Corinne Pierog, County Board Chairman | Kane County
Corinne Pierog, County Board Chairman | Kane County
Kane County Agriculture Committee met Nov. 21
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
KENYON, Roth, Allan, Juby, Lenert, Sanchez, Williams, ex-officios Pierog (County Chair) and Tepe (County Vice Chair)
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Remote Attendance Requests
4. Approval of Minutes: October 17, 2024
5. Public Comment
6. Partners
A. Kane County Farm Bureau Updates (Steve Arnold, Manager)
7. Presentations/Announcements
A. Master Urban Farmer Training Field Day Recap (Matt Tansley, Planner)
B. Healthy Farm Families: Child Care and Health in Farm Planning (Janice Hill, Consultant; Ellen Kamps, Consultant / Project Manager)
8. New Business
9. Reports Placed On File
10. Executive Session (if needed)
11. Adjournment