
Kane County Reporter

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kane County American Rescue Plan Committee met May 24

Kane County American Rescue Plan Committee met May 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call To Order

Also present: Madam Chair; Co. Bd. members Berman, Roth, Kious*, Allan*, Daugherty*. SAO Office Shepro; ASA Coyle and Ford; Peters; KCHD staff Snowden; Wollnik, Environmental and Water Resources; Smith; and members of the public.

Chair Sanchez called the meeting to order at 11:07am.

PRESENT Board Member Jarett Sanchez

Board Member Michael Kenyon

Board Member Mavis Bates

Board Member Bill Lenert

Board Member Cherryl Strathmann

Board Member Clifford Surges

Board Member Vern Tepe

REMOTE Board Member Michelle Gumz

Board Member Myrna Molina

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes: April 26, 2023


MOVER: Michael Kenyon

AYE: Jarett Sanchez, Michael Kenyon, Mavis Bates, Michelle Gumz, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Cherryl Strathmann, Clifford Surges,

and Vern Tepe

4. Public Comment

Eileen McNamee, Executive Director of PADS of Elgin, addressed the Committee. She shared they are a congregate shelter and are still under the COVID19 distancing requirements. The wait list has not decreased. They have over one hundred people on the wait list. They are prioritizing veterans and families. She discussed the limited affordable housing availability in Kane County. PADS of Elgin needs to get a building to put ten to twelve units of permanent supportive housing and another structure for fifty permanent supportive housing units. They are looking to providing a winter shelter that would be open 24/7 from October to March and would not be weather restricted. PADS of Elgin are looking for funding to support these endeavors.

5. Discussion Items:

A. Program Manager Update (P. Phillips)

Peter Phillips presented a PowerPoint titled "American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Program Manager Update" that included the following information: Community Support Grants (Tranche II), Planning for June, and formally announced his resignation. B. Revenue Recoupment Projects

Chair Sanchez discussed the Revenue Recoupment Projects in the list provided in the agenda packet.

Bates stated she would like to consider using Revenue Recoupment funding for all of the Water Projects. Madam Chair discussed how the voting machines are over ten years old and some of the parts are not salvageable. She suggested taking a look into voting machines.

C. Other Committee Matters

6. New Business

A. Approving Invoices from Ernst & Young LLP for Professional Services Rendered from February 1, 2023 to February 28, 2023

Lenert asked for the Contract Management Spreadsheet.

KC Executive Committee


TO: KC Executive Committee

MOVER: Michael Kenyon

SECONDER: Bill Lenert

AYE: Jarett Sanchez, Michael Kenyon, Mavis Bates, Michelle Gumz, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, and Clifford Surges

PRESENT: Vern Tepe

ABSENT: Cherryl Strathmann

B. Authorizing the Use of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to Fund the Drainage Cost Share Consultant and Capital Project for the Kane County Environmental & Water Resources Department

Wollnik discussed the drainage projects with the Committee.

KC Executive Committee


TO: KC Executive Committee

MOVER: Mavis Bates


AYE: Jarett Sanchez, Michael Kenyon, Mavis Bates, Michelle Gumz, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Clifford Surges, and Vern Tepe

ABSENT: Cherryl Strathmann

C. Authorizing the Execution of a Grant Agreement with Northern Illinois Food Bank with Funding Allocated from State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

Hester Bury, Northern Illinois Food Bank, discussed the need for these services for the food insecure as a result of the impact of the pandemic.

KC Executive Committee


TO: KC Executive Committee

MOVER: Vern Tepe

SECONDER: Michael Kenyon

AYE: Jarett Sanchez, Michael Kenyon, Mavis Bates, Michelle Gumz, Bill Lenert, Myrna Molina, Clifford Surges, and Vern Tepe

ABSENT: Cherryl Strathmann

7. Old Business

8. Executive Session (if needed)


9. Adjournment

This meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m.
