, Health Insurance, and Childcare into Whole Farm Planning Program. She stated that childcare and health insurance impact farm economic development, risk management, farm safety, and quality of life. Ohio State University and the American Farmland Trust partnered to create this curriculum to respond to those needs. Nationally, 74% of farm families experienced childcare challenges within the last five years most often due to cost and availability, followed by distance to childcare, and quality of childcare. The objectives of the curriculum is to broaden the human aspects of agricultural risk management, and increase validity and importance of health care, health insurance, and childcare as a vital component of farm viability. Lastly, Kamps noted that the curriculum provides a unique opportunity to hear from farmers on their views of childcare and health care within their community. Much discussion ensued.
8. New Business
Committee Member, Lewis, shared with the committee her recent visit to the Illinois Food Bank. She acknowledged the amazing work being done for local food pantries and schools with the assistance of the American Rescue Plan (ARPA).
9. Reports Placed On File
MOVER: Bill Roth
10. Executive Session (if needed)
11. Adjournment
MOVER: Jarett Sanchez
This meeting was adjourned at 11:29 a.m.